"Trump Should Have Taken a Bullet"

They are basically conservatives with a major MYOB doctrine on sexual orientation and abortion.
They are big on 2A....but also big on Cannabis. They definitely deserve their own category.
Its like they do not care of many Prog agendas except do not pay for the results of it. And that ain't happening. Of course that may clean up a lot of stuff we do.
Trump, of course, is too stupid and arrogant to understand how appropriately and comprehensively despised he is.
Nah....he just doesn't give a shit.
Then again the left never simply disagrees.....they either approve or they hate. It's not worth trying to fix it. You can only escape the hate if you conform utterly. Therefore fuck it!
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And his talk at the event may be cancelled. I guess. Sounded like a live death threat. Oooo booo

The last thing we need today is another assassination of a President or candidate for President.

I lived through the JKK assassination and I firmly believe if Joe Biden or Donald Trump was assassinated, this nation would break apart.
If he got 2% then he did what he came to do.

Most libertarians are libertarian because they aren't Republican or Democrat. Although most seem to lean towards democrat. There isn't much ground to be gained with them.

Not from the Libertarians he won't.
So many people rely on the opinions of others.

Watch the speech you cult fucks. What are you scared of? Have you ever even watched a Trump speech? Do your thought overlords allow you?

I watch all of the rare Biden speeches.
If Donald Trump came to the Libertarian National Convention to make peace on Saturday, it could hardly have gone worse.

Within minutes of beginning speaking — and after enduring sustained jeering and boos — the former president turned on the third party, mocking its poor electoral record in presidential elections even as he appealed to them for their endorsement.

What’s the purpose of the Libertarian Party of getting 3 percent?” Trump asked the crowd, which proceeded to pelt him with jeers. “You should nominate Trump for president only if you want to win.”

When will ole’ Stumblebum be invited to speak?

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