Corporate tax rate

Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.

Set the rate to zero. That’s what a lot of them pay anyway.

Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
I'll tell you what. When we get rid of the brain dead argument that the Federal Government is supposed to take care of people, we'll start a conversation on talking about how much someone or something should pay.

Good God every civilized country in the world back to the time of the roman empire took care of the people in need. Only hate gets you to have people starve in front of you and only stupidity takes you to a position that you see anyone who wants to can get by for nothing from money from the government.

Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.

The corporate tax rate should be zero. It's a double tax on the owners and a pure job killer. You hate working people
That is ignorant on so many levels I don't even know where to start. Corporations have a liability shield for the owners, they are considered individuals when it comes to freedom of speech, they pay no social security tax on their income, they can deduct the cost of health insurance and other benefits, and yet you want them to have all these benefits for FLIPPIN FREE. Talk about freeloading.

Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.

The corporate tax rate should be zero. It's a double tax on the owners and a pure job killer. You hate working people
That is ignorant on so many levels I don't even know where to start. Corporations have a liability shield for the owners, they are considered individuals when it comes to freedom of speech, they pay no social security tax on their income, they can deduct the cost of health insurance and other benefits, and yet you want them to have all these benefits for FLIPPIN FREE. Talk about freeloading.

No, I said money should be taxed ONCE. My God, you're a complete fucking moron.

Winston: Duh, dar, kaz, if it's taxed twice now and you remove one of those taxes, it isn't taxed at all!

Fucking loon propagandist. The only thing that's funny about you is that you're Winston and you're a total Big Brother supporter
The double tax shit is absolutely stupid. You pick up your paycheck. You paid taxes and you go to the grocery store with what's left, you paid taxes again. Damn, DOUBLE TAX. Then you pay your power bill, damn, taxed again. DOUBLE TAX. You tell me, when the sam hell the corporation paid taxes on their damn profits? When, tell me? You get double taxed, but corporations, they don't. The don't even get double taxed on profits from foreign operations, the taxes they pay are fully deductible.

And I didn't even mention the ignorance of claiming the corporate tax rate is a job killer. How many jobs did Trump's corporate tax cut create? How much of that tax cut was spent on corporate stock buybacks? Company has a thousand dollars in profit. Corporate tax rate is, say, 40%. They could spend that thousand bucks to hire someone and it would cost them $600. Now, the corporate tax rate is 20%, they spend that thousand to hire someone it will cost them $800. You do realize that when it costs more to hire someone the chances of hiring them is less, right? Supply and demand familiar to you?
You ignorant fools have to learn to get out of your own way.
The solution is simple...send home the 20-40 million illegal wetbacks you've recruited and close the wages rise, watch blacks thrive, watch crime decrease, watch our education and healthcare systems improve, watch government spending decrease, watch you degenerates stop bitching and begging for free shit...
What else can I teach you?
Every single economists worth two shits will tell you that all those "illegal wetbacks" enhance productivity and increase wages except for low-skilled workers. A brick layer works by himself. He mixes the cement, he carries the bricks, and he lays the bricks. Then he hires an "illegal wetback" who mixes the cement and carries the brick. He spends more time doing skilled labor, is more productive, and makes more than enough extra money to pay the "illegal wetback".
Cool theory Gustavo...but fuck your personal link us to some data.
Read on dumbass
Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.

Set the rate to zero. That’s what a lot of them pay anyway.

Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
I'll tell you what. When we get rid of the brain dead argument that the Federal Government is supposed to take care of people, we'll start a conversation on talking about how much someone or something should pay.

Good God every civilized country in the world back to the time of the roman empire took care of the people in need. Only hate gets you to have people starve in front of you and only stupidity takes you to a position that you see anyone who wants to can get by for nothing from money from the government.

Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.

The corporate tax rate should be zero. It's a double tax on the owners and a pure job killer. You hate working people
That is ignorant on so many levels I don't even know where to start. Corporations have a liability shield for the owners, they are considered individuals when it comes to freedom of speech, they pay no social security tax on their income, they can deduct the cost of health insurance and other benefits, and yet you want them to have all these benefits for FLIPPIN FREE. Talk about freeloading.

Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.

The corporate tax rate should be zero. It's a double tax on the owners and a pure job killer. You hate working people
That is ignorant on so many levels I don't even know where to start. Corporations have a liability shield for the owners, they are considered individuals when it comes to freedom of speech, they pay no social security tax on their income, they can deduct the cost of health insurance and other benefits, and yet you want them to have all these benefits for FLIPPIN FREE. Talk about freeloading.

No, I said money should be taxed ONCE. My God, you're a complete fucking moron.

Winston: Duh, dar, kaz, if it's taxed twice now and you remove one of those taxes, it isn't taxed at all!

Fucking loon propagandist. The only thing that's funny about you is that you're Winston and you're a total Big Brother supporter
The double tax shit is absolutely stupid. You pick up your paycheck. You paid taxes and you go to the grocery store with what's left, you paid taxes again. Damn, DOUBLE TAX. Then you pay your power bill, damn, taxed again. DOUBLE TAX. You tell me, when the sam hell the corporation paid taxes on their damn profits? When, tell me? You get double taxed, but corporations, they don't. The don't even get double taxed on profits from foreign operations, the taxes they pay are fully deductible.

And I didn't even mention the ignorance of claiming the corporate tax rate is a job killer. How many jobs did Trump's corporate tax cut create? How much of that tax cut was spent on corporate stock buybacks? Company has a thousand dollars in profit. Corporate tax rate is, say, 40%. They could spend that thousand bucks to hire someone and it would cost them $600. Now, the corporate tax rate is 20%, they spend that thousand to hire someone it will cost them $800. You do realize that when it costs more to hire someone the chances of hiring them is less, right? Supply and demand familiar to you?
You ignorant fools have to learn to get out of your own way.
The solution is simple...send home the 20-40 million illegal wetbacks you've recruited and close the wages rise, watch blacks thrive, watch crime decrease, watch our education and healthcare systems improve, watch government spending decrease, watch you degenerates stop bitching and begging for free shit...
What else can I teach you?
Every single economists worth two shits will tell you that all those "illegal wetbacks" enhance productivity and increase wages except for low-skilled workers. A brick layer works by himself. He mixes the cement, he carries the bricks, and he lays the bricks. Then he hires an "illegal wetback" who mixes the cement and carries the brick. He spends more time doing skilled labor, is more productive, and makes more than enough extra money to pay the "illegal wetback".
Cool theory Gustavo...but fuck your personal link us to some data.
Read on dumbass
Come on us that America is a better with illegal beaners.....GO!
Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.

Set the rate to zero. That’s what a lot of them pay anyway.

Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
I'll tell you what. When we get rid of the brain dead argument that the Federal Government is supposed to take care of people, we'll start a conversation on talking about how much someone or something should pay.

Good God every civilized country in the world back to the time of the roman empire took care of the people in need. Only hate gets you to have people starve in front of you and only stupidity takes you to a position that you see anyone who wants to can get by for nothing from money from the government.

Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.

The corporate tax rate should be zero. It's a double tax on the owners and a pure job killer. You hate working people
That is ignorant on so many levels I don't even know where to start. Corporations have a liability shield for the owners, they are considered individuals when it comes to freedom of speech, they pay no social security tax on their income, they can deduct the cost of health insurance and other benefits, and yet you want them to have all these benefits for FLIPPIN FREE. Talk about freeloading.

Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.

The corporate tax rate should be zero. It's a double tax on the owners and a pure job killer. You hate working people
That is ignorant on so many levels I don't even know where to start. Corporations have a liability shield for the owners, they are considered individuals when it comes to freedom of speech, they pay no social security tax on their income, they can deduct the cost of health insurance and other benefits, and yet you want them to have all these benefits for FLIPPIN FREE. Talk about freeloading.

No, I said money should be taxed ONCE. My God, you're a complete fucking moron.

Winston: Duh, dar, kaz, if it's taxed twice now and you remove one of those taxes, it isn't taxed at all!

Fucking loon propagandist. The only thing that's funny about you is that you're Winston and you're a total Big Brother supporter
The double tax shit is absolutely stupid. You pick up your paycheck. You paid taxes and you go to the grocery store with what's left, you paid taxes again. Damn, DOUBLE TAX. Then you pay your power bill, damn, taxed again. DOUBLE TAX. You tell me, when the sam hell the corporation paid taxes on their damn profits? When, tell me? You get double taxed, but corporations, they don't. The don't even get double taxed on profits from foreign operations, the taxes they pay are fully deductible.

And I didn't even mention the ignorance of claiming the corporate tax rate is a job killer. How many jobs did Trump's corporate tax cut create? How much of that tax cut was spent on corporate stock buybacks? Company has a thousand dollars in profit. Corporate tax rate is, say, 40%. They could spend that thousand bucks to hire someone and it would cost them $600. Now, the corporate tax rate is 20%, they spend that thousand to hire someone it will cost them $800. You do realize that when it costs more to hire someone the chances of hiring them is less, right? Supply and demand familiar to you?
You ignorant fools have to learn to get out of your own way.
The solution is simple...send home the 20-40 million illegal wetbacks you've recruited and close the wages rise, watch blacks thrive, watch crime decrease, watch our education and healthcare systems improve, watch government spending decrease, watch you degenerates stop bitching and begging for free shit...
What else can I teach you?
Every single economists worth two shits will tell you that all those "illegal wetbacks" enhance productivity and increase wages except for low-skilled workers. A brick layer works by himself. He mixes the cement, he carries the bricks, and he lays the bricks. Then he hires an "illegal wetback" who mixes the cement and carries the brick. He spends more time doing skilled labor, is more productive, and makes more than enough extra money to pay the "illegal wetback".
Cool theory Gustavo...but fuck your personal link us to some data.
Read on dumbass
Come on us that America is a better with illegal beaners.....GO!
Its not the tax rate as much as the tax rate relative to other countries. If Ireland has the lowest tax rate corporations will flock to Ireland. The US needs to have a "competitive" tax rate, but not necessarily the lowest. If a corporation leaves the US for a lower tax rate country, their products should get punitive tariffs or some other tax assessment.
Its not the tax rate at all, it is what is really payed and those numbers say we can raise our corporate tax amounts and compete in the world mark
Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
I'll tell you what. When we get rid of the brain dead argument that the Federal Government is supposed to take care of people, we'll start a conversation on talking about how much someone or something should pay.

Good God every civilized country in the world back to the time of the roman empire took care of the people in need. Only hate gets you to have people starve in front of you and only stupidity takes you to a position that you see anyone who wants to can get by for nothing from money from the government.
You mean like the democrats do in CA?

If you don't contribute you are out of here. I won't let you high jack this thread.
Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
im tired of the brain dead arguments from the left where all they want to do is raise the rates without doing away with the problem.
The problem being, the duopoly are all corporatists, so they make so many expenditures, you can get out of taxes.
We need to do away with all expenditures. THATS how we fix our "tax problem" NOT by adding another million words to our multi million word tax code.
Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
im tired of the brain dead arguments from the left where all they want to do is raise the rates without doing away with the problem.
The problem being, the duopoly are all corporatists, so they make so many expenditures, you can get out of taxes.
We need to do away with all expenditures. THATS how we fix our "tax problem" NOT by adding another million words to our multi million word tax code.
Your funny, your comment is gibberish. One more time for you buddy, tax rates mean nothing, the only thing that means anything is how much they pay and that has nothing at all to do with the amount they actually pay percentage wise.. Trying to keep this simple.Tax rate is what the goofball right claims all the time is to be used as a reference to other countries. Means absolutely nothing.
Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
im tired of the brain dead arguments from the left where all they want to do is raise the rates without doing away with the problem.
The problem being, the duopoly are all corporatists, so they make so many expenditures, you can get out of taxes.
We need to do away with all expenditures. THATS how we fix our "tax problem" NOT by adding another million words to our multi million word tax code.

Agree 100%, but our gubnit also has a massive spending problem that needs to be dealt with.
Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
I'll tell you what. When we get rid of the brain dead argument that the Federal Government is supposed to take care of people, we'll start a conversation on talking about how much someone or something should pay.

Good God every civilized country in the world back to the time of the roman empire took care of the people in need. Only hate gets you to have people starve in front of you and only stupidity takes you to a position that you see anyone who wants to can get by for nothing from money from the government.

This is what I mean. Idiocy abounds with you people.

No one said anything about not caring for people. I said you clowns need to learn the roles our governments play in our society.

The Federal Government does NOT take care of people. That is the purpose of each individual State.

So, until you can have an honest conversation a this BS, then I suggest you stop with the whining that taxes are assessed on rate instead of the total amount.
Then we will do it this way for you , I won't let you high jack this thread , you contribute or you are gone. The thread is corporate taxes rates , got it.
Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.

Set the rate to zero. That’s what a lot of them pay anyway.

Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
I'll tell you what. When we get rid of the brain dead argument that the Federal Government is supposed to take care of people, we'll start a conversation on talking about how much someone or something should pay.

Good God every civilized country in the world back to the time of the roman empire took care of the people in need. Only hate gets you to have people starve in front of you and only stupidity takes you to a position that you see anyone who wants to can get by for nothing from money from the government.

Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.

The corporate tax rate should be zero. It's a double tax on the owners and a pure job killer. You hate working people
That is ignorant on so many levels I don't even know where to start. Corporations have a liability shield for the owners, they are considered individuals when it comes to freedom of speech, they pay no social security tax on their income, they can deduct the cost of health insurance and other benefits, and yet you want them to have all these benefits for FLIPPIN FREE. Talk about freeloading.

Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.

The corporate tax rate should be zero. It's a double tax on the owners and a pure job killer. You hate working people
That is ignorant on so many levels I don't even know where to start. Corporations have a liability shield for the owners, they are considered individuals when it comes to freedom of speech, they pay no social security tax on their income, they can deduct the cost of health insurance and other benefits, and yet you want them to have all these benefits for FLIPPIN FREE. Talk about freeloading.

No, I said money should be taxed ONCE. My God, you're a complete fucking moron.

Winston: Duh, dar, kaz, if it's taxed twice now and you remove one of those taxes, it isn't taxed at all!

Fucking loon propagandist. The only thing that's funny about you is that you're Winston and you're a total Big Brother supporter
The double tax shit is absolutely stupid. You pick up your paycheck. You paid taxes and you go to the grocery store with what's left, you paid taxes again. Damn, DOUBLE TAX. Then you pay your power bill, damn, taxed again. DOUBLE TAX. You tell me, when the sam hell the corporation paid taxes on their damn profits? When, tell me? You get double taxed, but corporations, they don't. The don't even get double taxed on profits from foreign operations, the taxes they pay are fully deductible.

And I didn't even mention the ignorance of claiming the corporate tax rate is a job killer. How many jobs did Trump's corporate tax cut create? How much of that tax cut was spent on corporate stock buybacks? Company has a thousand dollars in profit. Corporate tax rate is, say, 40%. They could spend that thousand bucks to hire someone and it would cost them $600. Now, the corporate tax rate is 20%, they spend that thousand to hire someone it will cost them $800. You do realize that when it costs more to hire someone the chances of hiring them is less, right? Supply and demand familiar to you?
You ignorant fools have to learn to get out of your own way.
The solution is simple...send home the 20-40 million illegal wetbacks you've recruited and close the wages rise, watch blacks thrive, watch crime decrease, watch our education and healthcare systems improve, watch government spending decrease, watch you degenerates stop bitching and begging for free shit...
What else can I teach you?
Every single economists worth two shits will tell you that all those "illegal wetbacks" enhance productivity and increase wages except for low-skilled workers. A brick layer works by himself. He mixes the cement, he carries the bricks, and he lays the bricks. Then he hires an "illegal wetback" who mixes the cement and carries the brick. He spends more time doing skilled labor, is more productive, and makes more than enough extra money to pay the "illegal wetback".
just another right wing wacko lie , illegals are a net gain for this country. If you are a bigot then Mexicans all become rapist and gang members and cost more then they contribute.
Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
You wrote..." just plane nonsense"? and then you make an obvious statement:
"brain dead arguments" about YOU!
It is pretty "plain" that you are a perfect example of brain dead!
Good God do you really think I care what people I hate think about me. You either contribute or you are out of here.
What are they deductible from? How about taxes moron. You're excused. STFU.
How hard is this to understand. Corporate taxes are applied to profits. All those costs are deducted from income before profit is determined. There is no damn "double tax". The only time double taxation occurs is when a corporation pays taxes on income and then stockholders pay taxes on dividends. But even then, usually the dividends are taxed at a special rate. And as explained to another dumbass, the corporation is one person, the shareholder is another person. You want to eliminate that type of double taxation then eliminate the corporate shield, which I am quite sure you have no clue as to what that is, and I am more than willing to allow dividends to flow tax free.
Business doesn't pay taxes on the dividends they distribute. Or the bonuses they pay to CEO's
There are two types of common corporations; C and S. Then there are LLC’s,P’s, and LLP’s.
C corps have no restriction as to number of shareholders, as S corps are, pay a corporate tax, some pay dividends which are taxed as income by its shareholders. S corps are required to pass on all income and losses to its

S corps as a rule will payout tax distributions and income distributions yet hold back cash for operations. The tax rate is based on federal and state location. The amount held back after the S Corp shareholder tax distributions and passed on income is applied to the AA account which is not subject to additional taxation because the income tax was already paid by the shareholders.

The primary difference is C Corps are taxed on net income and the shareholders are then subject to federal and state taxes on dividends received. Double taxation, follow the money.

Case in point, Tesla makes money by selling tax credits, authorized by Congress, and Bitcoin, then loses money producing cars. Again learn to read a balance sheet and income and loss statement, follow the money.

Congress controls taxation, policy, rules, and interpretation of tax codes. You elected them so don’t bitch. Accounting and CPA firms are hired to interpret existing and new laws with the intent of trying to limit overpaying taxes, in addition advising and structuring clients in such a way to minimize tax liabilities under the law.

I can go on as it regards the tax treatment of income generated overseas but it’s apparent most on this site are unwilling or incapable of understanding the crap their elected representatives dream up.
What are they deductible from? How about taxes moron. You're excused. STFU.
How hard is this to understand. Corporate taxes are applied to profits. All those costs are deducted from income before profit is determined. There is no damn "double tax". The only time double taxation occurs is when a corporation pays taxes on income and then stockholders pay taxes on dividends. But even then, usually the dividends are taxed at a special rate. And as explained to another dumbass, the corporation is one person, the shareholder is another person. You want to eliminate that type of double taxation then eliminate the corporate shield, which I am quite sure you have no clue as to what that is, and I am more than willing to allow dividends to flow tax free.
Business doesn't pay taxes on the dividends they distribute. Or the bonuses they pay to CEO's
Wrong and partially correct, the businesses pay corporate taxes on net income and if they have surplus cash beyond what is required to operate the business distribute dividends, reward to shareholders, the shareholders pay additional state and federal taxes on the distributions. CEO compensation is included in the calculation of net income as is COGS. Bonuses are deducted from net income and paid out, the recipient pays taxes. If the company does not make money it’s hard to justify borrowing money or selling treasury stock to pay bonuses.

Pension liabilities that are not current liabilities are back page items of a financial statement and in most cases have primary lien position against all assets of the corporation. Companies are required to disclose future potential pension liabilities off the balance sheet.
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Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
I'll tell you what. When we get rid of the brain dead argument that the Federal Government is supposed to take care of people, we'll start a conversation on talking about how much someone or something should pay.

Good God every civilized country in the world back to the time of the roman empire took care of the people in need. Only hate gets you to have people starve in front of you and only stupidity takes you to a position that you see anyone who wants to can get by for nothing from money from the government.
You mean like the democrats do in CA?
If you don't contribute you are out of here. I won't let you high jack this thread.
1. You posted every government since the beginning of time took care of the needy.
2. I showed you that CA a state run by democrats, is loaded with tent cities full of homeless
3. You accuse me of hijacking the thread?
4. WTF is wrong with you?
5. My point is that GOP states seem to be having fewer homeless. Why is that?
Every dollar that any corporation ears as profit eventually gets taxed.

The corporate tax rate is just a way to double dip and tax the same money twice
Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
im tired of the brain dead arguments from the left where all they want to do is raise the rates without doing away with the problem.
The problem being, the duopoly are all corporatists, so they make so many expenditures, you can get out of taxes.
We need to do away with all expenditures. THATS how we fix our "tax problem" NOT by adding another million words to our multi million word tax code.
Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
im tired of the brain dead arguments from the left where all they want to do is raise the rates without doing away with the problem.
The problem being, the duopoly are all corporatists, so they make so many expenditures, you can get out of taxes.
We need to do away with all expenditures. THATS how we fix our "tax problem" NOT by adding another million words to our multi million word tax code.
Your funny, your comment is gibberish. One more time for you buddy, tax rates mean nothing, the only thing that means anything is how much they pay and that has nothing at all to do with the amount they actually pay percentage wise.. Trying to keep this simple.Tax rate is what the goofball right claims all the time is to be used as a reference to other countries. Means absolutely nothing.
WTF is this shit?
Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.

The corporate tax rate should be zero. It's a double tax on the owners and a pure job killer. You hate working people
That is ignorant on so many levels I don't even know where to start. Corporations have a liability shield for the owners, they are considered individuals when it comes to freedom of speech, they pay no social security tax on their income, they can deduct the cost of health insurance and other benefits, and yet you want them to have all these benefits for FLIPPIN FREE. Talk about freeloading.

No, I said money should be taxed ONCE. My God, you're a complete fucking moron.

Winston: Duh, dar, kaz, if it's taxed twice now and you remove one of those taxes, it isn't taxed at all!

Fucking loon propagandist. The only thing that's funny about you is that you're Winston and you're a total Big Brother supporter
The double tax shit is absolutely stupid. You pick up your paycheck. You paid taxes and you go to the grocery store with what's left, you paid taxes again. Damn, DOUBLE TAX. Then you pay your power bill, damn, taxed again. DOUBLE TAX. You tell me, when the sam hell the corporation paid taxes on their damn profits? When, tell me? You get double taxed, but corporations, they don't. The don't even get double taxed on profits from foreign operations, the taxes they pay are fully deductible.

And I didn't even mention the ignorance of claiming the corporate tax rate is a job killer. How many jobs did Trump's corporate tax cut create? How much of that tax cut was spent on corporate stock buybacks? Company has a thousand dollars in profit. Corporate tax rate is, say, 40%. They could spend that thousand bucks to hire someone and it would cost them $600. Now, the corporate tax rate is 20%, they spend that thousand to hire someone it will cost them $800. You do realize that when it costs more to hire someone the chances of hiring them is less, right? Supply and demand familiar to you?

You and your friend start a business in your garage. You pay for the business together.

You earn $1.

The government charges tax on the $1 on the pool you and your friend created.

You split the money that's left.

The government charges you taxes on the same money again.

That's double taxation. Get your stupid shit out of here
That is like the tax on dividends. That is not applicable to the corporate tax. Plus, it is two different people. The people that is the corporation and the people that is me. The double tax argument is still STUPID. And you are still a dumbass

You don't know what you are talking about, you're just babbling. It's what happens when someone like you who knows nothing about business and you have no education or experience decides to lecture someone who has a lifetime of both.

Your doctor really enjoys you lecturing him about medicine, huh arrogant ass? Your auto repair shop is like goodie, Big Brother Winston is here to explain to us about cars again.

Can you walk on water or do you just know everything about everything, Cliff Clavin?


You and your friend start a business in your garage. You pay for the business together.

You earn $1.

The government charges tax on the $1 on the pool you and your friend created.

You split the money that's left.

The government charges you taxes on the same money again.

That's double taxation. Get your stupid shit out of here
That is like the tax on dividends. That is not applicable to the corporate tax. Plus, it is two different people. The people that is the corporation and the people that is me. The double tax argument is still STUPID. And you are still a dumbass

BTW, the corporate tax is paid by the owners of the company, who are the same people who pay taxes on dividends, you stupid government loving fuck
What are they deductible from? How about taxes moron. You're excused. STFU.
How hard is this to understand. Corporate taxes are applied to profits. All those costs are deducted from income before profit is determined. There is no damn "double tax". The only time double taxation occurs is when a corporation pays taxes on income and then stockholders pay taxes on dividends. But even then, usually the dividends are taxed at a special rate. And as explained to another dumbass, the corporation is one person, the shareholder is another person. You want to eliminate that type of double taxation then eliminate the corporate shield, which I am quite sure you have no clue as to what that is, and I am more than willing to allow dividends to flow tax free.
Business doesn't pay taxes on the dividends they distribute. Or the bonuses they pay to CEO's
How does it hurt you how much a CEO makes?

You and your friend start a business in your garage. You pay for the business together.

You earn $1.

The government charges tax on the $1 on the pool you and your friend created.

You split the money that's left.

The government charges you taxes on the same money again.

That's double taxation. Get your stupid shit out of here
That is like the tax on dividends. That is not applicable to the corporate tax. Plus, it is two different people. The people that is the corporation and the people that is me. The double tax argument is still STUPID. And you are still a dumbass
After this ignorant diatribe ^^^, you have some gall calling anyone a dumbass, Dumbass.

The Democrats are a party of Cliff Clavins. They know nothing about business, and they think that leftist lawyers know more than economists and finance people.

When he said corporate taxes and dividends are paid by different people, wow, Cliff Clavin filled the sky with his stupid ignorant shit. both are clearly paid by the owners of the company, which are clearly the SAME PEOPLE.

The shit that Cliff Clavins like Winston make up. Then there's his username when he loves Big Brother. I'd say he's confused, but he's just more a lying idiot ... Cliff Clavin ...

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