Corporate tax rate

Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
I'll tell you what. When we get rid of the brain dead argument that the Federal Government is supposed to take care of people, we'll start a conversation on talking about how much someone or something should pay.

Good God every civilized country in the world back to the time of the roman empire took care of the people in need. Only hate gets you to have people starve in front of you and only stupidity takes you to a position that you see anyone who wants to can get by for nothing from money from the government.
And therein lies the rub. Very, very few would insist the government has no role in assisting those truly in need. The definition, though, of "in need" varies, from preventing starvation and death from easily treated diseases to guaranteeing free secondary education, childcare and transportation to those who could otherwise afford it on their own. Where you are on that spectrum drives the argument you make.
If a family of 4 is making 150K, they aren't affording secondary educ and childcare, plus a house, cars, food, insurance .....
1. That depends on where they live. I live in a semi-rural area outside of Richmond, Va, and 150K here would allow you to easily afford everything on that list except maybe secondary education, and that could be handled in other ways. It's not the government's responsibility, however, to pay for things that are nice to have but too expensive for many. Like I said, there are not too many who would argue against the government staving off starvation and death.

2. Claiming a family of 4 making 150K is "in need" is not going to garner much support, I'm afraid.
I would argue that staving off starvation is not in the Federal Government's autority. That is a State issue.
First bullshit, the fed can collect and distribute money any way it wants to, anyway that is decided by the representatives and correlated by the court. Your state garbage is garbage. as far as this issue is concerned.
Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
I'll tell you what. When we get rid of the brain dead argument that the Federal Government is supposed to take care of people, we'll start a conversation on talking about how much someone or something should pay.

Good God every civilized country in the world back to the time of the roman empire took care of the people in need. Only hate gets you to have people starve in front of you and only stupidity takes you to a position that you see anyone who wants to can get by for nothing from money from the government.
You mean like the democrats do in CA?
If you don't contribute you are out of here. I won't let you high jack this thread.
1. You posted every government since the beginning of time took care of the needy.
2. I showed you that CA a state run by democrats, is loaded with tent cities full of homeless
3. You accuse me of hijacking the thread?
4. WTF is wrong with you?
5. My point is that GOP states seem to be having fewer homeless. Why is that?
I told you , I won't let you highjack my thread. You are gone and the reason I don't want to see you posts here is if they don't contribute or are in effect trying to highjack the post. Does everyone understand what I'm saying.
Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
im tired of the brain dead arguments from the left where all they want to do is raise the rates without doing away with the problem.
The problem being, the duopoly are all corporatists, so they make so many expenditures, you can get out of taxes.
We need to do away with all expenditures. THATS how we fix our "tax problem" NOT by adding another million words to our multi million word tax code.
Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
im tired of the brain dead arguments from the left where all they want to do is raise the rates without doing away with the problem.
The problem being, the duopoly are all corporatists, so they make so many expenditures, you can get out of taxes.
We need to do away with all expenditures. THATS how we fix our "tax problem" NOT by adding another million words to our multi million word tax code.
Your funny, your comment is gibberish. One more time for you buddy, tax rates mean nothing, the only thing that means anything is how much they pay and that has nothing at all to do with the amount they actually pay percentage wise.. Trying to keep this simple.Tax rate is what the goofball right claims all the time is to be used as a reference to other countries. Means absolutely nothing.
WTF is this shit?
Nothing at all for you. just move on to something you understand.
Every dollar that any corporation ears as profit eventually gets taxed.

The corporate tax rate is just a way to double dip and tax the same money twice
Well when you can claim any amount under the total
profit that you want to tax. That's the bullshit. You can take profits and distribute , you can take profits and use for ungodly Bonuses. You can take profits and expand and not pay corporate tax on it. Your double dip remark is total bullshit.
What are they deductible from? How about taxes moron. You're excused. STFU.
How hard is this to understand. Corporate taxes are applied to profits. All those costs are deducted from income before profit is determined. There is no damn "double tax". The only time double taxation occurs is when a corporation pays taxes on income and then stockholders pay taxes on dividends. But even then, usually the dividends are taxed at a special rate. And as explained to another dumbass, the corporation is one person, the shareholder is another person. You want to eliminate that type of double taxation then eliminate the corporate shield, which I am quite sure you have no clue as to what that is, and I am more than willing to allow dividends to flow tax free.
Business doesn't pay taxes on the dividends they distribute. Or the bonuses they pay to CEO's
How does it hurt you how much a CEO makes?
It should concern you! Why pay big bucks for an underperforming brown noser that ascended to the top? It also reflects the board, are they good old players or actually representing the owners, stockholders?
Investors are stupid enough that they except corporate bonus distrobution over the amount that they distrubute in divedends. Or pay CEO's Millions for a 10 dollar job. OR not being able to understand how the company they are investing in is hiding profits. To Lower expectations on Dividends.
What are they deductible from? How about taxes moron. You're excused. STFU.
How hard is this to understand. Corporate taxes are applied to profits. All those costs are deducted from income before profit is determined. There is no damn "double tax". The only time double taxation occurs is when a corporation pays taxes on income and then stockholders pay taxes on dividends. But even then, usually the dividends are taxed at a special rate. And as explained to another dumbass, the corporation is one person, the shareholder is another person. You want to eliminate that type of double taxation then eliminate the corporate shield, which I am quite sure you have no clue as to what that is, and I am more than willing to allow dividends to flow tax free.
Business doesn't pay taxes on the dividends they distribute. Or the bonuses they pay to CEO's
They do on the dividends they distribute, they don't for the bonuses they pay to CEO's. But the dividend is not a double tax, the corporation pays taxes on their income ONE TIME. And then the shareholder pays taxes on his dividend, ONE TIME, and usually at a preferential rate. Show me the double taxation.
income trust. s corporations ,pass-through entity
Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
Corporate taxes are a thinly veiled Federal sales tax. Businesses just add it to the cost of goods and services.
With a complete transfer of the amount corporations pay, added to personal tax rates then we can get rid of corporate taxation completely but I will except no amount less than the total tax amount that business pays to be transferred.
Every dollar that any corporation ears as profit eventually gets taxed.

The corporate tax rate is just a way to double dip and tax the same money twice
Well when you can claim any amount under the total
profit that you want to tax. That's the bullshit. You can take profits and distribute , you can take profits and use for ungodly Bonuses. You can take profits and expand and not pay corporate tax on it. Your double dip remark is total bullshit.

Let's limit this to C corps that are publicly traded because S corp rules are very different.

A C corp gets taxed on all of its profits even the money it pays out in dividends to shareholders then the shareholders get taxed on the dividend they receive. That is taxing the same money twice.

Dividends can only be paid if a profit is realized by the Corp. You can't for example use dividend payouts to reduce the taxable profit.

And all businesses get to use business expenses as a write off it doesn't matter what type of business it is.
What are they deductible from? How about taxes moron. You're excused. STFU.
How hard is this to understand. Corporate taxes are applied to profits. All those costs are deducted from income before profit is determined. There is no damn "double tax". The only time double taxation occurs is when a corporation pays taxes on income and then stockholders pay taxes on dividends. But even then, usually the dividends are taxed at a special rate. And as explained to another dumbass, the corporation is one person, the shareholder is another person. You want to eliminate that type of double taxation then eliminate the corporate shield, which I am quite sure you have no clue as to what that is, and I am more than willing to allow dividends to flow tax free.
Business doesn't pay taxes on the dividends they distribute. Or the bonuses they pay to CEO's
How does it hurt you how much a CEO makes?
It should concern you! Why pay big bucks for an underperforming brown noser that ascended to the top? It also reflects the board, are they good old players or actually representing the owners, stockholders?
Investors are stupid enough that they except corporate bonus distrobution over the amount that they distrubute in divedends. Or pay CEO's Millions for a 10 dollar job. OR not being able to understand how the company they are investing in is hiding profits. To Lower expectations on Dividends.
I read a lot of ignorant statements I my life but this takes thecake
Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
im tired of the brain dead arguments from the left where all they want to do is raise the rates without doing away with the problem.
The problem being, the duopoly are all corporatists, so they make so many expenditures, you can get out of taxes.
We need to do away with all expenditures. THATS how we fix our "tax problem" NOT by adding another million words to our multi million word tax code.
Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
im tired of the brain dead arguments from the left where all they want to do is raise the rates without doing away with the problem.
The problem being, the duopoly are all corporatists, so they make so many expenditures, you can get out of taxes.
We need to do away with all expenditures. THATS how we fix our "tax problem" NOT by adding another million words to our multi million word tax code.
Your funny, your comment is gibberish. One more time for you buddy, tax rates mean nothing, the only thing that means anything is how much they pay and that has nothing at all to do with the amount they actually pay percentage wise.. Trying to keep this simple.Tax rate is what the goofball right claims all the time is to be used as a reference to other countries. Means absolutely nothing.
WTF is this shit?
Nothing at all for you. just move on to something you understand.
Maybe learn to make sense, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck :thup:

You and your friend start a business in your garage. You pay for the business together.

You earn $1.

The government charges tax on the $1 on the pool you and your friend created.

You split the money that's left.

The government charges you taxes on the same money again.

That's double taxation. Get your stupid shit out of here
That is like the tax on dividends. That is not applicable to the corporate tax. Plus, it is two different people. The people that is the corporation and the people that is me. The double tax argument is still STUPID. And you are still a dumbass
After this ignorant diatribe ^^^, you have some gall calling anyone a dumbass, Dumbass.

The Democrats are a party of Cliff Clavins. They know nothing about business, and they think that leftist lawyers know more than economists and finance people.

When he said corporate taxes and dividends are paid by different people, wow, Cliff Clavin filled the sky with his stupid ignorant shit. both are clearly paid by the owners of the company, which are clearly the SAME PEOPLE.

The shit that Cliff Clavins like Winston make up. Then there's his username when he loves Big Brother. I'd say he's confused, but he's just more a lying idiot ... Cliff Clavin ...
Yes, they are different people. I mean you can't have your cake and eat it too. Corporations are considered a separate entity than the owners themselves. Part of that is called the corporate shield, hell, for some it is the primary reason to form a corporation. But then there is the whole Citizens United ruling, which made the claim that corporations were "Individuals" with a right to free speech. So, you can't call the corporation and the owners one in the same when it suits your purpose, and then turnaround and claim they are different people when it suits your purpose. Again, remove the corporate shield, put the same limit on political contributions on corporations as individuals, and hell, I am there. No corporate tax. Of course you remove the corporate shield and the stock market crash that follows will make Black Monday look like a bull market.

You're an idiot. So has your doctor taken your instruction on how medicine works, Cliff Clavin?

Cliff Clavin / Winston: Well you see, kaz, the owner of a car doesn't pay to register a car, the car pays that.

Cliff Clavin / Winston: Well you see, kaz, the owner of a house doesn't pay property taxes on a house, the house pays it.

Cliff Clavin / Winston: Well you see, kaz, you don't pay sales taxes when you buy gum, the gum pays it.

Yes, you are that big a moron
Good God Almighty but you are dense. In the case of the car. You wreck the car and hurt someone who gets sued? Why you do. You wreck a corporation and hurt someone in the process who gets sued? Why the corporation does and the only assets in jeopardy are those of the corporation, not yours. Why? Because you and the corporation are


Now STFU and go watch a Lifetime movie. You are not intelligent enough to carry on a conversation here.

You don't know what profits are, God you're stupid.

Winston: You see kaz, if you have limited liability, that means you don't have to pay bills!




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Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
I'll tell you what. When we get rid of the brain dead argument that the Federal Government is supposed to take care of people, we'll start a conversation on talking about how much someone or something should pay.

Good God every civilized country in the world back to the time of the roman empire took care of the people in need. Only hate gets you to have people starve in front of you and only stupidity takes you to a position that you see anyone who wants to can get by for nothing from money from the government.
You mean like the democrats do in CA?
If you don't contribute you are out of here. I won't let you high jack this thread.
1. You posted every government since the beginning of time took care of the needy.
2. I showed you that CA a state run by democrats, is loaded with tent cities full of homeless
3. You accuse me of hijacking the thread?
4. WTF is wrong with you?
5. My point is that GOP states seem to be having fewer homeless. Why is that?
I told you , I won't let you highjack my thread. You are gone and the reason I don't want to see you posts here is if they don't contribute or are in effect trying to highjack the post. Does everyone understand what I'm saying.
Boo fucking hoo. If you can't debate on this forum try another.
This is politics, if you can't defend democrat controlled states, don't bitch about Republicans.
Competitive Corporate tax rates are the answer. Too high and they move out of the US. Its not that complicated.
Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
im tired of the brain dead arguments from the left where all they want to do is raise the rates without doing away with the problem.
The problem being, the duopoly are all corporatists, so they make so many expenditures, you can get out of taxes.
We need to do away with all expenditures. THATS how we fix our "tax problem" NOT by adding another million words to our multi million word tax code.
Every comment on this forum that compares tax rate from country to country and suggest that's what is paid in those country's should not be allowed space on this forum/ It's not a opinion it's just a lie. That goes for every tax in this country. Personal and corporate. Allowing the rate to be the basis of a argument here is just plane nonsense. The only thing that counts is the reality of what they pay. I'm tired of the brain dead arguments from the right suggesting anything because of the rates and not the real rate they pay.
im tired of the brain dead arguments from the left where all they want to do is raise the rates without doing away with the problem.
The problem being, the duopoly are all corporatists, so they make so many expenditures, you can get out of taxes.
We need to do away with all expenditures. THATS how we fix our "tax problem" NOT by adding another million words to our multi million word tax code.
Your funny, your comment is gibberish. One more time for you buddy, tax rates mean nothing, the only thing that means anything is how much they pay and that has nothing at all to do with the amount they actually pay percentage wise.. Trying to keep this simple.Tax rate is what the goofball right claims all the time is to be used as a reference to other countries. Means absolutely nothing.
WTF is this shit?
Nothing at all for you. just move on to something you understand.
Maybe learn to make sense, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck :thup:
It's been a slice ace , You are out of here. No wasted bandwidth allowed and no trying to high jack the thread. Simple rule. Good bye
Every dollar that any corporation ears as profit eventually gets taxed.

The corporate tax rate is just a way to double dip and tax the same money twice
Well when you can claim any amount under the total
profit that you want to tax. That's the bullshit. You can take profits and distribute , you can take profits and use for ungodly Bonuses. You can take profits and expand and not pay corporate tax on it. Your double dip remark is total bullshit.

Let's limit this to C corps that are publicly traded because S corp rules are very different.

A C corp gets taxed on all of its profits even the money it pays out in dividends to shareholders then the shareholders get taxed on the dividend they receive. That is taxing the same money twice.

Dividends can only be paid if a profit is realized by the Corp. You can't for example use dividend payouts to reduce the taxable profit.

And all businesses get to use business expenses as a write off it doesn't matter what type of business it is.
Lets not limit it to something that fits one view, we will add income trust. s corporations ,pass-through entity and the point is a company can erase profits easily so it doesn't have to pay any taxes on it. That's the only point , that making the whole system bullshit and you are wrong bussines can pay dividends exceeding profits.
The ridiculous tax rate for Cap gains is for one group of people in this country,it's a free ride tax rate for the wealthy. It should be taxes as income. How much is it a free ride for the wealthy ? 1/10 of 1% get over half of the benefit. Does anything else have to be said?
Every dollar that any corporation ears as profit eventually gets taxed.

The corporate tax rate is just a way to double dip and tax the same money twice
Well when you can claim any amount under the total
profit that you want to tax. That's the bullshit. You can take profits and distribute , you can take profits and use for ungodly Bonuses. You can take profits and expand and not pay corporate tax on it. Your double dip remark is total bullshit.

Let's limit this to C corps that are publicly traded because S corp rules are very different.

A C corp gets taxed on all of its profits even the money it pays out in dividends to shareholders then the shareholders get taxed on the dividend they receive. That is taxing the same money twice.

Dividends can only be paid if a profit is realized by the Corp. You can't for example use dividend payouts to reduce the taxable profit.

And all businesses get to use business expenses as a write off it doesn't matter what type of business it is.
I am tired of this bullshit taxing the same money twice. It flippin happens all the time to normal Americans. You get your paycheck, taxes are taken out on that money. You spend it, you pay sales taxes. If anything, that IS double taxation. But the situation with corporate taxes and the tax on dividends. That is not double taxation, not even close. Now, one can make the same argument I am making concerning that sales tax but I am willing to bet a dollar to a doughnut none of you dimwits can figure out the argument. But here is thing. The corporation pays taxes on their profits. Then they distribute dividends to the owners if you like, then the owners pay taxes on the dividends, usually at a preferred rate. That is the first time the owners got hold of the money. Before that, the corporation had the money. And the corporation, and the owners, are two different entities, that is the way this fubared system is set up. You want to eliminate the corporate tax, eliminate the reality that the corporation is a separate entity from the owners. I have said time and time again, I am down with that. Then, when the corporation gets sued, and loses, you flippin owners can cough up the money for the settlement.

You and your friend start a business in your garage. You pay for the business together.

You earn $1.

The government charges tax on the $1 on the pool you and your friend created.

You split the money that's left.

The government charges you taxes on the same money again.

That's double taxation. Get your stupid shit out of here
That is like the tax on dividends. That is not applicable to the corporate tax. Plus, it is two different people. The people that is the corporation and the people that is me. The double tax argument is still STUPID. And you are still a dumbass
After this ignorant diatribe ^^^, you have some gall calling anyone a dumbass, Dumbass.

The Democrats are a party of Cliff Clavins. They know nothing about business, and they think that leftist lawyers know more than economists and finance people.

When he said corporate taxes and dividends are paid by different people, wow, Cliff Clavin filled the sky with his stupid ignorant shit. both are clearly paid by the owners of the company, which are clearly the SAME PEOPLE.

The shit that Cliff Clavins like Winston make up. Then there's his username when he loves Big Brother. I'd say he's confused, but he's just more a lying idiot ... Cliff Clavin ...
Yes, they are different people. I mean you can't have your cake and eat it too. Corporations are considered a separate entity than the owners themselves. Part of that is called the corporate shield, hell, for some it is the primary reason to form a corporation. But then there is the whole Citizens United ruling, which made the claim that corporations were "Individuals" with a right to free speech. So, you can't call the corporation and the owners one in the same when it suits your purpose, and then turnaround and claim they are different people when it suits your purpose. Again, remove the corporate shield, put the same limit on political contributions on corporations as individuals, and hell, I am there. No corporate tax. Of course you remove the corporate shield and the stock market crash that follows will make Black Monday look like a bull market.

You're an idiot. So has your doctor taken your instruction on how medicine works, Cliff Clavin?

Cliff Clavin / Winston: Well you see, kaz, the owner of a car doesn't pay to register a car, the car pays that.

Cliff Clavin / Winston: Well you see, kaz, the owner of a house doesn't pay property taxes on a house, the house pays it.

Cliff Clavin / Winston: Well you see, kaz, you don't pay sales taxes when you buy gum, the gum pays it.

Yes, you are that big a moron
Good God Almighty but you are dense. In the case of the car. You wreck the car and hurt someone who gets sued? Why you do. You wreck a corporation and hurt someone in the process who gets sued? Why the corporation does and the only assets in jeopardy are those of the corporation, not yours. Why? Because you and the corporation are


Now STFU and go watch a Lifetime movie. You are not intelligent enough to carry on a conversation here.

You don't know what profits are, God you're stupid.

Winston: You see kaz, if you have limited liability, that means you don't have to pay bills!




Limited liability means, quite simply, that only the assets of the corporation are subject to any litigation losses. It is called the corporate shield because the fact that it is a corporation, or in your example, an LLC, it "shields" the assets of the owners from losses due to litigation against the company they own. I know this well because I have made it a competitive advantage for decades. While most my competitors operate through an LLC, I refuse. I don't need the corporate shield because I am not going to screw up and get sued. And I am a pretty ripe target, which you probably have no clue as to what that means. But I can't count the times that my refusal to incorporate has resulted in me gaining the client against those chickenshit LLC's.
The ridiculous tax rate for Cap gains is for one group of people in this country,it's a free ride tax rate for the wealthy. It should be taxes as income. How much is it a free ride for the wealthy ? 1/10 of 1% get over half of the benefit. Does anything else have to be said?
You know who believed capital gains should be taxes the same as normal income? Ronald Reagan.
You know who changed capital gains taxes to a special tax rate, lower than normal income for the wealthiest Americans? Bill Clinton.
Ain't that some shit?
taxing the same money twice.
Taxes are taken out of your paycheck. At the end of the year overpayments are refunded. That refund has already been taxed, so why is it that you have to claim it as income on the following year's taxes. THAT IS CLASSIC DOUBLE TAXATION OF THE SAME MONEY.
taxing the same money twice.
Taxes are taken out of your paycheck. At the end of the year overpayments are refunded. That refund has already been taxed, so why is it that you have to claim it as income on the following year's taxes. THAT IS CLASSIC DOUBLE TAXATION OF THE SAME MONEY.
Whoa now hoss. That concerns state income taxes. You can deduct state income taxes paid from your federal taxable income. The amount you deduct is what is withheld from your paycheck. But then, when you get a refund, you do have to report that as income because in the previous year you deducted it, or could have deducted it, from your income through itemized deductions. If you take the standard deduction you don't have to claim the state income tax refund.

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