Conservatives making Texas the armpit of America


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
A once proud state is shambles and is a shell of its former self. The right wing nuts in Texas are virtue signaling themselves to death. Literally 111 people died in the winter storm because Texas wants to sell its soul to the right. But recently it’s been even worse. More infrastructure problems in electricity, healthcare nightmares, flood management problems and the list goes on. Instead of fixing problems the states leaders are in Cancun, or on TV or fighting fake culture wars. Anything but running the state of Texas.

To borrow a phrase from the great statesman Donald F Trump “Sadddd”.

Just in the last month:
  1. Power grid is FAILING for the second time - first from cold now from heat
  2. Infrastructure is failing in Texas
  3. Flood control disaster risking crops
  4. Hospital staff is more focused on conservative virtue signaling than healing and being safe
  5. Governor wants to build an unpopular wall to virtue signal rather than fixing healthcare access as communities losing their doctors
  6. No permit gun laws enacted
  7. Voting right restriction campaign
  8. Fighting racial imbalances of a skewed justice system that has nearly 80% of death row inmates

Hardly can one recognized the third world shithole Texass has become under the GOP, hell, look at Mizzouri and their GOP un-controlled state of affairs.

Texass always talked crap about California while letting their own state fall into the same state as a state that has a much higher density of humans and a higher GNP than Texass.
A once proud state is shambles and is a shell of its former self. The right wing nuts in Texas are virtue signaling themselves to death. Literally 111 people died in the winter storm because Texas wants to sell its soul to the right. But recently it’s been even worse. More infrastructure problems in electricity, healthcare nightmares, flood management problems and the list goes on. Instead of fixing problems the states leaders are in Cancun, or on TV or fighting fake culture wars. Anything but running the state of Texas.

To borrow a phrase from the great statesman Donald F Trump “Sadddd”.

Just in the last month:
  1. Power grid is FAILING for the second time - first from cold now from heat
  2. Infrastructure is failing in Texas
  3. Flood control disaster risking crops
  4. Hospital staff is more focused on conservative virtue signaling than healing and being safe
  5. Governor wants to build an unpopular wall to virtue signal rather than fixing healthcare access as communities losing their doctors
  6. No permit gun laws enacted
  7. Voting right restriction campaign
  8. Fighting racial imbalances of a skewed justice system that has nearly 80% of death row inmates

View attachment 503253
You're SO full of shit, we're gonna have to dig a hole and bury you in it!!!!
The Dementocrats have been raping, pillaging, and destroying this state MANY DECADES LONGER than any Republican!!!

You must be one of those Goatropers, a REAL, TRUE Texan KNOWS who the enemies are in this state!
Power grid is FAILING for the second time - first from cold now from heat

I live here. It's 100 degrees and I have my AC at 73....NO PROBLEMS AT ALL!!!
Infrastructure is failing in Texas
Such as?
Flood control disaster risking crops
Because of 45 straight days of rain ONLY. But, that is a very small area.
Hospital staff is more focused on conservative virtue signaling than healing and being safe
Refusing to take an experimental vax out of concern for its safety is now virtue signaling? Self-preservation = virtue signaling?
Governor wants to build an unpopular wall to virtue signal rather than fixing healthcare access as communities losing their doctors
First off, that wall may be unpopular in your neck of the woods but it is supported by a big majority of Texans. We have to live here, and NOBODY is protecting us.

Look at this shit:



That is GROUND FUCKING ZERO for all Central American illegal traffic.

No permit gun laws enacted
Why do you care? You don't live here. We do. We want it. It is VERY popular, because we have seen how it has generally REDUCED violent crime.
Voting right restriction campaign
What rights are being restricted? NONE. Liar.
Fighting racial imbalances of a skewed justice system that has nearly 80% of death row inmates
Oh, you are FUCKING WRONG about that. Hell, I am one of the people fighting to STOP that skewed system. I am one who is actively trying to prevent racial stereotypes from giving harsher punishment to certain ethnicities. Most people (right left center up down sideways) in the Texas Judiciary know that the system is skewed and have been trying to fix it for years. Quit lying.
A once proud state is shambles and is a shell of its former self. The right wing nuts in Texas are virtue signaling themselves to death. Literally 111 people died in the winter storm because Texas wants to sell its soul to the right. But recently it’s been even worse. More infrastructure problems in electricity, healthcare nightmares, flood management problems and the list goes on. Instead of fixing problems the states leaders are in Cancun, or on TV or fighting fake culture wars. Anything but running the state of Texas.

To borrow a phrase from the great statesman Donald F Trump “Sadddd”.

Just in the last month:
  1. Power grid is FAILING for the second time - first from cold now from heat
  2. Infrastructure is failing in Texas
  3. Flood control disaster risking crops
  4. Hospital staff is more focused on conservative virtue signaling than healing and being safe
  5. Governor wants to build an unpopular wall to virtue signal rather than fixing healthcare access as communities losing their doctors
  6. No permit gun laws enacted
  7. Voting right restriction campaign
  8. Fighting racial imbalances of a skewed justice system that has nearly 80% of death row inmates

View attachment 503253
You're SO full of shit, we're gonna have to dig a hole and bury you in it!!!!
The Dementocrats have been raping, pillaging, and destroying this state MANY DECADES LONGER than any Republican!!!

You must be one of those Goatropers, a REAL, TRUE Texan KNOWS who the enemies are in this state!
No links you putzer. Your opinion means as much to me as your lack of education. Come at me with something other than empty taunts. Your friend, citygator.
Most people (right left center up down sideways) in the Texas Judiciary know that the system is skewed and have been trying to fix it for years
Sounds like we agree that right wing leadership has led to an entirely unbalanced justice system. I am pleased you are part of the solution irrespective of politics.
A once proud state is shambles and is a shell of its former self. The right wing nuts in Texas are virtue signaling themselves to death. Literally 111 people died in the winter storm because Texas wants to sell its soul to the right. But recently it’s been even worse. More infrastructure problems in electricity, healthcare nightmares, flood management problems and the list goes on. Instead of fixing problems the states leaders are in Cancun, or on TV or fighting fake culture wars. Anything but running the state of Texas.

To borrow a phrase from the great statesman Donald F Trump “Sadddd”.

Just in the last month:
  1. Power grid is FAILING for the second time - first from cold now from heat
  2. Infrastructure is failing in Texas
  3. Flood control disaster risking crops
  4. Hospital staff is more focused on conservative virtue signaling than healing and being safe
  5. Governor wants to build an unpopular wall to virtue signal rather than fixing healthcare access as communities losing their doctors
  6. No permit gun laws enacted
  7. Voting right restriction campaign
  8. Fighting racial imbalances of a skewed justice system that has nearly 80% of death row inmates

View attachment 503253

Not to mention their electric company is manipulating smart thermostats and turning them up while they sleep.

Conservatives making Texas the armpit of America​

I personally have no desire to live in Texas. I have been there and did not care for it. That said, it's been the fastest growing state in the country for decades all while under Republican control. The states that are losing people and businesses are the states that your political heroes are in charge of: New York, California, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, etc., so you probably shouldn't throw stones in a glass house.

In fact, most of the fastest growing states are "red."

Until, of course, everyone like you moves there and ruins them like you did to the places you left behind. You're like a plague locusts who devour everything good in your path.

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