Doin' The Texas Sidestep


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020

Texans froze to death last winter, the Loner State impotent in accessing the nation's power grid amidst an arctic blast.

Texas deep freeze leaves millions without power, 21 dead

Texas politicians brayed that they had solved the problem - again!

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Says Power Grid Fixed

Now that power outages are threatened in sweltering heat, they play the Trump card from the bottom of the deck.

Trump to visit US border with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott

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What better way for the Guv to distract from the state's recurring, lethal energy crisis than displaying the otiose Trump, while reassuring everyone that he intends to build the wall that Trump built (according to Trump.)

Trump Claims He Has Built The Border Wall

Hot under the collar? Hey, in Texas, hot heads can now pack all the shooties they've a mind to if they get a hankerin' to blow off steam!

Yes, I am well aware that you are unable to refute any of what I have accurately documented.

Your noggin is co-opted into attempting to contrive feeble defenses of your God Emperor.
How is Trump responsible for the Texas power grid?
I don't understand your obsessive need to slander Donald Trump even when it's
inappropriate to do so.

You would think Texas was the only place in America with such problems.

Try to find what's missing in your own miserable life that causes you to ceaselessly attack
Donald Trump, Skinflap.

Texans froze to death last winter, the Loner State impotent in accessing the nation's power grid amidst an arctic blast.

Texas deep freeze leaves millions without power, 21 dead

Texas politicians brayed that they had solved the problem - again!

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Says Power Grid Fixed

Now that power outages are threatened in sweltering heat, they play the Trump card from the bottom of the deck.

Trump to visit US border with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott

What better way for the Guv to distract from the state's recurring, lethal energy crisis than displaying the otiose Trump, while reassuring everyone that he intends to build the wall that Trump built (according to Trump.)

Trump Claims He Has Built The Border Wall

Hot under the collar? Hey, in Texas, hot heads can now pack all the shooties they've a mind to if they get a hankerin' to blow off steam!

You think thousands of undocumented illegals from 75 different countries pouring into Texas every day is a DISTRACTION? You think the drug cartel running drug and human smuggling at the border is a DISTRACTION? That's what happens when you live in a bubble and you are spoon fed what you believe by CNN.

Texans froze to death last winter, the Loner State impotent in accessing the nation's power grid amidst an arctic blast.

Texas deep freeze leaves millions without power, 21 dead

Texas politicians brayed that they had solved the problem - again!

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Says Power Grid Fixed

Now that power outages are threatened in sweltering heat, they play the Trump card from the bottom of the deck.

Trump to visit US border with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott

What better way for the Guv to distract from the state's recurring, lethal energy crisis than displaying the otiose Trump, while reassuring everyone that he intends to build the wall that Trump built (according to Trump.)

Trump Claims He Has Built The Border Wall

Hot under the collar? Hey, in Texas, hot heads can now pack all the shooties they've a mind to if they get a hankerin' to blow off steam!

You think thousands of undocumented illegals from 75 different countries pouring into Texas every day is a DISTRACTION? You think the drug cartel running drug and human smuggling at the border is a DISTRACTION? That's what happens when you live in a bubble and you are spoon fed what you believe by CNN.
Biden at the G-7 and meeting with Putin was the distraction.

Texans froze to death last winter, the Loner State impotent in accessing the nation's power grid amidst an arctic blast.

Texas deep freeze leaves millions without power, 21 dead

Texas politicians brayed that they had solved the problem - again!

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Says Power Grid Fixed

Now that power outages are threatened in sweltering heat, they play the Trump card from the bottom of the deck.

Trump to visit US border with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott

What better way for the Guv to distract from the state's recurring, lethal energy crisis than displaying the otiose Trump, while reassuring everyone that he intends to build the wall that Trump built (according to Trump.)

Trump Claims He Has Built The Border Wall

Hot under the collar? Hey, in Texas, hot heads can now pack all the shooties they've a mind to if they get a hankerin' to blow off steam!

California shuts the power off to millions of people every time it gets too hot or too windy. This happens dozens of times per year. This has been going on for decades. They turn off the power to old peoples' homes when it's 110 degrees, and tell them to go to a public library so they don't die from heatstroke. This is despite the highest state income tax in the nation.
California shuts the power off to millions of people every time it gets too hot or too windy. This happens dozens of times per year. This has been going on for decades. They turn off the power to old peoples' homes when it's 110 degrees, and tell them to go to a public library so they don't die from heatstroke. This is despite the highest state income tax in the nation.
Your need to change the topic is understandable. You may wish to initiate a thread concerning whichever other states are of interest to you. Texans cannot be so easily diverted.

If you could address the documented reality of Texans freezing to death due to the failure of the energy system, the governor insisting the problem had been solved, and the current warnings regarding failures of the energy system during the heat wave, or if you would care to comment upon the governor proclaiming that he wants to build a wall on the Southern border after the Former Guy had proclaimed he had already built it, please do.

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June 17, 2021​
It’s so hot. So humid. And so hard to change the subject when Texans are worried about whether there’s enough electricity for their air conditioners.
Gov. Greg Abbott wants to talk about building a wall between Texas and Mexico — a top concern for the Republican voters whose favor he hopes to enjoy in next year’s GOP primary and general election. He’s bringing former President Donald Trump to the state this month for a visit to the border, a way to showcase the problems there and also to show those Republican voters that their most popular national leader is pals with their governor.
But the weather is in the way. More to the point: Doubts about the reliability of the state’s electric grid — there to protect all Texans from the weather — is in the way. The grid seems a little too wobbly in the face of early summer heat, after it failed in cold weather earlier this year. Having elected officials patting you on the head and telling you not to worry is less effective when your electric company is urging you to move the thermostat up to 82 degrees...
That’s not a happy situation in normal times, but after hundreds of Texans were killed by statewide blackouts during a winter storm in February, people are jittery — for perfectly understandable reasons. Many Texans had no electricity for more than half a week at a time when outside temperatures were well below freezing. People died, some from the cold and some from ill-fated attempts to stay warm.
One refrain in legislative debate after the freeze was that power plants and natural gas suppliers should fortify themselves against winter weather; the line that often went along with that was that the Texas grid was built for summer weather, but not for cold.
But here we are. It’s not the first time hot weather has taxed the grid to its limits. And it’s true that we hit 100-degree temperatures in some parts of the state earlier than normal this year. The really hot weather is still ahead.
California shuts the power off to millions of people every time it gets too hot or too windy. This happens dozens of times per year. This has been going on for decades. They turn off the power to old peoples' homes when it's 110 degrees, and tell them to go to a public library so they don't die from heatstroke. This is despite the highest state income tax in the nation.
Your need to change the topic is understandable. You may wish to initiate a thread concerning whichever other states are of interest to you. Texans cannot be so easily diverted.

If you could address the documented reality of Texans freezing to death due to the failure of the energy system, the governor insisting the problem had been solved, and the current warnings regarding failures of the energy system during the heat wave, or if you would care to comment upon the governor proclaiming that he wants to build a wall on the Southern border after the Former Guy had proclaimed he had already built it, please do.

June 17, 2021​
It’s so hot. So humid. And so hard to change the subject when Texans are worried about whether there’s enough electricity for their air conditioners.
Gov. Greg Abbott wants to talk about building a wall between Texas and Mexico — a top concern for the Republican voters whose favor he hopes to enjoy in next year’s GOP primary and general election. He’s bringing former President Donald Trump to the state this month for a visit to the border, a way to showcase the problems there and also to show those Republican voters that their most popular national leader is pals with their governor.
But the weather is in the way. More to the point: Doubts about the reliability of the state’s electric grid — there to protect all Texans from the weather — is in the way. The grid seems a little too wobbly in the face of early summer heat, after it failed in cold weather earlier this year. Having elected officials patting you on the head and telling you not to worry is less effective when your electric company is urging you to move the thermostat up to 82 degrees...
That’s not a happy situation in normal times, but after hundreds of Texans were killed by statewide blackouts during a winter storm in February, people are jittery — for perfectly understandable reasons. Many Texans had no electricity for more than half a week at a time when outside temperatures were well below freezing. People died, some from the cold and some from ill-fated attempts to stay warm.
One refrain in legislative debate after the freeze was that power plants and natural gas suppliers should fortify themselves against winter weather; the line that often went along with that was that the Texas grid was built for summer weather, but not for cold.
But here we are. It’s not the first time hot weather has taxed the grid to its limits. And it’s true that we hit 100-degree temperatures in some parts of the state earlier than normal this year. The really hot weather is still ahead.

Quoting the leftwing Houston Chronicle doesnt give your statement any weight.

Texans froze to death last winter, the Loner State impotent in accessing the nation's power grid amidst an arctic blast.

Texas deep freeze leaves millions without power, 21 dead

Texas politicians brayed that they had solved the problem - again!

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Says Power Grid Fixed

Now that power outages are threatened in sweltering heat, they play the Trump card from the bottom of the deck.

Trump to visit US border with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott

What better way for the Guv to distract from the state's recurring, lethal energy crisis than displaying the otiose Trump, while reassuring everyone that he intends to build the wall that Trump built (according to Trump.)

Trump Claims He Has Built The Border Wall

Hot under the collar? Hey, in Texas, hot heads can now pack all the shooties they've a mind to if they get a hankerin' to blow off steam!

Nice OP.

Texas is a very VERY BAD place.

You should NEVER come here.

Texans froze to death last winter, the Loner State impotent in accessing the nation's power grid amidst an arctic blast.

Texas deep freeze leaves millions without power, 21 dead

Texas politicians brayed that they had solved the problem - again!

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Says Power Grid Fixed

Now that power outages are threatened in sweltering heat, they play the Trump card from the bottom of the deck.

Trump to visit US border with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott

What better way for the Guv to distract from the state's recurring, lethal energy crisis than displaying the otiose Trump, while reassuring everyone that he intends to build the wall that Trump built (according to Trump.)

Trump Claims He Has Built The Border Wall

Hot under the collar? Hey, in Texas, hot heads can now pack all the shooties they've a mind to if they get a hankerin' to blow off steam!

I love that we make you so fucking mad.

Cry, bitch.
Lefties can't make a point with words so they post their favorite pervert. No surprises here. Democrat policies at a federal level forced Texas to support more illegal criminal aliens than the entire population of Montana. Texas is relatively flat with only sluggish rivers and anemic hydroelectric plants. Energy prices continue to rise while federal policies prevent the building of new refineries or nuclear plants. Democrats offer no solutions only criticism for Flag waving gun toting (mostly) genetic men and women.
Democrats offer no solutions only criticism for Flag waving gun toting
That is the very essence of Critical Theory and it's bastard child Critical Race Theory. There are no solutions ever offered. Only criticism in an effort to erode the fabric of what makes people united as a nation.

This is why we must execute all commies. They will do anything they can to destroy our nation and they are an existential threat.

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