Congressman Zinke: ‘Deep State’ Trying To ‘Wipe Out The American Cowboy’

Well, poster F.Stein, Chicago might not be a bad place for Vlad the Bad.
It would be the perfect place
I mean by that, there is a vibrant Russian speaking community of immigrants and ex-pats in the Chicago & Milwaukee metros.
Indicating that I was right and jesus has been busy
Here's an example: My shoe cobbler----when I lived in Chicago ---was a Russian immigrant. I liked that guy a lot. (btw, he made far more of his living fabricating up leather clothing for the biker and gay communities than he did fixing my shoes....or anybody else's shoes). Anyway, I was in there one day and he had a Russian language radio program on. In inquired about it....saying I didn't know there was such a station locally. He tells me-----"there are four". He could dial in several Russian language radio stations broadcasting from Chicago and Milwaukee!
Nothing new there, Brooklyn was on life support until the Russians moved in...prior to that it was like todays Chicago
Who knew?

Ah, good poster FStein, do this:

Try a 'taster' subscription to the Trib. (or, if you like tabloids, try the SunTimes)

So that in the weeks your 'taster' runs you can get an idea of what a vibrant, interesting, diverse, and exciting big city is all about. Chicago is a great city, with a wonderful menu of cultural opportunity and venues. Don't let the traffic on the DanRyan and the Kennedy intimidate you away from becoming a more worldly citizen. (ps...try the 'L' and the CTA if city driving scares you.)

Sure, you may wish to avoid the Garfield and Englewood neighborhoods. They can be dicey. Sorta like Adamsville & Grove Park in Atlanta, or City Park and Central Park in Denver. Every big city seems to have several neighborhoods that suffer from poverty....and thus crime & drugs. But if you are a smart guy you'll learn quickly not to lurk on corners there.

Good luck.
Ah, good poster FStein, do this:

Try a 'taster' subscription to the Trib. (or, if you like tabloids, try the SunTimes)

So that in the weeks your 'taster' runs you can get an idea of what a vibrant, interesting, diverse, and exciting big city is all about.
perhaps reading about it will do all those things cuz staying there for 10 weeks sure didn't do it for me.

Chicago is a great city, with a wonderful menu of cultural opportunity and venues. Don't let the traffic on the DanRyan and the Kennedy intimidate you away from becoming a more worldly citizen. (ps...try the 'L' and the CTA if city driving scares you.)
Been there done that Chi-co...I'll stick to the big city...odd that such a worldly citizen omits New York from his/her/they definition of worldly
Sure, you may wish to avoid the Garfield and Englewood neighborhoods. They can be dicey. Sorta like Adamsville & Grove Park in Atlanta, or City Park and Central Park in Denver. Every big city seems to have several neighborhoods that suffer from poverty....and thus crime & drugs. But if you are a smart guy you'll learn quickly not to lurk on corners there.
...You are of course referring to the Chicago neighborhoods jesus would choose for lost souls
Good luck.
Is there any other kind?
"Bad Christian", you say?
Blowing up occupied maternity wards?
Kidnapping children and shipping out of country?
Shooting tied-up civilians?

What would Jesus do, poster CatBreath?
Okay, I admit, Putin is not Jesus. I am not inclined to believe either side in the Ukrainian war, otherwise I might believe that Zelensky bombed occupied churches and prohibited the Orthodox church.


Well, poster F.Stein, Chicago might not be a bad place for Vlad the Bad.

I mean by that, there is a vibrant Russian speaking community of immigrants and ex-pats in the Chicago & Milwaukee metros.

Here's an example: My shoe cobbler----when I lived in Chicago ---was a Russian immigrant. I liked that guy a lot. (btw, he made far more of his living fabricating up leather clothing for the biker and gay communities than he did fixing my shoes....or anybody else's shoes). Anyway, I was in there one day and he had a Russian language radio program on. In inquired about it....saying I didn't know there was such a station locally. He tells me-----"there are four". He could dial in several Russian language radio stations broadcasting from Chicago and Milwaukee!

Who knew?
There is a huge Russian community in the San Fernando Valley, most of them illegal.
Meet Ryan Zinke. You might know him. He was once one of the quieter members of the Trump administration. As secretary of the interior, his big controversies involved using charter jets for personal reasons and spending way too much money on doorsno big whoop.

Zinke was recently sworn in as a Montana representative, but on Tuesday he made himself known by taking to the House floor and ranting about how the “deep state” was after an obvious foe: cowboys.

I'm embarrassed for Montana.
"....back when America was still America."

"back when"???
When was that?
And if the America my family lives in now.....along with about 330 million other Americans.....well, if that ain't America, what country is it?
Which country do you live in poster Lenny? Is that country a good country for you and your family? Or do you live someplace really unpleasant?

My family fought in 4 wars for the America of then and now.
And now the earnest poster LennyPartiv is suggesting that no they didn't? That they were fighting for some other country?

Explain yourself poster Partiv.
WTF? Somebody named Mett Prigge of something called uproxx thinks a republican congressman went on a rant? This is is a perfect example of tax exempt Soros funded Media Matters crap. How could not see it?
It's all there in the public record for anyone to see. Nasa is hiring more scientists and fewer cowboys than ever before. Our leading colleges don't even consider experience as a cowboy when determining who gets scholarships. 8 out of 10 emergency room physicians and surgeons have no experience as a cowboy. The DEEP STATE has truly damaged the cowboy profession.
Thats because most hiring by Nasa , ER doctors ARE HINDUS and there are not Cowboys in India.
Thats because most hiring by Nasa , ER doctors ARE HINDUS and there are not Cowboys in India.

Well, perhaps.
But the New York Times offered us this perspective:


"NEW DELHI ........ Brajveer Singh does not own a wide-brimmed hat, leather boots or a pair of jeans. He has never ridden a mechanical bull.
But he can lay claim to being a real-life urban cowboy. Mr. Singh is among the dozens of men who spend their days roping cattle on the streets of this city as part of a long and frustrating battle to rid India’s capital of stray cows.

There is perhaps no more stereotypical image of India than that of a stray cow sauntering down the middle of a busy city street, seemingly oblivious to the traffic swerving around it.
But in New Delhi, many residents long ago lost patience with the thousands of stray cattle. In 2002, after citizens petitioned the courts to do something about them, judges ordered the cattle cleared from the roads.

Meeting that goal is up to Mr. Singh and the city’s 164 other “cow catchers.”

This is dangerous work. Only on the rare occasions when a trained veterinarian accompanies them are the cattle catchers allowed to use tranquilizer darts or a stun gun. Instead, they rely on rope lassos and brute strength to capture the beasts, which often charge into traffic or kick and buck violently in an attempt to escape.

On this particular day, Mr. Singh literally seized a young bull by the horns, wrestling him into position for roping.
“The key is, once you have the horn in your hand, try hard not to let go,” he said with a grin.

Thats because most hiring by Nasa , ER doctors ARE HINDUS and there are not Cowboys in India.
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