Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) wants Edward Snowden pardoned by President Trump

i approve of this...since Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning, 1 dumb pardon deserve another in response!
No. Obama should not have pardon Bradly manning either.

We really need to get rid of the Presidential Pardon.

I was really disappointed in the Democrats (Biden and Harris included) for not attacking the central core of the corruption that Trump has turned into an artform. The abuse of Presidential Power. It takes on many forms but the pardon is the crown jewel. Its dangled as a get-out-of-jail card for those well connected. It is true that the less-well-connected get pardons as well but we've created this strata of the connected that get pardoned for patronage and patronage alone along with those who deserve a second look.

Off load the pardon to a panel of SCOTUS justices and let them decide who gets what.

What a horrible idea.

Feel free to elaborate on why you think it's a terrible idea.

First feel free to elaborate a reason why we should change the Constitution.

I did.

The presidential pardon is now being given as a reward instead of righting wrongs in our judicial system.

Your move.

People violating The Constitution are not a reasonable justification for overturning The Constitution.

Check Mate.

Who is violating the Constitution?

i approve of this...since Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning, 1 dumb pardon deserve another in response!
No. Obama should not have pardon Bradly manning either.

We really need to get rid of the Presidential Pardon.

I was really disappointed in the Democrats (Biden and Harris included) for not attacking the central core of the corruption that Trump has turned into an artform. The abuse of Presidential Power. It takes on many forms but the pardon is the crown jewel. Its dangled as a get-out-of-jail card for those well connected. It is true that the less-well-connected get pardons as well but we've created this strata of the connected that get pardoned for patronage and patronage alone along with those who deserve a second look.

Off load the pardon to a panel of SCOTUS justices and let them decide who gets what.
Blah, blah, blah.....
Edward Snowden is a hero.
One of my personal heroes.....who should never have been exiled
in the first place.

One only has to look at how the Statist Progs want to annihilate him to know that he uncovered some pretty nasty shit about them.

Snowden annihilated himself when he broke federal law. Trump is the "law and order"

No, he was a whistleblower. And what he discovered about the Uniparty in particular is rather hideous, which is why Obabble and his thugs set out to destroy him.

i approve of this...since Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning, 1 dumb pardon deserve another in response!
No. Obama should not have pardon Bradly manning either.

We really need to get rid of the Presidential Pardon.

I was really disappointed in the Democrats (Biden and Harris included) for not attacking the central core of the corruption that Trump has turned into an artform. The abuse of Presidential Power. It takes on many forms but the pardon is the crown jewel. Its dangled as a get-out-of-jail card for those well connected. It is true that the less-well-connected get pardons as well but we've created this strata of the connected that get pardoned for patronage and patronage alone along with those who deserve a second look.

Off load the pardon to a panel of SCOTUS justices and let them decide who gets what.

What a horrible idea.

Feel free to elaborate on why you think it's a terrible idea.

First feel free to elaborate a reason why we should change the Constitution.

I did.

The presidential pardon is now being given as a reward instead of righting wrongs in our judicial system.

Your move.

People violating The Constitution are not a reasonable justification for overturning The Constitution.

Check Mate.

Who is violating the Constitution?

Obama violated it nine ways to Sunday.

i approve of this...since Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning, 1 dumb pardon deserve another in response!
No. Obama should not have pardon Bradly manning either.

We really need to get rid of the Presidential Pardon.

I was really disappointed in the Democrats (Biden and Harris included) for not attacking the central core of the corruption that Trump has turned into an artform. The abuse of Presidential Power. It takes on many forms but the pardon is the crown jewel. Its dangled as a get-out-of-jail card for those well connected. It is true that the less-well-connected get pardons as well but we've created this strata of the connected that get pardoned for patronage and patronage alone along with those who deserve a second look.

Off load the pardon to a panel of SCOTUS justices and let them decide who gets what.
Blah, blah, blah.....
Edward Snowden is a hero.
One of my personal heroes.....who should never have been exiled
in the first place.

One only has to look at how the Statist Progs want to annihilate him to know that he uncovered some pretty nasty shit about them.

Snowden annihilated himself when he broke federal law. Trump is the "law and order"

No, he was a whistleblower. And what he discovered about the Uniparty in particular is rather hideous, which is why Obabble and his thugs set out to destroy him.

He violated federal law. He should be punished.

i approve of this...since Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning, 1 dumb pardon deserve another in response!
No. Obama should not have pardon Bradly manning either.

We really need to get rid of the Presidential Pardon.

I was really disappointed in the Democrats (Biden and Harris included) for not attacking the central core of the corruption that Trump has turned into an artform. The abuse of Presidential Power. It takes on many forms but the pardon is the crown jewel. Its dangled as a get-out-of-jail card for those well connected. It is true that the less-well-connected get pardons as well but we've created this strata of the connected that get pardoned for patronage and patronage alone along with those who deserve a second look.

Off load the pardon to a panel of SCOTUS justices and let them decide who gets what.

What a horrible idea.

Feel free to elaborate on why you think it's a terrible idea.

First feel free to elaborate a reason why we should change the Constitution.

I did.

The presidential pardon is now being given as a reward instead of righting wrongs in our judicial system.

Your move.

People violating The Constitution are not a reasonable justification for overturning The Constitution.

Check Mate.

Who is violating the Constitution?

Obama violated it nine ways to Sunday.

I see you have nothing to add to the debate over pardons. Thanks for playing.

i approve of this...since Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning, 1 dumb pardon deserve another in response!
No. Obama should not have pardon Bradly manning either.

We really need to get rid of the Presidential Pardon.

I was really disappointed in the Democrats (Biden and Harris included) for not attacking the central core of the corruption that Trump has turned into an artform. The abuse of Presidential Power. It takes on many forms but the pardon is the crown jewel. Its dangled as a get-out-of-jail card for those well connected. It is true that the less-well-connected get pardons as well but we've created this strata of the connected that get pardoned for patronage and patronage alone along with those who deserve a second look.

Off load the pardon to a panel of SCOTUS justices and let them decide who gets what.
Can't. Theoretically it is a final check and balance on the judiciary, no matter how it is used from time to time.

You can write your congressperson, but this one will not change.
The Presidential Pardon and the Constitution
By Brandon Sample | December 30, 2018 | 0
According to Article II, Section 2, Clause 1, “The President…shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.”

Pretty well cut and dried. Not likely likely to get much traction and even then, you got to get 2/3 of the states to agree with you, even if you could get it through congress.
Sorry. Pick a different battle.
We wouldn't know the level of dirty shit done by the FBI,CIA and the Deep State without the info he provided.
Actually there are lots of stories and evidence as to how corrupt the alphabet agencies are. He certainly helped make more people aware.

i approve of this...since Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning, 1 dumb pardon deserve another in response!
No. Obama should not have pardon Bradly manning either.

We really need to get rid of the Presidential Pardon.

I was really disappointed in the Democrats (Biden and Harris included) for not attacking the central core of the corruption that Trump has turned into an artform. The abuse of Presidential Power. It takes on many forms but the pardon is the crown jewel. Its dangled as a get-out-of-jail card for those well connected. It is true that the less-well-connected get pardons as well but we've created this strata of the connected that get pardoned for patronage and patronage alone along with those who deserve a second look.

Off load the pardon to a panel of SCOTUS justices and let them decide who gets what.
Can't. Theoretically it is a final check and balance on the judiciary, no matter how it is used from time to time.

You can write your congressperson, but this one will not change.
The Presidential Pardon and the Constitution
By Brandon Sample | December 30, 2018 | 0
According to Article II, Section 2, Clause 1, “The President…shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.”

Pretty well cut and dried. Not likely likely to get much traction and even then, you got to get 2/3 of the states to agree with you, even if you could get it through congress.
Sorry. Pick a different battle.

Do you think the constitution is perfect? It isn't. Nothing is.

It doesn't take into account what has become of our politics.

I knot it will not change any time soon. But if it were going to change, the President would have to be willing to give it up. That was my point. I was quite disappointed in the Democrats running for POTUS that none of them talked seriously about giving up executive power. This would be a good start.

i approve of this...since Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning, 1 dumb pardon deserve another in response!
No. Obama should not have pardon Bradly manning either.

We really need to get rid of the Presidential Pardon.

I was really disappointed in the Democrats (Biden and Harris included) for not attacking the central core of the corruption that Trump has turned into an artform. The abuse of Presidential Power. It takes on many forms but the pardon is the crown jewel. Its dangled as a get-out-of-jail card for those well connected. It is true that the less-well-connected get pardons as well but we've created this strata of the connected that get pardoned for patronage and patronage alone along with those who deserve a second look.

Off load the pardon to a panel of SCOTUS justices and let them decide who gets what.
Can't. Theoretically it is a final check and balance on the judiciary, no matter how it is used from time to time.

You can write your congressperson, but this one will not change.
The Presidential Pardon and the Constitution
By Brandon Sample | December 30, 2018 | 0
According to Article II, Section 2, Clause 1, “The President…shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.”

Pretty well cut and dried. Not likely likely to get much traction and even then, you got to get 2/3 of the states to agree with you, even if you could get it through congress.
Sorry. Pick a different battle.

Do you think the President has the power to pardon himself?

i approve of this...since Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning, 1 dumb pardon deserve another in response!
No. Obama should not have pardon Bradly manning either.

We really need to get rid of the Presidential Pardon.

I was really disappointed in the Democrats (Biden and Harris included) for not attacking the central core of the corruption that Trump has turned into an artform. The abuse of Presidential Power. It takes on many forms but the pardon is the crown jewel. Its dangled as a get-out-of-jail card for those well connected. It is true that the less-well-connected get pardons as well but we've created this strata of the connected that get pardoned for patronage and patronage alone along with those who deserve a second look.

Off load the pardon to a panel of SCOTUS justices and let them decide who gets what.

Presidential Pardons are not going anywhere. I would oppose any effort to pass an Amendment to get rid of it.

i approve of this...since Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning, 1 dumb pardon deserve another in response!
No. Obama should not have pardon Bradly manning either.

We really need to get rid of the Presidential Pardon.

I was really disappointed in the Democrats (Biden and Harris included) for not attacking the central core of the corruption that Trump has turned into an artform. The abuse of Presidential Power. It takes on many forms but the pardon is the crown jewel. Its dangled as a get-out-of-jail card for those well connected. It is true that the less-well-connected get pardons as well but we've created this strata of the connected that get pardoned for patronage and patronage alone along with those who deserve a second look.

Off load the pardon to a panel of SCOTUS justices and let them decide who gets what.
Can't. Theoretically it is a final check and balance on the judiciary, no matter how it is used from time to time.

You can write your congressperson, but this one will not change.
The Presidential Pardon and the Constitution
By Brandon Sample | December 30, 2018 | 0
According to Article II, Section 2, Clause 1, “The President…shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.”

Pretty well cut and dried. Not likely likely to get much traction and even then, you got to get 2/3 of the states to agree with you, even if you could get it through congress.
Sorry. Pick a different battle.

Do you think the constitution is perfect? It isn't. Nothing is.

It doesn't take into account what has become of our politics.

I knot it will not change any time soon. But if it were going to change, the President would have to be willing to give it up. That was my point. I was quite disappointed in the Democrats running for POTUS that none of them talked seriously about giving up executive power. This would be a good start.
I cannot remember a President Democrat or Republican that ever wafted philosophically or otherwise in favor of giving up an executive powers. Try to stay in the real world. There is an election coming up and that will not in any way play into the philosophies of either side. Nor will it be part of a party platform for either side. Heck one of the parties doesn't even have a published platform, probably because if America knew what he intended to do next, they might be at the gates with tar and feathers and big long rail. Try your appeal for a candidate in favor or curtailing exective powers after inauguration day when Biden takes office. If that doesn't happen, forget it completely, lest trump people take you seriously and disappear your butt or worse.

i approve of this...since Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning, 1 dumb pardon deserve another in response!
No. Obama should not have pardon Bradly manning either.

We really need to get rid of the Presidential Pardon.

I was really disappointed in the Democrats (Biden and Harris included) for not attacking the central core of the corruption that Trump has turned into an artform. The abuse of Presidential Power. It takes on many forms but the pardon is the crown jewel. Its dangled as a get-out-of-jail card for those well connected. It is true that the less-well-connected get pardons as well but we've created this strata of the connected that get pardoned for patronage and patronage alone along with those who deserve a second look.

Off load the pardon to a panel of SCOTUS justices and let them decide who gets what.
Can't. Theoretically it is a final check and balance on the judiciary, no matter how it is used from time to time.

You can write your congressperson, but this one will not change.
The Presidential Pardon and the Constitution
By Brandon Sample | December 30, 2018 | 0
According to Article II, Section 2, Clause 1, “The President…shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.”

Pretty well cut and dried. Not likely likely to get much traction and even then, you got to get 2/3 of the states to agree with you, even if you could get it through congress.
Sorry. Pick a different battle.

Do you think the President has the power to pardon himself?
Of course not.
I cannot remember a President Democrat or Republican that ever wafted philosophically or otherwise in favor of giving up an executive powers.
Me neither. The Democrats, in my view, missed a golden opportunity in not doing so. We have a pathetic figure as President now who is cancelling CODELs. We have a pathetic figure as President who has essentially barred the entire executive branch from cooperating with the House of Representatives in any way shape or form. The Presidential Pardon is just he most nakedly obvious singular presidential power there is and it is the one that is most routinely abused--by all recent Presidents.

Its not you but wow...not everything is a partisan view. I am disappointed in the man I am going to vote for.

Try to stay in the real world. There is an election coming up and that will not in any way play into the philosophies of either side. Nor will it be part of a party platform for either side. Heck one of the parties doesn't even have a published platform, probably because if America knew what he intended to do next, they might be at the gates with tar and feathers and big long rail. Try your appeal for a candidate in favor or curtailing exective powers after inauguration day when Biden takes office. If that doesn't happen, forget it completely, lest trump people take you seriously and disappear your butt or worse.

Not sure what any of that is supposed to mean but whatever.

In my opinion, there are a lot of voters that see the abuses of power by both parties. How refreshing would it be to have a candidate say in January, "If elected, every secretary of every department and every senior level official in my administration will have a monthly hearing with the appropriate over sight committee of both houses. These meetings will be public, without an agenda, and provide a transparency that is much needed in Washington."

Obama had officials who ignored congressional subpoenas. So has the blob. It would be nice if we had three co-equal branches of the government.

i approve of this...since Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning, 1 dumb pardon deserve another in response!
No. Obama should not have pardon Bradly manning either.

We really need to get rid of the Presidential Pardon.

I was really disappointed in the Democrats (Biden and Harris included) for not attacking the central core of the corruption that Trump has turned into an artform. The abuse of Presidential Power. It takes on many forms but the pardon is the crown jewel. Its dangled as a get-out-of-jail card for those well connected. It is true that the less-well-connected get pardons as well but we've created this strata of the connected that get pardoned for patronage and patronage alone along with those who deserve a second look.

Off load the pardon to a panel of SCOTUS justices and let them decide who gets what.
Can't. Theoretically it is a final check and balance on the judiciary, no matter how it is used from time to time.

You can write your congressperson, but this one will not change.
The Presidential Pardon and the Constitution
By Brandon Sample | December 30, 2018 | 0
According to Article II, Section 2, Clause 1, “The President…shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.”

Pretty well cut and dried. Not likely likely to get much traction and even then, you got to get 2/3 of the states to agree with you, even if you could get it through congress.
Sorry. Pick a different battle.

Do you think the President has the power to pardon himself?
Of course not.

Really? Why not? Where does it say he can't?
Here's a quarter, call someone who cares....

You also think 9/11 was an inside job. You're clinically insane.
Coming from a low-life fucking swamp troll, that's the best compliment I've had all week. ( well it is only Monday)

That you think bombs were planted in the WTC is a sign that you're clinically insane. Your a sad little shit stain.
There are events in history that can be questioned that changed things. To not believe there has been espionage involved in any of it, is naive.

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