Congressional Democrats' crucial Gambit....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
There is no doubt that Mueller's 400-paged report will be presented to Congress by Barr as the equivalent of a 9th grader's book report on To Kill a Mocking Bird....The redacted parts will way outnumber the shared statements.......AFTER ALL, that is EXACTLY why Trump hired Barr.....

Further, the request for Trump's tax returns will ALSO be contentious because Trump has surrounded himself with stooges in key positions to stall, delay and obfuscate the carrying out of what are legal precedents.

HOWEVER, there is a way for congress to obtain the FULL Mueller report and Trump's tax returns......and that is..............Impeachment proceedings (once those begin, the House is fully entitled to all of the documents it would request based on what happened during the Nixon era.)

The GAMBIT for democrats boils down to whether impeachment hearings will make the Trumpster into a "martyr" or not, gaining some independent voters as the impeachment hearings did for Bill Clinton........

Nonetheless, the real test and gamble for congressional Democrats boils down to TWO issues:

First, if impeachment is a prelude to close SCRUTINY of Trump's corrupt past, would Trump resign so not to risk such exposure........or

Second, is Trump so sure of his "innocence" (and arrogance) that he would subject himself and even WELCOME such impeachment hearings disclosing his past?

Either way, we well know that Trump's cult members (that 35 or so percentile of voters) will bitch and moan BUT stick by him unconditionally because...after all.... that IS the requisite when one joins a cult.

Interesting times ahead for all of us.
There is no doubt that Mueller's 400-paged report will be presented to Congress by Barr as the equivalent of a 9th grader's book report on To Kill a Mocking Bird....The redacted parts will way outnumber the shared statements.......AFTER ALL, that is EXACTLY why Trump hired Barr.....

Further, the request for Trump's tax returns will ALSO be contentious because Trump has surrounded himself with stooges in key positions to stall, delay and obfuscate the carrying out of what are legal precedents.

HOWEVER, there is a way for congress to obtain the FULL Mueller report and Trump's tax returns......and that is..............Impeachment proceedings (once those begin, the House is fully entitled to all of the documents it would request based on what happened during the Nixon era.)

The GAMBIT for democrats boils down to whether impeachment hearings will make the Trumpster into a "martyr" or not, gaining some independent voters as the impeachment hearings did for Bill Clinton........

Nonetheless, the real test and gamble for congressional Democrats boils down to TWO issues:

First, if impeachment is a prelude to close SCRUTINY of Trump's corrupt past, would Trump resign so not to risk such exposure........or

Second, is Trump so sure of his "innocence" (and arrogance) that he would subject himself and even WELCOME such impeachment hearings disclosing his past?

Either way, we well know that Trump's cult members (that 35 or so percentile of voters) will bitch and moan BUT stick by him unconditionally because...after all.... that IS the requisite when one joins a cult.

Interesting times ahead for all of us.

I'm going to assume that you watched Barr "toy" with the Dems in the House at the Appropriations Committee Hearing.

The Dems should all know by now, that he is too much of a pro to be tripped up and knows his business a great deal better
than they know their business.
There is no doubt that Mueller's 400-paged report will be presented to Congress by Barr as the equivalent of a 9th grader's book report on To Kill a Mocking Bird....The redacted parts will way outnumber the shared statements.......AFTER ALL, that is EXACTLY why Trump hired Barr.....

Further, the request for Trump's tax returns will ALSO be contentious because Trump has surrounded himself with stooges in key positions to stall, delay and obfuscate the carrying out of what are legal precedents.

HOWEVER, there is a way for congress to obtain the FULL Mueller report and Trump's tax returns......and that is..............Impeachment proceedings (once those begin, the House is fully entitled to all of the documents it would request based on what happened during the Nixon era.)

The GAMBIT for democrats boils down to whether impeachment hearings will make the Trumpster into a "martyr" or not, gaining some independent voters as the impeachment hearings did for Bill Clinton........

Nonetheless, the real test and gamble for congressional Democrats boils down to TWO issues:

First, if impeachment is a prelude to close SCRUTINY of Trump's corrupt past, would Trump resign so not to risk such exposure........or

Second, is Trump so sure of his "innocence" (and arrogance) that he would subject himself and even WELCOME such impeachment hearings disclosing his past?

Either way, we well know that Trump's cult members (that 35 or so percentile of voters) will bitch and moan BUT stick by him unconditionally because...after all.... that IS the requisite when one joins a cult.

Interesting times ahead for all of us.
Impeachment for what, Jake?
Remember, Jake, keeping Hillary warmongering Clinton's ass out of the White House is still not obstruction of justice
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I'm going to assume that you watched Barr "toy" with the Dems in the House at the Appropriations Committee Hearing.

The Dems should all know by now, that he is too much of a pro to be tripped up and knows his business a great deal better
than they know their business.

No, dimwit, Barr is doing EXACTLY what he was hired to do.....Stall, redact, obfuscate and serve his role of a Trump STOOGE.
If most of the report is redacted, blame mueller. Barr has to redact certain things, you blithering fucking idiot.
We are probably seeing the last time democrats will hold any position of power in government for many years.

If they do not continue to hound and investigate Trump then they will upset their rabid base. While giving Trump and the Republicans more sympathy votes. If they continue their current investigation and obstruction without ever finding something that he can be drawn and quartered for in public they are giving everything away.

Impeachment has to be for a crime. It can not be brought just to look at documents that you hope may hold a crime. But why let the Constitution and law stand in the way.

How many idiots really think that the IRS has never looked into Trumps taxes and are too stupid not to find something wrong?
How many think that Trump is using some free tax software to do his own taxes? How many don't realize that he uses a firm of CPAs, those CPAs would be in trouble if there were any problems?
There is no doubt that Mueller's 400-paged report will be presented to Congress by Barr as the equivalent of a 9th grader's book report on To Kill a Mocking Bird....The redacted parts will way outnumber the shared statements.......AFTER ALL, that is EXACTLY why Trump hired Barr.....

Further, the request for Trump's tax returns will ALSO be contentious because Trump has surrounded himself with stooges in key positions to stall, delay and obfuscate the carrying out of what are legal precedents.

HOWEVER, there is a way for congress to obtain the FULL Mueller report and Trump's tax returns......and that is..............Impeachment proceedings (once those begin, the House is fully entitled to all of the documents it would request based on what happened during the Nixon era.)

The GAMBIT for democrats boils down to whether impeachment hearings will make the Trumpster into a "martyr" or not, gaining some independent voters as the impeachment hearings did for Bill Clinton........

Nonetheless, the real test and gamble for congressional Democrats boils down to TWO issues:

First, if impeachment is a prelude to close SCRUTINY of Trump's corrupt past, would Trump resign so not to risk such exposure........or

Second, is Trump so sure of his "innocence" (and arrogance) that he would subject himself and even WELCOME such impeachment hearings disclosing his past?

Either way, we well know that Trump's cult members (that 35 or so percentile of voters) will bitch and moan BUT stick by him unconditionally because...after all.... that IS the requisite when one joins a cult.

Interesting times ahead for all of us.
I think you may be who trump had in mind when he said "you're going to get sick of all the winning" any case you are certainly the funniest kid on the internet.
I'm going to assume that you watched Barr "toy" with the Dems in the House at the Appropriations Committee Hearing.

The Dems should all know by now, that he is too much of a pro to be tripped up and knows his business a great deal better
than they know their business.

No, dimwit, Barr is doing EXACTLY what he was hired to do.....Stall, redact, obfuscate and serve his role of a Trump STOOGE.
Eh yeah?! Just wait until the Mueller Report!
I'm going to assume that you watched Barr "toy" with the Dems in the House at the Appropriations Committee Hearing.

The Dems should all know by now, that he is too much of a pro to be tripped up and knows his business a great deal better
than they know their business.

No, dimwit, Barr is doing EXACTLY what he was hired to do.....Stall, redact, obfuscate and serve his role of a Trump STOOGE.

You man he's acting like Obama?
I think you may be who trump had in mind when he said "you're going to get sick of all the winning" any case you are certainly the funniest kid on the internet.

Here's all that "winning" in just ONE fucking week of Trump's bullshit

White House quietly signaled it would continue making insurance subsidy payments under the Affordable Care Act, to avoid a government shutdown.

The same evening, after whole actual years spent calling the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) a disastrously bad deal (it is one!), two years of promises to withdraw from it before his 100th day in office, and all of maybe a couple hours’ worth of meetings with officials who’d like to see the trade agreement preserved, Donald Trump folded up like a beach umbrella and announced that, hey, actually, NAFTA is pretty good. You see, he is “a nationalist and a globalist,” now


..... despite pressure from the White House to force a(n asinine, suicidal) last-minute vote on the GOP’s radioactive Obamacare rewrite, House Republicans spiked the effort back in Trump’s face, preferring not to sacrifice their jobs so that the least popular president in modern history can blame them for his own unbroken record of embarrassing failures.

... a California* district judge blocked part of Trump’s executive order stripping federal funding from cities that limit their cooperation with his crackdown on immigration. This is at least the third and probably more like the sixth (who can keep track?) time Trump has been sonned by a federal court. He responded, of course, with an impotent Twitter rant and then a threat to break up the Ninth Circuit. Who wants to make a bet on how that effort will go?
There is no doubt that Mueller's 400-paged report will be presented to Congress by Barr as the equivalent of a 9th grader's book report on To Kill a Mocking Bird....The redacted parts will way outnumber the shared statements.......AFTER ALL, that is EXACTLY why Trump hired Barr.....

Further, the request for Trump's tax returns will ALSO be contentious because Trump has surrounded himself with stooges in key positions to stall, delay and obfuscate the carrying out of what are legal precedents.

HOWEVER, there is a way for congress to obtain the FULL Mueller report and Trump's tax returns......and that is..............Impeachment proceedings (once those begin, the House is fully entitled to all of the documents it would request based on what happened during the Nixon era.)

The GAMBIT for democrats boils down to whether impeachment hearings will make the Trumpster into a "martyr" or not, gaining some independent voters as the impeachment hearings did for Bill Clinton........

Nonetheless, the real test and gamble for congressional Democrats boils down to TWO issues:

First, if impeachment is a prelude to close SCRUTINY of Trump's corrupt past, would Trump resign so not to risk such exposure........or

Second, is Trump so sure of his "innocence" (and arrogance) that he would subject himself and even WELCOME such impeachment hearings disclosing his past?

Either way, we well know that Trump's cult members (that 35 or so percentile of voters) will bitch and moan BUT stick by him unconditionally because...after all.... that IS the requisite when one joins a cult.

Interesting times ahead for all of us.


There is no doubt that Mueller's 400-paged report will be presented to Congress by Barr as the equivalent of a 9th grader's book report on To Kill a Mocking Bird....The redacted parts will way outnumber the shared statements.......AFTER ALL, that is EXACTLY why Trump hired Barr.....

Further, the request for Trump's tax returns will ALSO be contentious because Trump has surrounded himself with stooges in key positions to stall, delay and obfuscate the carrying out of what are legal precedents.

HOWEVER, there is a way for congress to obtain the FULL Mueller report and Trump's tax returns......and that is..............Impeachment proceedings (once those begin, the House is fully entitled to all of the documents it would request based on what happened during the Nixon era.)

The GAMBIT for democrats boils down to whether impeachment hearings will make the Trumpster into a "martyr" or not, gaining some independent voters as the impeachment hearings did for Bill Clinton........

Nonetheless, the real test and gamble for congressional Democrats boils down to TWO issues:

First, if impeachment is a prelude to close SCRUTINY of Trump's corrupt past, would Trump resign so not to risk such exposure........or

Second, is Trump so sure of his "innocence" (and arrogance) that he would subject himself and even WELCOME such impeachment hearings disclosing his past?

Either way, we well know that Trump's cult members (that 35 or so percentile of voters) will bitch and moan BUT stick by him unconditionally because...after all.... that IS the requisite when one joins a cult.

Interesting times ahead for all of us.

I'm going to assume that you watched Barr "toy" with the Dems in the House at the Appropriations Committee Hearing.

The Dems should all know by now, that he is too much of a pro to be tripped up and knows his business a great deal better
than they know their business.

Yes indeed.
Barr is a true professional!
Barr is a true professional!

"Barr is a true professional"...............Trump ass kisser?

Don't forget, Barr AUDITIONED for the job president is above the law......and Trump probably said,
"of course, THAT's the Guy I Want."
and, as usual, you're getting laughed at by sane people

Ask me if I care..........Without a few of us on here from the left.......this forum would be a cult get-together praising your orange cult leader ad nauseum because.........well, because THAT is what's expected from cult member..
Name a single left wing site that isn’t a circlejerk.

Hell, name a single site on the internet that isn’t explicitly for freedom of speech that isn’t a left wing circlejerk.
There is no doubt that Mueller's 400-paged report will be presented to Congress by Barr as the equivalent of a 9th grader's book report on To Kill a Mocking Bird....The redacted parts will way outnumber the shared statements.......AFTER ALL, that is EXACTLY why Trump hired Barr.....

Further, the request for Trump's tax returns will ALSO be contentious because Trump has surrounded himself with stooges in key positions to stall, delay and obfuscate the carrying out of what are legal precedents.

HOWEVER, there is a way for congress to obtain the FULL Mueller report and Trump's tax returns......and that is..............Impeachment proceedings (once those begin, the House is fully entitled to all of the documents it would request based on what happened during the Nixon era.)

The GAMBIT for democrats boils down to whether impeachment hearings will make the Trumpster into a "martyr" or not, gaining some independent voters as the impeachment hearings did for Bill Clinton........

Nonetheless, the real test and gamble for congressional Democrats boils down to TWO issues:

First, if impeachment is a prelude to close SCRUTINY of Trump's corrupt past, would Trump resign so not to risk such exposure........or

Second, is Trump so sure of his "innocence" (and arrogance) that he would subject himself and even WELCOME such impeachment hearings disclosing his past?

Either way, we well know that Trump's cult members (that 35 or so percentile of voters) will bitch and moan BUT stick by him unconditionally because...after all.... that IS the requisite when one joins a cult.

Interesting times ahead for all of us.
Question for you: do you think, at all, there is the possibility trump is innocent?

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