Congress Is Way More Christian Than The Rest Of America


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
The 114th Congress will be sworn in on Tuesday January 6, 2015, bringing with it not only a Republican, but also a Christian, majority.

Nearly 92 percent of the House and Senate are Christian, compared to 73 percent of American adults, according to an analysis by Pew Forum. Of the Christian Congress members, 57 percent are Protestant, while 30 percent are Catholic.


After Christianity, Judaism is the next largest faith represented in Congress, represented by just over 5 percent of the members. Nine members reported "Don't Know" or refused to answer, while just a handful of others belong to Buddhist, Muslim or Hindu faiths.


Although "Unaffiliated" makes up the second largest religious grouping in the United States, only one member of the 114th Congress reported this faith preference.


More: A Look At The Religious Make-Up Of The 114th Congress

As an Atheist, I'm not exactly sure what all this means - except for one thing: I don't like to be governed by people who have no proof of their religious beliefs - especially their supernatural beliefs. I would much prefer to be governed by honorable Atheists.
Congress tells people what they think they want to hear but its scary to think the country is being run by nutters who believe in magical, invisible sky fairies.
Doesn't matter.........modern Congress-critters only worship one They pay lip service to 'In God We Trust', while all others (us), pay cash. Crony Capitalism is a big club, but most of us are not in it.......bitchez.
The 114th Congress will be sworn in on Tuesday January 6, 2015, bringing with it not only a Republican, but also a Christian, majority.

Nearly 92 percent of the House and Senate are Christian, compared to 73 percent of American adults, according to an analysis by Pew Forum. Of the Christian Congress members, 57 percent are Protestant, while 30 percent are Catholic.


After Christianity, Judaism is the next largest faith represented in Congress, represented by just over 5 percent of the members. Nine members reported "Don't Know" or refused to answer, while just a handful of others belong to Buddhist, Muslim or Hindu faiths.


Although "Unaffiliated" makes up the second largest religious grouping in the United States, only one member of the 114th Congress reported this faith preference.


More: A Look At The Religious Make-Up Of The 114th Congress

As an Atheist, I'm not exactly sure what all this means - except for one thing: I don't like to be governed by people who have no proof of their religious beliefs - especially their supernatural beliefs. I would much prefer to be governed by honorable Atheists.
Most of those people are religious only because their political ambitions demand lip service to the pulpit. To me a true christian must live by the example of Christ and in my opinion that precludes a political career. I read the bible at an early age and I decided to live by his example, it's why I am a liberal and it's why I distrust organized religion. I still admire the philosophy of Christ but I do not trust his lousy fan club with secular power.
The 114th Congress will be sworn in on Tuesday January 6, 2015, bringing with it not only a Republican, but also a Christian, majority.

Nearly 92 percent of the House and Senate are Christian
You don't really believe that do you? Let's be honest here. Every one of these pols knows that unless they claim to be not just religious, but christian also, they don't stand a prayer (pun intended) of getting elected to office.

I believe most of the pols in the house and senate that are rational and intelligent don't really believe in the sky pixie and all that goes with it.

Wait a minute! Did I say most of those in the house an senate that are rational and intelligent? On second thought, you may be correct. In fact, 92% may be a low figure.
Oh, dear me, look at all the Christian bashers, enjoying themselves in a public circle jerk.
Christian bashers? Nah. I find all flavors of religion equally ridiculous. They are all based on fear and fairy tales.
Republicans managed to get rid of the only GOP Jew in both houses, Eric Cantor and replace him with, well, you know.
As an Atheist, I'm not exactly sure what all this means - except for one thing: I don't like to be governed by people who have no proof of their religious beliefs - especially their supernatural beliefs. I would much prefer to be governed by honorable Atheists.
First, whether 92% or 73%, Christians would still be the majority.

Second, how else would we prove that they're believers if they don't tell us?
Oh, dear me, look at all the Christian bashers, enjoying themselves in a public circle jerk.
Many of them deserve some bashing, Jesus himself showed the way by getting in hypocrites' faces every chance he got and showing them that piousness does not mean shit if there is little actual goodness and grace.
Yea we know children love to believe they are invincible (they have special powers from their fruit loop under wear)
The real stats of the real elected officials seem pretty close to PEW's forum/ What seems to be the problem? Not enough Sharia members?
So I guess this means all the hookers and coke dealers will be out of business in DC. Right? Right? Right?

Here's a guy who campaigned as a bible thumper:


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