Congress Created.. Dust Bowl

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I just drove from Los Angeles to Northern California up Interstate 5 and all along the way what used to be green agricultural land and orchards is dust, weeds and rows of dead trees. All along is signs reading, "Congress Created, Dust Bowl".

It's pathetic what has been done by the Democrats of the State of California via environmentalists and the endangered species act. The blame goes to Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstien and Nancy Pelosi for not doing anything to alleviate the hideous results.
I just drove from Los Angeles to Northern California up Interstate 5 and all along the way what used to be green agricultural land and orchards is dust, weeds and rows of dead trees. All along is signs reading, "Congress Created, Dust Bowl".

It's pathetic what has been done by the Democrats of the State of California via environmentalists and the endangered species act. The blame goes to Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstien and Nancy Pelosi for not doing anything to alleviate the hideous results.

(From an earlier thread)

Well, with 40% unemployment, 1/2 million acres turned into a dust bowl, 70,000 plus out of work, a 36 billion dollar crop loss in Central California....

Pelosi much prefers, they eat crops purchased from China and a 2 inch smelt gets environmental protection.
BBC NEWS | Americas | Perfect Storm: California's 'Dust Bowl'
I saw a show on this on TV. These idiots took a vibrant green crop producing land and turned it into a desert, put farmers out of work for a bunch of smelt??? Common Sense sure is absent in DC.

The EPA official who made this decision should be shot. NO wait. Let em survive on whats now grown in the Dust Bowl. These people are idiots.
I'm not familiar with the story...can someone provide details?
its another Pelosi scam. the DC whore took taxpayer pork spending to save a god damned fish. she cut off the water and about 70,000 jobs. just one of many liberal scams



piss it all away you son of a bitch
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It starts from the Grapevine ( Los Angeles, county line) all the way to Sacramento, about 6 hours at 75mph of devastation, occasional green and literally a gloomy dust cloud the whole way. Seriously.. filtered sunlight and a dusty highway.

An occasional bird where there used to be huge flocks over green fertile valleys, it's heartbreaking and damn scary that this country can allow this to happen.

Maybe Sarah Palin should come visit and put these old crones to shame..
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I'm accepting this as a victory .. Democrats feel guilty over this outrage.

Otherwise they would try to blame someone else...

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