CNN analyst: "I've never seen a witness who's lied to Congress, who's lied to court, who's lied to the IRS, who's lied to the Southern District ...

That's ridiculous. The Republicans and Democrats did not switch Parties in the mid to late 1960s because of Nixon’s Southern Strategy. Nixon lost the deep south in 1968. How can you claim his plan worked, when he freaking lost????
And in 1972, he swept the South.
And it's remained in Republican hands ever since.

Al Gore's father was a segregationist, Bill Clinton's mentor was a segregationist, Sen. Joe Biden was a segregationist, Sen. Robert Byrd was a segregationist. Of all the Democrat Senators who filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act (CRA), only one senator, Strom Thurman, switched parties to Republican, all the rest remained lifelong Democrats until they died.

But that was the point. ALl those other guys changed their minds on segregation, Thurmond remained a segregationist until he took a well-deserved dirt nap.

So please, stop trying to rewrite history with this ignorant crap about Democrats and Republicans magically switching parties. After hating Republicans for decades, even lynching white Republicans alongside blacks... You want us to believe that the dems all suddenly abandoned their beloved slave party and joined the enemy?????
Yes, that's exactly what they did.
And illegally labeled them as legal expenses in a cover up effort.

I have no idea how they were categorized and neither do you. Regardless, even if so, they are misdemeanors.

Seems as though you are the ones still at square one.
I have no idea how they were categorized and neither do you.
False. Anyone can easily read the indictment and the reporting on the trial.

They were labeled as legal expenses. Retainer expenses. There was no retainer agreement.

Yes we know that. Do you need to go read up, before commenting again?
False. Anyone can easily read the indictment and the reporting on the trial.

They were labeled as legal expenses. Retainer expenses. There was no retainer agreement.

Yes we know that. Do you need to go read up, before commenting again?

So more misdemeanors that have reached their statue of limitations? That all you got?
It means I am not your assistant. I am not here to help you make your point. State your point all by yourself.

The point is rather simple to comprehend, even for you. Trump MAY have committed some misdemeanors by falsifying business records. Ok, great, but all this other nonsense is just a waste of time. Fine him(reasonably) for the misdemeanors and move on.
Trump MAY have committed some misdemeanors by falsifying business records.
And may have committed some felonies by committing those misdemeanors to cover up and further another crime.

Wow, were at square one again.

And in 1972, he swept the South.
And it's remained in Republican hands ever since.

But that was the point. ALl those other guys changed their minds on segregation, Thurmond remained a segregationist until he took a well-deserved dirt nap.

Yes, that's exactly what they did.
Even after the ability to enact racist laws had become illegal, the old guard dems in the south remained loyal Democrats all their lives. The younger voters in the South started to vote Republican, because the Democratic Party was seen as steadily lurching to the left, and now look at it.

I gave you the example of Robert Byrd, the man was a racist SOB his entire life, and yet the dems made him their Senate leader from 1977 to 1989. If the dems were magically no longer racists, why did the entire old guard remain, except Strom? Why why did the Senate dems keep electing a flaming racist Byrd as their leader? the racist old guard were losing elections to Republicans, and it was not because these Republicans were more bigoted than the old guard racial bigots.

It's just silly to try and make the argument that the racists suddenly decided that the only political party they could use as their vehicle to enact their racist laws thru, was the very political party that has always fought against their racist laws.
Even after the ability to enact racist laws had become illegal, the old guard dems in the south remained loyal Democrats all their lives. The younger voters in the South started to vote Republican, because the Democratic Party was seen as steadily lurching to the left, and now look at it.

Actually, no, guy. We STILL have racist laws in this country, and the Southern Racists just crossed the street.

I gave you the example of Robert Byrd, the man was a racist SOB his entire life, and yet the dems made him their Senate leader from 1977 to 1989. If the dems were magically no longer racists, why did the entire old guard remain, except Strom? Why why did the Senate dems keep electing a flaming racist Byrd as their leader? the racist old guard were losing elections to Republicans, and it was not because these Republicans were more bigoted than the old guard racial bigots.

By the 1970's, Byrd was supporting civil rights legislation.

It's just silly to try and make the argument that the racists suddenly decided that the only political party they could use as their vehicle to enact their racist laws thru, was the very political party that has always fought against their racist laws.

Except the Republicans lost any interest in advocating for civil rights after the 1880 election, when Garfield won without any help from Southern blacks voting Republican.
Actually, no, guy. We STILL have racist laws in this country, and the Southern Racists just crossed the street.

By the 1970's, Byrd was supporting civil rights legislation.

Except the Republicans lost any interest in advocating for civil rights after the 1880 election, when Garfield won without any help from Southern blacks voting Republican.
It's not white Southern Republicans demanding racially segregated dorms and graduating ceremonies.

Dude you live in opposite land.

Just like during the Jim Crow years, today it's the Democrats segregating us by the color of our skin, and publicly disparaging people by their race. It never changes. When racists and bigots look for a political party that will help them implement their racist rules, they join the Democrats They always have, and they always will.
It's not white Southern Republicans demanding racially segregated dorms and graduating ceremonies.

Dude you live in opposite land.

Just like during the Jim Crow years, today it's the Democrats segregating us by the color of our skin, and publicly disparaging people by their race. It never changes. When racists and bigots look for a political party that will help them implement their racist rules, they join the Democrats They always have, and they always will.

No, stupid, it's white Southern Republicans still endorsing police misconduct, still trying to restrict voting access, etc.

That some black people want to opt out of white institutions is sad, but not entirely understandable.

You do understand the difference between opting out and being forced out, right?
No, stupid, it's white Southern Republicans still endorsing police misconduct, still trying to restrict voting access, etc.

That some black people want to opt out of white institutions is sad, but not entirely understandable.

You do understand the difference between opting out and being forced out, right?
It's the racist democrats who think non-whites are too stupid to use a computer.

It's racist Democrats like Biden who think "poor kids can be just as smart as white kids." Not that they are as smart, but he thinks it's possible that the can be.

It's the racist Democrats who think a photo ID restricts voting for blacks, because dems think blacks are too stupid to spell DMV, much less find it on a map to get a free photo ID.

It's the woke white Democrats who think they are proving how they aren't racists, when they approve of laws and government policies that condescend to people of color based upon the assumption these policies and laws must exist, because non-whites are inferior.

If you are just going to repeat whatever crap you hear on Hate Radio like you had an original idea, there's not much point talking to you.
I don't watch cable TV and don't listen to talk radio. I do listen to what the dems say today, and what they have said in the past.

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