Conference Call to celebrate the House passing the HCR bill!

JK Sockey

Nov 9, 2009
For about the last week, I have been getting emails from Mary Theurer, Midwest political coordinator for the AFL-CIO. She is trying to send emails to somebody with a similar email address. I have emailed her to request she stop sending the emails to me and to contact the person they are intended for to get her correct email address. She hasn't done this. Instead today she sent me this email:

History was made on Saturday evening when the House voted 220 to 215 for real Health Care Reform. North Dakotans can be proud of the courageous YES vote of Representative Pomeroy.
On to the Senate!

Please join us for our weekly conference call on Monday, Nov 9th at 5:00 pm CT
Number: 1.877.336.1839
Access Code:8340450

Agenda: Health Care Reform Update
Current status

I don't want PelosiCare, and I don't live in North Dakota (seriously, who would choose that? A snow farmer?), but I have every intention of joining this conference call... If anyone else does, please ask her to get Jenny Harris' correct email address.

Thank you in advance.
Jeeze. Good idea. I think I would join her lovely conference call as well and sure give her a peice of my mind about this peice of shit bill the Clowns in the house just passed. Go girl.
JOIN ME THERE! Heck I am passing this information to everyone I know in hopes of out numbering them!

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