Community Health Co-ops


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Paul Glover, founder of Ithaca HOURS labor backed currency and coops, has been publishing handbooks on local currency as well as health care coops. See article below in YES magazine.

Why can't the Sanders Independents and the Trump supporters for free market "cooperate" on this idea?

to localize health care and invest income in creating jobs in health and medical services, deduct that from taxes, and quit fighting over federal govt controlling access to health care?

Health Democracy

"Millions of Americans without health insurance can't wait two years, five, 10 or 20 years for Congress to enact universal health coverage. And they needn't. Several communities have started their own nonprofit health systems. Members of the Ithaca Health Alliance, for example, join for just $100 per year, and can get reimbursement grants or loans for the costs (without deductible) of such everyday emergencies as broken bones, ambulance rides, emergency stitches, burns, certain minor surgeries, and some dental.

All grants and all denials of grant requests are listed on the Alliance website, in order to keep the system transparent.

Today, about 1,000 people are members. As more join, the menu of medical grants increases. Members own a free clinic and receive discounts at over 100 Ithaca-area healers and healthful businesses like organic farmers and bike shops. The Alliance also offers access for low-income families to fresh foods and nutritional education. Members elect their board of directors, and anyone in New York State may join.



Keith Haring offers his trademark murals to the Woodhull Medical Center as part of a pilot project to lift patients' spirits through art.
Courtesy of Woodhull Medical Center.

Co-op health systems like Ithaca's make sense in any city since they help reduce costs to taxpayers, and everyone's health is protected when public health is improved. They also strengthen the campaign for universal coverage:
: : They provide immediate benefits while organizing for universal coverage among the millions of uninsured.
: : The nonprofit health infrastructure demonstrates that good quality medical care can be provided at far lower cost when liberated from profits, bureaucracy, and excessive CEO compensation. These systems will be ready to receive federal money when universal coverage begins.
: : They organize citizens to defend universal coverage, once enacted, from inevitable attacks."

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