Coming to A Neighborhood Near You: The Lisbon Treaty


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Not only has the perfidy of the ‘Fourth Estate’ resulted in the most radically left-wing administration in the history of this great nation, but the same media that could keep the American public abreast of events on the world stage, has- intentionally, I believe,- kept Americans in the dark about changes in the European Union that could be coming here!

The previous European Community, with its implication of separate countries grouped together, has now ceased to exist and is replaced by the new European Union. This now has primacy of law over member states and inherits the legislative powers formerly given to the Community. December 1, 2009 marked an historic turning point for the European: on that date the Lisbon Reform Treaty passed into EU law, after finally being accepted by all EU member countries.

1.The Lisbon Treaty was a collection of amendments, additions, and subtractions from previous treaties, consolidated into two foundational documents: the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

2. The nature and provisions of previous treaties culminated in the 2004 draft Constitutional Treaty, which many opposed because they perceived it as leading directly to a federal superstate. France and Holland for their own reasons rejected the treaty, in their referenda of June 2005, and it never became EU law.

3 The German Presidency of the EU reintroduced a way to bring the contents of the Constitutional Treaty into law. The result was the so-called Lisbon Treaty, sold not as a constitutional document, but as a tidying-up exercise of the preceding treaties. The document was near impossible to read, much like the 2000-page ‘healthcare bill.’ The result was as hoped for by the elites: mostly ignored.

4. The Lisbon Treaty contained the provisions of the Constitutional Treaty, which were deliberately disguised so its contents could be smuggled through intact. Gordon Brown in the UK pretended that the treaty was not really a constitutional document after all so as to get it past Britons without a referendum.

5. A key provision of the treaty unambiguously confers on the EU its own separate (legal) personality. This means that the EU can now become an international actor on the world stage in its own right, separate from and superior to its member states (as constituent countries are now known).

6. The implication of separate countries grouped together, has now ceased to exist and is replaced by the new European Union. This now has primacy of law over member states and inherits the legislative powers formerly given to the Community.

7. What was a community held together by international agreement has thus become something more like a single state. It has new powers to raise its own separate budget, allowing it to become financially independent from member states. This marks a radical new stage in the process of achieving the EU’s aspiration of "ever closer union" among all the peoples of Europe.

8. The EU’s purposes, always directed towards social, economic and environmental improvement for Europe, now take on far greater political ambitions, projecting EU power, policies—and especially what it sees as its distinctive values—more decisively onto the world scene.

9. More power will be taken to the central government, and the strength of constituent states will be eroded further. The Lisbon Treaty allows amendments to its two foundational documents, through which the EU can be expected to evolve relentlessly toward the destination envisaged by its founding fathers—a powerful federal union able to compete confidently on the world stage and project its interests and values.

10. Successive European governments dating back to the early 1970s, aided by sections of the media, grossly misrepresented what the EU project was all about. They said it was merely an economic union, involving no loss of sovereignty by individual countries.

The political elites on the left, and the media which supports and camouflages their machinations, see the future of the United States, also, within such a body.
Many of us do not want to be subsumed within a highly bureaucratic federal superstate. Such an emerging power would threaten our culture, history and values, Common Law traditions and forever change America as we know it.

See . Welcome to the New EU! - by John Meakin

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