Colorado baker told to bake that cake

All of this falls apart when they start refusing service to blacks or muslims or any other minority their fake religion believes in.

Alternatively they could just grow up and be decent people.

Christians didn't refuse to serve anyone other than gays who wanted wedding cakes.......they baked anything for anyone, including gays, and the guy simply said he couldn't bake a specific wedding cake.

It was the democrat party, again, that refused to serve blacks, created jim crow, and murdered blacks, often using the kkk to do they use the racist trust fund kids in blm and antifa.............

And it is the democrat party members who are refusing to serve republicans.....

You don't know what you are talking about.....
All of this falls apart when they start refusing service to blacks or muslims or any other minority their fake religion believes in.

Alternatively they could just grow up and be decent people.

then, you have this.....a woman who told her uncle he could not come to her wedding, simply because he was a Trump supporter....but still expected him to give her a wedding gift......that is you tommy...and your leftist buddies...

It is also your side shutting down speeches by conservatives and republicans on our college campuses.......the political violence is also coming from your side....don't even start on Jan. 6 after leftists from the democrats spent a year burning, looting and murdering Americans in our cities...blm and antifa, the brown shirts of the democrat party....a whole year, over a billion dollars in damage...

One of the more ridiculous side effects of this moment in history is the trend of so many friends and family members refusing to acknowledge one another over politics. By most people’s reckoning, this issue is far more prevalent on the Left than on the Right. And as it is still more or less a free country, people are free to do whatever petty, destructive, bone-headed things they wish.

On the other hand, if you are going to banish someone from the family because they lean conservative, you have to accept all of the consequences. Consider this recent letter to advice columnist Amy Dickinson, which recently appeared in The Chicago Tribune:

Dear Amy: Four months before my daughter’s wedding, she told me that her uncle (my brother, “Dave”) would make her feel unsafe if he was a guest. She asked me not to invite him.
My daughter is very politically progressive, as are many of her friends, and although she and Dave have always had a good relationship (I thought), he is a conservative voter and has supported candidates we all abhor.
Dave has always been very nice, so my daughter’s request surprised me.
I wrote Dave a very nice note, telling him that we would not be comfortable with him at the wedding and that he would not be invited.
Dave did not respond and did not attend.
Afterward, I sent him a card and pictures from the wedding, all in an effort to make him feel like he was not being totally left out.
I have not heard from Dave since then. When my siblings found out what I had done they were angry with me.
That is just one problem.
Another problem is that Dave has not sent my daughter and son-in-law a wedding gift.
In the past, Dave has given family members wedding checks in excess of $1,000.
She says she was counting on receiving the same type of gift.
My husband says I should drop it – but I can’t. Dave’s behavior is upsetting and embarrassing to me.
How can I get my brother to recognize and change his petty behavior?
Please don’t tell me that I’m the one who started this by not inviting my brother to the wedding. After all, he’s a grown man, while my daughter is young and just starting out.
— Angry in Philadelphia

All of this falls apart when they start refusing service to blacks or muslims or any other minority their fake religion believes in.

Alternatively they could just grow up and be decent people.
Racial discrimination is unacceptable in the USA....this isn't the UK, Europe or Asia where its perfectly accepted. This is the USA where your clothing is more likely to be a discriminatory factor than your race.
That is their right IF I asked for a strictly Christian type message to be put on a cake.

But that "convoluted" explanation cuts both ways. It means I can't forcibly hire Planned Parenthood spokespersons (Nationwide abortion Clinics) to give lectures, marketing campaigns, and government lobbying on behalf of "Right to Life" campaigns. (The exact opposite of what they believe)

Nor can I hire all those LGBTQ spokespeople to lobby for traditional nuclear families....because they object on moral grounds.


We CAN have it your way....let's see how quickly the conservatives can forcibly hire these spokespeople to lobby for what they don't believe in.

The reality is there's a difference between hiring someone to do something they advertise as doing, and hiring someone for something they don't advertise as doing.
If you say "we will do a website for your wedding" then it's all weddings, regardless of whether you "believe" their form of wedding is real or not.

For a spokesperson for nationwide abortion clinics, I doubt such a person would advertise to speak about why abortion should be banned.
The reality here is that this person who makes the website doesn't have to accept all offers, it's not difficult to advertise in a manner that means she can accept or reject clients. However, this was political activism, pure and simple.
then, you have this.....a woman who told her uncle he could not come to her wedding, simply because he was a Trump supporter....but still expected him to give her a wedding gift......that is you tommy...and your leftist buddies...

It is also your side shutting down speeches by conservatives and republicans on our college campuses.......the political violence is also coming from your side....don't even start on Jan. 6 after leftists from the democrats spent a year burning, looting and murdering Americans in our cities...blm and antifa, the brown shirts of the democrat party....a whole year, over a billion dollars in damage...

One of the more ridiculous side effects of this moment in history is the trend of so many friends and family members refusing to acknowledge one another over politics. By most people’s reckoning, this issue is far more prevalent on the Left than on the Right. And as it is still more or less a free country, people are free to do whatever petty, destructive, bone-headed things they wish.

On the other hand, if you are going to banish someone from the family because they lean conservative, you have to accept all of the consequences. Consider this recent letter to advice columnist Amy Dickinson, which recently appeared in The Chicago Tribune:

^Here tougher than steel 2aguy reveals that he relies upon advice columnists and

PJ Media


for critical information. :eusa_shhh:
^Here tougher than steel 2aguy reveals that he relies upon advice columnists and

PJ Media


for critical information. :eusa_shhh:

Wow.....the stupid is strong with you.............

You fail to understand, since you are a leftist, therefore and idiot.....that the article links to the story of a leftist like you telling a loving and devoted uncle he could not attend her wedding because he liked Trump........but she was still expecting him to send a gift, and was upset when he didn't.....

Typical you......not very bright, no wisdom, heartless and cruel....
The reality is there's a difference between hiring someone to do something they advertise as doing, and hiring someone for something they don't advertise as doing.
If you say "we will do a website for your wedding" then it's all weddings, regardless of whether you "believe" their form of wedding is real or not.

For a spokesperson for nationwide abortion clinics, I doubt such a person would advertise to speak about why abortion should be banned.
The reality here is that this person who makes the website doesn't have to accept all offers, it's not difficult to advertise in a manner that means she can accept or reject clients. However, this was political activism, pure and simple.
They usually advertise their services as a generic media spokesperson....not as a particular political ideology spokesperson.

That's the crux of the matter.

It wasn't a completely worthless straw dog you created....but the plastic insides showed out.

You can try again.
Great news, now they cannot force a baker to make an ass cake with a cock on it. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
It's good to see that it's finally insane enough that people are pushing back. The right to say "no" is fundamental.
They usually advertise their services as a generic media spokesperson....not as a particular political ideology spokesperson.

That's the crux of the matter.

It wasn't a completely worthless straw dog you created....but the plastic insides showed out.

You can try again.

What a shit reply.

No, I don't think I will reply again. Bye.
Let me try and explain why I am right on this one.
Our Tranny gets in his car to drive home to see his parents. He pulls over for the night to check into a motel. The owner says "no". "Serving trannys is against my religion so you can fuck off and find a tranny motel."

So our tranny sleeps in the back of his car. he is tired and doesnt feel like driving on.

In the morning he gets up and goes to the local diner for brakfast. The owner sees him and says "fuck off you tranny bastard. Serving trannys us against my religion. You can find somewhere else to eat.

Sp our guy moves on, decides to fill up his tank and head for home. But wait. He is refused service at the petrol station. The owner says

"Serving trannys is against my religion so you can fuck off and find a tranny petrol station instead."

Under the taliban logic on here he would be within his rights to do so. They all would.

So a few miles down the road he runs out of petrol and is forced to get out and walk. A few miles further down the road he is attacked by some redneck trash wearing maga hats. They call him a groomer and beat the shit out of him.

A little while later a Christian gentleman comes long. Maybe he is a Welsh methodist ? He helps our traveller to his feet and drives him all the way to his parents house where he is able to get help. EVEN THOUGH IT IS 40 MILES OUT OF HIS WAY AND HE GETS BLOOD ALL OVER HIS BACK SEAT.

Who is the Christian in this story ?

Who is upholding American values ?

Now I do feel the need to underline the point here. If you allow one person to refuse service then you open the doors to all busunesses to refuse it.

Life for the trans community then becomes unbearable. Is that what you want ?

Oh no, Tommy "rednecks"?
Not even gonna touch the fact that MOST gas stations in the US are self pay at the pump.

Then the hotel narrative is unbelievable too as a hotel owner doesn't work the front desk and his adjoining restaurant at the same time. (Too many hours)

Then the walking on the highway is verboten in most states.

Then there's the hate mentioned here coming from an imaginary wellspring in everyone that evaporates with laws....

Nobody has that sort of hate.

Then there's the laws.....we have a representative government. Meaning that citizens support those who draft the laws. And if the laws declare that transvestites are in violation of a criminal statute requiring incarceration until their mental health is restored.....

His defence is the ridiculous religous freedom one that he used to deny a gay couple a cake a few yesrs ago. What does the bible say about trannys ?

It seems that a common link in these bigot cases is well funded extremist laawyers. These bigots never refuse cakes for adulterers or criminals or people who eat shellfish.

They make me sick to my stomach.

commie OK hand.jpg

Better be careful Taint. You may get stomach cancer from all that hatred within you!

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