Coincidence? I think not... MSM donates 90% to Biden in 2021 your tax payments to fund $1.3 billion MSM bailout!

Who said anything about his editorial input.

The point is he has an inside perspective. He has access to know all the things he states happened.
The point is…..he doesn’t have inside perspective

Typical Project Veritas BS
Find a low level geeky tech employee, send and attractive reporter to pretend she is interested in him sexually.
Have that reporter tell him how much she hates Trump
Low level geeky employee wants to get laid
So he tells her what he thinks she wants to hear

Project Veritas misrepresents who he is and edits what he says
The point is…..he doesn’t have inside perspective

Typical Project Veritas BS
Find a low level geeky tech employee, send and attractive reporter to pretend she is interested in him sexually.
Have that reporter tell him how much she hates Trump
Low level geeky employee wants to get laid
So he tells her what he thinks she wants to hear

Project Veritas misrepresents who he is and edits what he says
So, just reject what he states because you don't like it.
Why does Trump mock the media and call them Fake News?

Because a Free Press is a check on Presidential power.
How do you deal with a press that constantly fact checks your wild claims and misinformation campaigns?

You convince your followers that they are not to be trusted
Then why don't the do it with Biden or Obama?
Why does Trump mock the media and call them Fake News?

Because a Free Press is a check on Presidential power.
How do you deal with a press that constantly fact checks your wild claims and misinformation campaigns?

You convince your followers that they are not to be trusted
OK... Why then if the BIASED MSM is NOT biased did this occur?
The biased MSM takes a whole news story extracts any positives especially positives regarding America, the flag, the military, a GOP politician and then because they don't report the whole story, through altering context, not stating the facts, etc. i.e. fake news through context modification!
Case in point Trump's :
"There were very fine people on both sides, (This is what the majority of MSM reported as Trump's comment)
"& I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."

But when you do a google search for :"there were good people on both sides" Results: 19,030,000,000...
That's 19.03 BILLION results!!!
But the part that I'm repeating several times that the MSM and evidently many people haven't read,I did a Google search on: & I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."
Results: 339,000 or 0.001781430% of the 19.03 BILLION, that's 56,135 times the number of times you would hear Trump denouncing Neo-nazis and white supremacist when he said:
"& I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists"
Perfect example of the BIASED MSM not telling the whole news because it wasn't positive!
And this is why Trump and millions of common sense people like me(I've also had college journalism courses!!)
are pointing out the biased MSM examples of fake news... all because( and by the way you still haven't refuted the attached) the biased news did the following!

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