Again dishonesty of Democrats... "GOP raised National debt in 2020... so why not now"?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I've heard several Democrats blame Trump/GOP for raising the national debt and I don't disagree!
Trump's additional spending DID raise the debt.
"Hey Republicans do you still care about the national debt? Because Trump just increased it by $8.3 TRILLION in four years. Just sayin."

But why did Democrats also vote to raise the debt?
Under Trump's first four years as president, the national debt has markedly increased,
including significant spending by the federal government to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
AND the economic reason for this additional spending that raised the debt???
From the most recent peak in the fourth quarter of 2019, the United States experienced two consecutive quarters of declines in GDP; it even recorded its steepest quarterly drop in economic output on record,
a decrease of 9.1 percent in the second quarter of 2020 (Bureau of Economic Analysis [BEA] 2020a; authors’ calculations).

BIG BIG FACT decrease of 9.1 percent in the second quarter of 2020 ...the steepest quarterly drop in economic output on record,
WHY? COVID which the MSM helped blow way out of proportion, closed businesses, funded millions of Americans

Current-dollar GDP decreased 2.3 percent, or $500.6 billion, in 2020 to a level of $20.93 trillion,
compared with an increase of 4.0 percent, or $821.3 billion, in 2019 (tables 1 and 3).
In summary:
Yes the debt increased BECAUSE the biased MSM blew COVID so out of proportion daily death counts...etc. the National GDP had
a overall DECREASE of 9.1% in Q2 of 2020! Cities closed. Economies closed. Tax revenue dropped. All because the MSM saw an
opportunity to BLOW COVID out of proportion, cause economic losses to millions of Americans, increase national debt all to protect
their donations to Biden!
Democrats support this country
Republicans want to force an economic disaster
Are you for real? I mean for someone who's screen moniker was a "underground sanitation expert." you certainly are upholding the word "euphemism"!
Explain to me how you come to the conclusions that the attached statements and policies of Obama and now Biden are NOT economic disasters?
For example, Biden has begged OPEC to increase oil production, talking about releasing oil from the strategic reserve BUT did everything to return the USA to energy DEPENDENCE on foreign sources when after 62 years the USA was energy independent under Trump.
NOW unlike you that think people reading your short but totally incorrect statements believe you... I'm providing you proof that you are what your moniker really handled,..... "SHIT"!

Below shows how you and Obama/Biden want OPEC to provide us OIL when a president stops exploration on Federal land that provides 25% of our oil?

And today gas prices up 49% from a year ago!
Screen Shot 2021-10-09 at 11.58.06 AM.png
The left WANT to bankrupt America.

They tell us all the time that the USA sucks and needs to be changed.

The Dem party is nothing but Marxists.

They tell you every day in their actions and words.
Leftists are twisted. They make their own beds and blame others because the sheets are bug infested.

A. Anyone ever heard of COVID? Yeah, that's that thing the left exploited to rip down our economy for sake of power and cash for the select elite. You know, like Obama, who's wealth has about doubled since. You figure that BS comes free to our govt.? Leftists are heavily cause & effect challenged.

B. Anyone ever heard of congress? Sure you have, but leftists don't have a clue what they do. They put together spending packages, and the Demonicrats were running congress with pelosi types who do what again? Drink alcohol, take pain killers, & dress in African mock-ups for posturing.
It is funny how lefties say Trump is the biggest NAZI who ever lived, then defend Biden for doing things Trump did. :clap:

They are dumb as as shit.



despite the evidence of the contrary right rightwing? You're always wrong.
OK I'm going to repeat what I put up AS EVIDENCE that dumb people like you have NO idea how bad Obama/Biden have treated American businesses and above all America security!
READ the attached and you tell me the positive benefits.

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