Cohen Russian To Attack The House of Representatives & America

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016

This Crooked Douchebag who stole thousands of dollars from The Trump Organization sure is in a hurry to get some smears in on The President after being disbarred, and now on his way to prison for laying To Congress....(unlike Hillary).

Now that it's clear after several investigations that the whole Russian Lie came from and was paid for by Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton, and that the entire thing was an orchestrated attempt to fix our elections in Clinton's favor, and then attempt an Impeachment before the president was even sworn in, and then a COUP......

Who really is America's Biggest Enemy? Who is the biggest threat to Democracy?

The Democrat Party, and it's propaganda wing, the main stream media, that's who.

There is right now, no more subversive force attacking American Values, and Our Democracy on The Planet than The Democrat Party.

Politics have reached a new low. The President is overseas negotiating the De-Nuclearization of North Korea, and is discussing trade with China. Cohen could have conducted his dog and pony show any time before this. It used to be an unspoken rule that you did not engage in political smears and attacks on the president while The President is out of the country. It's a cowardly act, but since when has The Left ever had any courage?

Thinking People should note, that any time The President is about to accomplish something big, The Democrats either by their schemes and actions or through their puppet Robert Mueller, always try to push a Negative Narrative to counter The President's Positive News.

Russia is really not bother to us at all. They can't hurt us. They can't overturn the results of our elections. They can't bankrupt us with some Insane and Suicidal New Green Deal, which is nothing but Socialist Wolf dressed in Sheep's Clothing. They can't force us to let criminals run in the streets in sanctuary cities. They can't make America commit Infanticide like you see in Brutal Communist Regimes. They can't force us to allow Fentanyl, Meth, and Heroin come across our borders. They can create and write Russian Propaganda to attack our President, but they have no real way to distribute it in The Media, or use it to launch Fake Investigations, or File False Affidavits in a FISA Court, and they can't make America witness a Convicted Felon and Known Liar be invited by Democrats in The House to Lie about The President and Broadcast these lies all over the country.

But The Democrat Party Can.
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Now that it's clear after several investigations that the whole Russian Lie came from and was paid for by Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton, and that the entire thing was an orchestrated attempt to fix our elections in Clinton's favor,
Good Lord kid, you were supposed to mix that koolaide with water and share it, not snort the powder!!

What "several investigations" do you think proved that?
Once again the democrats and TDS media have over played their hand with the hysteria surrounding the Cohen testimony while TRUMP is negotiating with NK. We all know how the split screen will work, media will hype up questions from democrats along with Cohens response to democrats questions, while flipping over to coverage from TRUMP/NK summit during the republican questions and answers.
Now that it's clear after several investigations that the whole Russian Lie came from and was paid for by Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton, and that the entire thing was an orchestrated attempt to fix our elections in Clinton's favor,
Good Lord kid, you were supposed to mix that koolaide with water and share it, not snort the powder!!

What "several investigations" do you think proved that?

I think it's your Dear Leader, The Reverend Jim Jones, pastor of.....

"The Holy Roller Divine Church of The Blessed New Green Socialist Order for The Blind, Useful Idiots & People who Can't Read Good"

..... that is dishing out The Koolaide for your "Congregation"


But in reference to your question........ There have been several investigations in to The Russia Hoax. Both House and Senate Intelligence Committees found No Collusion.

THERE HAVE BEEN 17 Different Investigations.

Your Party sure as Hell likes to stick it to The Taxpayer and get Nothing Done in Congress.

Apparently Democrats like to sit with their thumbs up their asses all day trying to dream up how to launch Investigation number 18.

A Complete Guide to All 17 (Known) Trump and Russia Investigations

Have Fun at Church!!


Smell my Finger!
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Once again the democrats and TDS media have over played their hand with the hysteria surrounding the Cohen testimony while TRUMP is negotiating with NK. We all know how the split screen will work, media will hype up questions from democrats along with Cohens response to democrats questions, while flipping over to coverage from TRUMP/NK summit during the republican questions and answers.
I thought there were just 7 Investigations The Democrats launched when Trump defeated The Hildabeast, Hillary Cankles McPutin.

There are actually 17.

So when President Trump remarks that NO PRESIDENT has ever UNDERGONE this kind of Scrutiny and daily attacks, he is HISTORICALLY and FACTUALLY CORRECT!

The COUP is still ongoing.

The Left would have you believe the situation is similar to what appears below, but reality is America's economy and military is Exponentially Greater than Russia's.

They really aren't much of a threat. While Russia can stir up a lot of trouble, it's no where near as what The Democrat Party can do to disrupt our Democracy and functions of Government.
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Personally, I am not going to watch The Cohen Circus.

1.) A Convicted Felon
2.) A Confirmed Liar
3.) A Confirmed Thief who stole money from his employer. ($35,000 Stolen From The Trump Organization.)
4.) All of the above, plus additionally has ZERO accountability since he cannot be convicted again for lying to Congress under the double jeopardy standard.

This Crooked Douchebag who stole thousands of dollars from The Trump Organization sure is in a hurry to get some smears in on The President after being disbarred, and now on his way to prison for laying To Congress....(unlike Hillary).

Now that it's clear after several investigations that the whole Russian Lie came from and was paid for by Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton, and that the entire thing was an orchestrated attempt to fix our elections in Clinton's favor, and then attempt an Impeachment before the president was even sworn in, and then a COUP......

Who really is America's Biggest Enemy? Who is the biggest threat to Democracy?

The Democrat Party, and it's propaganda wing, the main stream media, that's who.

There is right now, no more subversive force attacking American Values, and Our Democracy on The Planet than The Democrat Party.

Politics have reached a new low. The President is overseas negotiating the De-Nuclearization of North Korea, and is discussing trade with China. Cohen could have conducted his dog and pony show any time before this. It used to be an unspoken rule that you did not engage in political smears and attacks on the president while The President is out of the country. It's a cowardly act, but since when has The Left ever had any courage?

Thinking People should note, that any time The President is about to accomplish something big, The Democrats either by their schemes and actions or through their puppet Robert Mueller, always try to push a Negative Narrative to counter The President's Positive News.

Russia is really not bother to us at all. They can't hurt us. They can't overturn the results of our elections. They can't bankrupt us with some Insane and Suicidal New Green Deal, which is nothing but Socialist Wolf dressed in Sheep's Clothing. They can't force us to let criminals run in the streets in sanctuary cities. They can't make America commit Infanticide like you see in Brutal Communist Regimes. They can't force us to allow Fentanyl, Meth, and Heroin come across our borders. They can create and write Russian Propaganda to attack our President, but they have no real way to distribute it in The Media, or use it to launch Fake Investigations, or File False Affidavits in a FISA Court, and they can't make America witness a Convicted Felon and Known Liar be invited by Democrats in The House to Lie about The President and Broadcast these lies all over the country.

But The Democrat Party Can.
Well we have the Kremlin opinion on this

pay no attention.
Anyone who interferes with our Democracy, acts as an Obstructionist in America's Foreign Policy, tries to Subvert and Damage America's interests, Undermine The Presidency, is an Adversary not an ally.

But we already knew that about you long ago.

No need to keep proving how much you hate America and our freedoms every day.

This btw, is why Hillary Clinton & Obama should have never purchased Russian Propaganda from Putin.

This is why two years after his election we are still debating this.

It's exactly what Russia wanted, for The Democrat Party to act as his puppet, sowing division and strife, and attacking the president every day instead of doing their jobs.
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This Crooked Douchebag who stole thousands of dollars from The Trump Organization sure is in a hurry to get some smears in on The President after being disbarred, and now on his way to prison for laying To Congress....(unlike Hillary).

Now that it's clear after several investigations that the whole Russian Lie came from and was paid for by Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton, and that the entire thing was an orchestrated attempt to fix our elections in Clinton's favor, and then attempt an Impeachment before the president was even sworn in, and then a COUP......

Who really is America's Biggest Enemy? Who is the biggest threat to Democracy?

The Democrat Party, and it's propaganda wing, the main stream media, that's who.

There is right now, no more subversive force attacking American Values, and Our Democracy on The Planet than The Democrat Party.

Politics have reached a new low. The President is overseas negotiating the De-Nuclearization of North Korea, and is discussing trade with China. Cohen could have conducted his dog and pony show any time before this. It used to be an unspoken rule that you did not engage in political smears and attacks on the president while The President is out of the country. It's a cowardly act, but since when has The Left ever had any courage?

Thinking People should note, that any time The President is about to accomplish something big, The Democrats either by their schemes and actions or through their puppet Robert Mueller, always try to push a Negative Narrative to counter The President's Positive News.

Russia is really not bother to us at all. They can't hurt us. They can't overturn the results of our elections. They can't bankrupt us with some Insane and Suicidal New Green Deal, which is nothing but Socialist Wolf dressed in Sheep's Clothing. They can't force us to let criminals run in the streets in sanctuary cities. They can't make America commit Infanticide like you see in Brutal Communist Regimes. They can't force us to allow Fentanyl, Meth, and Heroin come across our borders. They can create and write Russian Propaganda to attack our President, but they have no real way to distribute it in The Media, or use it to launch Fake Investigations, or File False Affidavits in a FISA Court, and they can't make America witness a Convicted Felon and Known Liar be invited by Democrats in The House to Lie about The President and Broadcast these lies all over the country.

But The Democrat Party Can.
Well we have the Kremlin opinion on this

And what is The Kremlin's Opinion on this, since you have a direct line to them, and get your paycheck from them?
Now that it's clear after several investigations that the whole Russian Lie came from and was paid for by Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton, and that the entire thing was an orchestrated attempt to fix our elections in Clinton's favor,
Good Lord kid, you were supposed to mix that koolaide with water and share it, not snort the powder!!

What "several investigations" do you think proved that?

I think it's your Dear Leader, The Reverend Jim Jones, pastor of.....

"The Holy Roller Divine Church of The Blessed New Green Socialist Order for The Blind, Useful Idiots & People who Can't Read Good"

..... that is dishing out The Koolaide for your "Congregation"


But in reference to your question........ There have been several investigations in to The Russia Hoax. Both House and Senate Intelligence Committees found No Collusion.

THERE HAVE BEEN 17 Different Investigations.

Your Party sure as Hell likes to stick it to The Taxpayer and get Nothing Done in Congress.

Apparently Democrats like to sit with their thumbs up their asses all day trying to dream up how to launch Investigation number 18.

A Complete Guide to All 17 (Known) Trump and Russia Investigations

Have Fun at Church!!


Smell my Finger!

The similarities between trumpettes and the Jim Jones cult are amazing!

pay no attention.
Anyone who interferes with our Democracy, acts as an Obstructionist in America's Foreign Policy, tries to Subvert and Damage America's interests, Undermine The Presidency, is an Adversary not an ally.

But we already knew that about you long ago.

No need to keep proving how much you hate America and our freedoms every day.

This btw, is why Hillary Clinton & Obama should have never purchased Russian Propaganda from Putin.

This is why two years after his election we are still debating this.

It's exactly what Russia wanted, for The Democrat Party to act as his puppet, sowing division and strife, and attacking the president every day instead of doing their jobs.

Remember that trump is PUTIN'S PRESIDENT....
Now that it's clear after several investigations that the whole Russian Lie came from and was paid for by Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton, and that the entire thing was an orchestrated attempt to fix our elections in Clinton's favor,
Good Lord kid, you were supposed to mix that koolaide with water and share it, not snort the powder!!

What "several investigations" do you think proved that?

I think it's your Dear Leader, The Reverend Jim Jones, pastor of.....

"The Holy Roller Divine Church of The Blessed New Green Socialist Order for The Blind, Useful Idiots & People who Can't Read Good"

..... that is dishing out The Koolaide for your "Congregation"


But in reference to your question........ There have been several investigations in to The Russia Hoax. Both House and Senate Intelligence Committees found No Collusion.

THERE HAVE BEEN 17 Different Investigations.

Your Party sure as Hell likes to stick it to The Taxpayer and get Nothing Done in Congress.

Apparently Democrats like to sit with their thumbs up their asses all day trying to dream up how to launch Investigation number 18.

A Complete Guide to All 17 (Known) Trump and Russia Investigations

Have Fun at Church!!


Smell my Finger!

The similarities between trumpettes and the Jim Jones cult are amazing!
I have no idea what a trumpette is. I do know that millions of Americans voted for President Trump, and they voted for him because they wanted what was best for America, not what was best for a man they did not have a personal relationship with.

The President did not need the job of president, and did not need to rely on political office for his income unlike Hillary Clinton who's entire existence is based on Political Donations, Favors, Graff, and Kickbacks.

The President donates his salary to charity. Do you donate your welfare check to charity?

pay no attention.
Anyone who interferes with our Democracy, acts as an Obstructionist in America's Foreign Policy, tries to Subvert and Damage America's interests, Undermine The Presidency, is an Adversary not an ally.

But we already knew that about you long ago.

No need to keep proving how much you hate America and our freedoms every day.

This btw, is why Hillary Clinton & Obama should have never purchased Russian Propaganda from Putin.

This is why two years after his election we are still debating this.

It's exactly what Russia wanted, for The Democrat Party to act as his puppet, sowing division and strife, and attacking the president every day instead of doing their jobs.

Remember that trump is PUTIN'S PRESIDENT....
How so? How about you try to prove that statement, when 17 Investigations, Millions of Dollars of wasted taxpayer money could not.

I think you are Putin's Poster. Putin's Buttplug is a better name for you, though so let's stick with that.

Also, out of curiosity I tuned in to Listen to Comrade Cohen. The guy is lying his ass off, and when he isn't lying he simply states he doesn't know anything about things he clearly should know about.

Why is The Democrat Party still wasting our time with this, and still trying to continue the COUP plot even when it was already exposed?

So provide your proof the The President was voted in to office by Putin and not The American People.

It's not like you can produce a Kremlin Produced Propaganda Campaign that Clinton and Obama paid Putin for the purpose of rigging the 2016 Election with Putin's help.
So, COHEN, Prepared in advance with Cummings, and Schiff for the hearing. They rehearsed for the hearing. Rehearsed questions that were going to be asked of him in the hearing.

Questions were given to COHEN in advance. You know, just like Donna Brazile gave Hillary Clinton Debate Questions so she could CHEAT in the DEBATES with President Trump.

Now, imo, Schiff and Cummings should be brought up on ETHICS Violations. They may have even broken some laws.

They also VIOLATED THE RULES for Committee Hearings INTENTIONALLY

"Committee rules require witnesses to provide their testimony to Congress 24 hours in advance of a hearing. We know that rule was intentionally violated, as an adviser of Mr. Cohen's felt the need to go on CNN last night and explicitly state his suggestion that Mr. Cohen 'hold his statement' as long as possible 'so the other side can't chew it up,'" Meadows said. "Lo and behold, we didn't get Mr. Cohen's statement till 11:00 p.m. last night and didn't receive any of the 'evidence' until this morning."

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Cohen caught in another lie when he said under oath he was in contact with Foreign Agents, yet on his disclosure statement marked N\A. This is a Felony.
I find it strange when you ask these Russian Trolls, AKA Democrats direct questions after they troll me and troll the thread, that they simply disappear. They also Never Address any points made in any of the postings and instead choose to engage in Ad Hominem Attacks.

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