Code Pink mob shuts down Rove book event

The slimy little bastard is lucky all that happened is that he was shouted down. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.

He ought to be in prison.

Really Bif? For what pray tell? For not holding the same points of view as yourself?

I don't have anything against those who do not hold the same views as myself, provided they play fair. Rove has never played fair. He is a vicious, political shark who thinks the best way to take on an opponent is simply to destroy their political lives by any and all means possible.

The dissemination of lies and the mischaracterization of the opposition are two of his favorite tools. And he is very good at it. You have heard of the phrase, "dirty tricks" in the context of political action? He is the living embodiment of political dirty tricks - has been ever since he first oozed his way into the political arena.

Google "Rove, dirty tricks" and see what you get.

Or, better yet, try this - Google the person on the left that corresponds to Karl Rove on the right. You know, the Democrat's guy who, election after election, always emerges as the left's go-to person whenever someone on the right needs to be knocked out with an unethical, no holds barred attack.

Got him? Hello? I'm waiting . . . .
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I actually have a brain. You fuckwit rhetoric parrots couldn't think your way out of cardboard box.

Wanna dance, bitch? Perhaps if someone on the left could get an original thought that actually represented liberalism I wouldn't be stomping the fuck out of you idiots.

You can't always be first, but you CAN be next ....

You brought up the idea of buying brains at Walmart. I figure you know they sell them because you saw them on sale and probably picked up a set---on sale.

The parrots would be the Right Wing Lunatics along with the leftist nitwits.

Thinking a leftist is representative of a liberal is as stupid as one can get.

did you get the extended warranty at Walmart for those brains?:eusa_whistle:

Lame. *yawn*

Want to try again, loser?

Thinking leftists don't control what was once a liberal party is as stupid as one gets. Yet you so-called liberals STILL support progressive/socialist idiots that run the Democratic Party.

Get a fucking clue.

I'm not a member of the democratic party anymore, but I know that unlike the Republican party, the Dems have no ideological purity police.

Let a Republican dare speak their mind and they are accused by their own of being a RINO.:cuckoo:
I agree! Where are the tapes showing anyone called Rove a ****** or a faggot or spit on him??
Thanks, Willow!

Do you disagree he was called a war criminal? Is that not on par?

The only claim you own is that Rove is not a "convicted" criminal ...war or otherwise. To suggest he is not a known criminal is perverse.

Rove is evil on so many levels. Any who would defend him are sick psycophants with no conscience. Sociopathic groupies. They remind me of women that marry serial child killers and rapists while they serve life sentences or await thier deaths in prison.

Last night I dreamed I had Rove having drugged him and secured him in an old and abandoned slaughterhouse. The generator rumbled and the lights pulsed in the background as I laid the still incapacitated monster on a cot inside a steel king sizes metal box spring frame. The frame rail springs where still in place surrounding the cot and its hideous occupant. I had no emotion as I took #3 shark hooks with stainless steel leaders and drove the razor tips into the putrid flesh in various positions around the exterior of the devils spawn. Upon completion of the baiting of the hooks I connected each one to a spring and with a strong yank on each wire drove the hooks home and stretched the spring and tied off the wire. The strange web finished Rove came out of his coma induced by an anti drugging injection. He was a human trampoline and I could not resist climbing onto it standing on his chest. I started flexing my knees in rythim his eyes bugging out with each small bounce. He could not scream out from the force of my 230 pound on his chest. I started jumping with more and more vigor. The hooks tore deeper and deeper and blood came drooling out of the 50 or more gapping wounds. My phone is ringing and I must awake and finish this delightful excersize later.

The least of Roves concerns should be a few negative words.

What is wrong with you??? That kind of talk is just plain crazy!!! Are you trying to be funny??? If you are, it's not the least bit funny. And if you are not shooting for humor here, you need to call a shrink ASAP. :mad:

I notice you lefties are all okay when I'm jumping the rightwing extremists but you act like I killed your damned dogs when I point out the leftwing retards and call me partisan. Remind me again what happened to Red States Rule, NevadaMedic and Glockmail when I took over here?

Delusional extremist liars suck. I don't care on which side and I go after both. Something you lefties have YET to give me credit for. I don't let retards represent MY beliefs ... why do you?

What can I say? People change. That would be true if the threads in the Lame Zone weren't so one sided...Using your analogy there would be a tonne of Obama threads in there. There ain't. There's a reason for that.....

...and I ain't a leftie....:cool:
I noticed that, too. Apparently no one is allowed to know that the nutjob in Philly threatened anyone but a Republican.

I do know that saying this is going to get this thread deleted or put into the Lame Zone.
You brought up the idea of buying brains at Walmart. I figure you know they sell them because you saw them on sale and probably picked up a set---on sale.

The parrots would be the Right Wing Lunatics along with the leftist nitwits.

Thinking a leftist is representative of a liberal is as stupid as one can get.

did you get the extended warranty at Walmart for those brains?:eusa_whistle:

Lame. *yawn*

Want to try again, loser?

Thinking leftists don't control what was once a liberal party is as stupid as one gets. Yet you so-called liberals STILL support progressive/socialist idiots that run the Democratic Party.

Get a fucking clue.

I'm not a member of the democratic party anymore, but I know that unlike the Republican party, the Dems have no ideological purity police.

Let a Republican dare speak their mind and they are accused by their own of being a RINO.:cuckoo:

Been smoking crack again, huh? Thought you gave that up. The Democratic Party itself is an ideological purity police. Try again.

Define "their own" ... You mean we don't fall in line like Dem sheep and just say "yes, massah" when the party speaks?

Gee. No clue THERE.:cuckoo:

You're over your head.
What can I say? People change. That would be true if the threads in the Lame Zone weren't so one sided...Using your analogy there would be a tonne of Obama threads in there. There ain't. There's a reason for that.....

...and I ain't a leftie....:cool:
I noticed that, too. Apparently no one is allowed to know that the nutjob in Philly threatened anyone but a Republican.

I do know that saying this is going to get this thread deleted or put into the Lame Zone.

Probably not, but YOUR fucking post might get it put there. Board policy is not yours to question in public forums.

How many fucking ways and how many years does it take for you to get THAT?

Defy my rules. Go ahead. You'll end up back on that other "fair and unbalanced" board like last time.
Where are the Democratic elected leaders speaking at Code Pink's events?

Noted at Malkin's blog: No mention of the threats to Obama, Biden, Pelosi and Reid from the whack job that threatened Cantor.


If you refuse to admit that Code Pink is to a degree affiliated with the left wing party, the Democats, then would it also be true that you see no association of the Tea Party with the right wing party, the Republicans?

Let's be honest here.
You people fail to understand the difference in these groups. Republican congresscritters speak at tea party events. And while they are speaking, they overlook some pretty nasty signs and views. In fact, they pretty much encourage them.

Democratic congresscritters don't speak at fringe events.

Can you show some evidence of these 'nasty signs'?
When Obama spoke during the election, the press showed terrible T-shirts with vulgar terms for Palin and other conservatives (personally I think they showed them because the press agreed with that agenda), yet there was no calls for calm or non-violence. Obama told his 'followers' to get into people's face if they disagreed. Yet there has still been no mention of 'that' behavior from the left. We are tired of accusations, show us the evidence of 'this' widespread sentiment or apologize for spreading rumors.
After the Shah of Iran was overthrown, then batch one of Islamic fundamentalists came into power as the ruling elite of the ancient Persian civilization. In the Carter Administration, the Fundamentalists demonstrated complete anathema of the West, and went ahead with violation of ancient international customs and agreements.

Eventually, an anti-Shia-Crescent regime became a U. S. ally, the Baathists of Iraq, Saddam Hussein in charge. Saddam Hussein was wonderfully, anti-Islamic Fundamentalist.

Saddam Hussein had minimized the Islamic Shia Fundamentalist Crescent. Elsewhere, Al Qaeda allied with the Taliban, and diminished the Soviet presence in Afghanistan. The Taliban, and not Al Qaeda fanatics, were in control of Afghanistan. The Taliban were notoriously fundamentalist, and the 16th century became that nation.

Iraqi Sunni became rich, and modernizing. Saudi Sunni were rich and modernizing. Some of their dissident fanatics, apparently more fundamentalist inclined, hooked up with Al Qaeda. From New York, then attacks on the World Trade Towers were launched, and the claim was that New York was not involved(?). Not even any Saudis were involved(?). No fanatics were at all involved(?). Instead of a police matter, an entire region was intentionally regarded as being involved(?). A war with the region became U. S. intended policy.

Persia was not on radar, however, apparently regarded the region's safe haven for *******, faggots, and Jews and Slavs(?). They couldn't even stand up to Saddam Hussein: If anyone follows Toro poster's claim that a nuclear Iran was not the intended outcome of the Iraq war policy. Anyone would have to say that keeping Iran under anti-Shia-Crescent control was no longer U. S. Policy. Iran was clearly regarded no threat, and could therefore be free to develop a nuclear weapons capability, to aim at the region, and even at the United States(?). Even if they are regarded the regional bastion of *******, faggots, Jews and Slavs(?), then the leave them alone policy was clearly intended.

And lo, an angel of the Lord did not appear, and so as a consequence of the deliberate slaughter of Americans and other nationals, in the occupationof Iraq: Then World Peace was not to be said the intended outcome.

Toro poster even managed to claim that a nuclear weaponizd Persia was not the intended outcome. Persians are mostly, apparently, regarded as ******* and faggots, and slavs and Jews(?): Even now. They are not regarded a viable civilization at all. Persons like the Persians are clueless, and are mainly to be pitied.

See the Toro post above! The intent of the Iraq policy is better said an intended outcome in favor of Iran with nuclear weapons, aimed at the region, and at the United States. Iran had not vanished from the earth, when Cheney-Rove-Bush were in office. Toro registers that in fact they were not around, at any racist rate, at all!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even casinos make better sense, and even in the South of France!)

Dude, that's unhinged.
I need to see how to contribute money to code pink.

Rove is a twerp that I am not sure has ever officially been in government.
Just another asshole citizen.
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I need to see how to contribute money to code pink.

Rove is a twerp that I am not sure has ever officially been in government.
Just another asshole citizen.

Maybe Code Pink will accept a gift of Riccota Cheese "made from scratch."

If you were a hillbilly you would know what made from scratch meant.
And would for sure not be into Octoerotica.

Octoerotica? (linky?)

What's that? A new kind of cheese.......:eusa_angel:
By Michelle Malkin • March 30, 2010 02:31 AM They’re baaaaaack in full force. The speech-stifling, original angry mob of Code Pinkos shouted down Karl Rove during a book tour event in Beverly Hills tonight — forcing him to cut his remarks short and leave before attendees could get their books signed. Code Pink co-founder/terror-coddler/Obama funder Jodie Evans pulled her old “citizens’ arrest” prank and stormed right up to Rove with handcuffs. She and other members tried to incite the crowd with shouts of “war criminal.”

October 2008…

YouTube - Karl Rove Chased Out of UCSB 2/25/10

the rest at.Michelle Malkin Code Pink mob shuts down Rove book event

In the last week we have seen two newsworthy occasions in which the left has attempted to shut down the free speech of opponents, Mr. Rove and Ms. Coulter.

Where are our colleagues on the left supporting the first amendment, or at the very least, pointing to similar occasions where right wingers have infracted the Constitution similarly?

And yet, in an earlier thread that suggested that progressives couldn't respect the Constitution, there was a great deal of quibbling.

And the MSM news readers have been demanding that Repub leaders should condemn raucous Tea Party members, yet not a peep from these hypocrites about Democrats condemning these attacks on civility by the left.

Speak up, lefties!

Lefties speaking about the right of "free speech" when it comes from someone they "hate."

You're kidding right---:lol::lol::lol:

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