Code Pink mob shuts down Rove book event

If you refuse to admit that Code Pink is to a degree affiliated with the left wing party, the Democats, then would it also be true that you see no association of the Tea Party with the right wing party, the Republicans?

Let's be honest here.
You people fail to understand the difference in these groups. Republican congresscritters speak at tea party events. And while they are speaking, they overlook some pretty nasty signs and views. In fact, they pretty much encourage them.

Democratic congresscritters don't speak at fringe events.

Couple of small points:

1. It is totally ignorant to refer to 'you people'. People are individuals.

2. I guess that depends on how you define what is or is not a 'fringe'. Obama most certainly has spoken at 'fringe' meetings. Most politicians have - left and right.... depending on the way you define 'fringe'.

What fringe meetings did Obama speak at as a Senator or President?
You people fail to understand the difference in these groups. Republican congresscritters speak at tea party events. And while they are speaking, they overlook some pretty nasty signs and views. In fact, they pretty much encourage them.

Democratic congresscritters don't speak at fringe events.

isn't google cool..........

congressman speaks at code pink rally - Google Search
I looked at the links on that page and as far as I can tell they were all about Code Pink taking petitions to the offices of various Congress people telling them to stop the war. Even the video at the top of the page didn't seem to be of a Code Pink rally.

Nice try!

It's not a code pink rally. It's an anti war rally.

And stopping all Americans from having access to health care and ending the war are not at all equal.
Where is the outrage from our resident lefties condemning Code Pink's behavior?

The better question is, why is the right outraged? I thought disrupting things was the American patriotic way? Remember the town halls?

Why the hypocrisy when Rove is disrupted?

I guess you libs think everything is publicly held. Rove is a private citizen speaking at a privately owned business for the purpose of promoting his book. The twon halls were held under the guise of listening to the public discuss issues that their public officials were considering. I know it is a difficult concept for you , but it really is an important difference.
The slimy little bastard is lucky all that happened is that he was shouted down. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.

He ought to be in prison.

Really Bif? For what pray tell? For not holding the same points of view as yourself?
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Where is the outrage from our resident lefties condemning Code Pink's behavior?

The better question is, why is the right outraged? I thought disrupting things was the American patriotic way? Remember the town halls?

Why the hypocrisy when Rove is disrupted?

I guess you libs think everything is publicly held. Rove is a private citizen speaking at a privately owned business for the purpose of promoting his book. The twon halls were held under the guise of listening to the public discuss issues that their public officials were considering. I know it is a difficult concept for you , but it really is an important difference.

Remember.. these are the same slimeballs that thnk disrupting soldiers' funerals is "patriotic"
The better question is, why is the right outraged? I thought disrupting things was the American patriotic way? Remember the town halls?

Why the hypocrisy when Rove is disrupted?

I guess you libs think everything is publicly held. Rove is a private citizen speaking at a privately owned business for the purpose of promoting his book. The twon halls were held under the guise of listening to the public discuss issues that their public officials were considering. I know it is a difficult concept for you , but it really is an important difference.

Remember.. these are the same slimeballs that thnk disrupting soldiers' funerals is "patriotic"

It most certainly is not.

Obama Met With Top Code Pink Donor In June– The Same Woman Who Stormed the Stage During Palin’s Talk On Wednesday
Saturday, September 6, 2008, 1:37 AM
Jim Hoft
Thanks to BG for pointing out this video confession.
In June, Barack Obama held a Hollywood fundraiser.

[ame=]YouTube - Code Pink Admits Obama Ties[/ame]

the rest at.
The U. S. Foreign Relations history of Saddam Hussein, as leader of Iraq: Is mostly about his relationship with the Republican Party.

Billions have failed to notice that an economy wherein, "The Rich Get Richer, and the Poor get Poorer," doesn't work, and then fails. When it comes to The RNC and Saddam Hussein, then billions have probably not failed to notice that, There is no honor among thieves!" RNC and Saddam Hussein were friends, who stopped being friends, and then turned on each other, and clearly despite Iran--or in support of Iran, on the one side!

The Bush Secretary of Defense, Daniel R., was even willing to shake on it, before he turned into a war criminal, himself.

Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Her Majesty's government can also review that Saddam Hussein would have welcomed U. S. support against Iran. The alleged WMD's were a ploy to thwart potential Iranian attack plans.)
Remember.. these are the same slimeballs that thnk disrupting soldiers' funerals is "patriotic"

Don't be're embarrassing to your own kind with BS like this.

Karl Rove is a Machiavellian turd. Anybody who has any respect for him is an ijit....

so you would say the same thing to someone who doesn't have any respect for the Obama I take it?:lol:
I agree! Where are the tapes showing anyone called Rove a ****** or a faggot or spit on him??
Thanks, Willow!

Do you disagree he was called a war criminal? Is that not on par?

The only claim you own is that Rove is not a "convicted" criminal ...war or otherwise. To suggest he is not a known criminal is perverse.

Rove is evil on so many levels. Any who would defend him are sick psycophants with no conscience. Sociopathic groupies. They remind me of women that marry serial child killers and rapists while they serve life sentences or await thier deaths in prison.

Last night I dreamed I had Rove having drugged him and secured him in an old and abandoned slaughterhouse. The generator rumbled and the lights pulsed in the background as I laid the still incapacitated monster on a cot inside a steel king sizes metal box spring frame. The frame rail springs where still in place surrounding the cot and its hideous occupant. I had no emotion as I took #3 shark hooks with stainless steel leaders and drove the razor tips into the putrid flesh in various positions around the exterior of the devils spawn. Upon completion of the baiting of the hooks I connected each one to a spring and with a strong yank on each wire drove the hooks home and stretched the spring and tied off the wire. The strange web finished Rove came out of his coma induced by an anti drugging injection. He was a human trampoline and I could not resist climbing onto it standing on his chest. I started flexing my knees in rythim his eyes bugging out with each small bounce. He could not scream out from the force of my 230 pound on his chest. I started jumping with more and more vigor. The hooks tore deeper and deeper and blood came drooling out of the 50 or more gapping wounds. My phone is ringing and I must awake and finish this delightful excersize later.

The least of Roves concerns should be a few negative words.

wow, you have some very sick dreams. scary
Too bad Code Pink wasn't around for Karl Rove I...


Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels was a German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.
Remember.. these are the same slimeballs that thnk disrupting soldiers' funerals is "patriotic"

Don't be're embarrassing to your own kind with BS like this.

Karl Rove is a Machiavellian turd. Anybody who has any respect for him is an ijit....

so you would say the same thing to someone who doesn't have any respect for the Obama I take it?:lol:

Not necessarily. Rove is in a whole category of his own.....
Rove is evil on so many levels. Any who would defend him are sick psycophants with no conscience. Sociopathic groupies. They remind me of women that marry serial child killers and rapists while they serve life sentences or await thier deaths in prison.

You write something this fucking stupid and call others sick? I don't even know where to begin with this pile of stupidity you have thrown out there. What the fuck did your parents do to you? Did they feed you paint chips as a child?
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