CO2 Has Almost No Effect on Global Temperature, Says Leading Climate Scientist

Nope, science is critical thinking and as such, never can be consensus
You’re a non science person then. I guess you think it only took one scientist to develop all the best ideas known to man, by using critical thinking….no degree, no labs, no university, no one else. Just the critical thinker. Wow. Who is this guy ? 130,000 scientists, researchers, technicians and engineers worked on the Manhattan project. Too bad you weren’t there and told them one person could have done it…’re sad..
You’re a non science person then. I guess you think it only took one scientist to develop all the best ideas known to man, by using critical thinking….no degree, no labs, no university, no one else. Just the critical thinker. Wow. Who is this guy ? 130,000 scientists, researchers, technicians and engineers worked on the Manhattan project. Too bad you weren’t there and told them one person could have done it…’re sad..
I know brick buildings don’t!!! Hahaha
You’re a non science person then. I guess you think it only took one scientist to develop all the best ideas known to man, by using critical thinking….no degree, no labs, no university, no one else. Just the critical thinker. Wow. Who is this guy ? 130,000 scientists, researchers, technicians and engineers worked on the Manhattan project. Too bad you weren’t there and told them one person could have done it…’re sad..
So you don’t believe in Thomas Edison or Albert Einstein, how about Tesla?
So you don’t believe in Thomas Edison or Albert Einstein, how about Tesla?
Ha ha.
Edison first deveolpe a lab a that employed 5.000 people before his greatest inventions could come to fruition. The lab in Melan was his driving institution
Einstein ?
In the 25 years preceding the publication of Einstein's theory of special relativity, his predecessors made great strides in the sciences that provided its foundation. "Einstein's predecessors were some pretty clever people” and he couldn’t have done it without it.

It took decades before people knew what Einstein had done and onl6 after researchers in other institutions verified what he was do)ng.
You‘rev funny. None one does much of anything for mankind without institutional help.

Bill Gates went to Harvard FIRST taking the most difficult math and computer courses, BEFORE he. COuld go out and start a computer business along with others.
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I watched a documentary on Michio Kaku where he was describing a test of Relativity and said that if the Theory of Relativity failed on one datapoint, it would have to be discarded and replaced! He said nothing about consensus!

That’s the standard for genuine scientific understanding
Would love to see what correlation there is between those that swallowed the Covid and Killer Shots narratives and

those that have swallowed this equally non scientific load of horse manure .

Rats are smarter and more resilient than Gullible and Compliant two legged people .

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