CO2 Has Almost No Effect on Global Temperature, Says Leading Climate Scientist

So you have two variables involved: 1: The chemical makeup of the atmosphere. 2: The thickness of the atmosphere.
Now you are babbling. Plus, apparently it hasn't occured to you that Venus is hot and Mars cold because of their distance from the sun.
Now you are babbling. Plus, apparently it hasn't occured to you that Venus is hot and Mars cold because of their distance from the sun.
My post was clear and succinct. Your inability to understand it doesn't mean my English isn't clear.

You just named a third variable that would account for the difference. Any claim that C02 is the only possible reason is obviously baseless.
My post was clear and succinct. Your inability to understand it doesn't mean my English isn't clear.

You just named a third variable that would account for the difference. Any claim that C02 is the only possible reason is obviously baseless.
Butthurt over a joke. Closet leftist?
Would love to see what correlation there is between those that swallowed the Covid and Killer Shots narratives and

those that have swallowed this equally non scientific load of horse manure .

Rats are smarter and more resilient than Gullible and Compliant two legged people .
It really means that 72% of humans are truly sheep and don’t use their brains
Certainly, agreement isn’t consensus.
Maybe you should consult a dictionary. Consensus is all about agreement. You can’t even be trusted with the English language. Thousands of universities are in general agreement about the topics surrounding AGW. That’s consensus science. Get a life.
Hahaha, I know what the word means, it isn’t used in science! Like I already said
How would you know ? You’re science illiterate. You don’t even consider what thousands of climate research facilities agree upon. Science does not exist without consensus. One idiot does not get to rule the world of science simply because he announces, “he’s a critical thinker”. What bullshit.
Maybe you should consult a dictionary. Consensus is all about agreement. You can’t even be trusted with the English language. Thousands of universities are in general agreement about the topics surrounding AGW. That’s consensus science. Get a life.
Dude, I said consensus isn’t in science. Link a story that says otherwise
Al Jazeera Gore cashed in on Global Warming like no other. You gotta hand it to him, he played the Climate Cult like a stump fiddle.
Of course he made money on global warming. Dah . How stupid would it be for him not to. You’re against capitalism ?
Are you a foreigner from the Soviet Union where only the privileged oligarchs are allowed to make money ? I thought smart people who know what to invest in should be allow to invest and make money. Don’t you worship the money makers ?
Dude, I said consensus isn’t in science. Link a story that says otherwise
“You” said science should NOT AGREE to be taken seriously ? You think you’re smarter then Harvard and every other climate research facility in the world. Wtf do you know ? You’re a proven science illiterate not listening to science that literally, every country and major corporation in the world agrees upon.
Maybe you should consult a dictionary. Consensus is all about agreement. You can’t even be trusted with the English language. Thousands of universities are in general agreement about the topics surrounding AGW. That’s consensus science. Get a life.

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