CLINTONISM: The Vulgarization Of America


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI

By: Norman Liebmann

Today, class, we are going to discuss an American criminal ex-President still at large. Does the name Bill Clinton sound a siren?

When Bill Clinton decided to run for President it was apparent the job wasn’t attracting the kind of people it used to. Clinton is hypocritical, treasonous, duplicitous, perjurious, and perverted - all the things Democrats consider "leadership qualities". In short, if in Bill Clinton you are expecting to meet a nice guy, you’re going to be disappointed. But if you are expecting to meet a treasonous, corrupt, debauched son of a bitch, he’s not a bad guy.

Among politicians, corruption is a matter of opportunity. In Bill Clinton, it is visceral. Out of office he remains the Democrat Party’s hood ornament for treason and perversion. He is malfeasance on his way to happen. His well-earned impeachment failed to carry because the is fiasco impeachment made it apparent Senate felt more comfortable as an accomplice than as a jury.

Bill Clinton was born in Arkansas as he so richly deserved. He is a cross between Huckleberry Finn and Jeffrey Dahmer. In Arkansas he acquired his well-known “sex is wherever you find it” mindset. In Arkansas sexual relations has a more poignant connotation - “sex with relations”. It is hard to be abstinent in Arkansas where people can get laid without leaving home. Bubba has never been as abstinent as he deserves. Bill Clinton regards abstinence as a disease, and abstinence regards Bill Clinton as an epidemic. Through his catch-as-catch-can sexual reconnoitering, Clinton arrived at the notion that the lap is the center of the human intellect. He is the analogue for moral vagrancy. Bill Clinton has a handshake that can transmit gonorrhea and a syphilitic smile.

William Jefferson Clinton inspired the New Permissiveness - sometimes called The Copulation Explosion. At age sixty he remains a geriatric delinquent. Prurience, treason and cowardice are more than his style. They are his signature. He is still sexually ambitious, even though he has reached the age where he needs a Sears Diehard battery to jump start his prostate. He owns a vast collection of orthopedic sex toys and has a gross of orthopedic condoms, not to use, but to help him reminisce.

Bill drank deeply from The Fountain of Immaturity. He never came out of that awkward stage commonly experienced by budding sex maniacs. The boyish quality notwithstanding, if he were a horse they would have shot him years ago. Still, some women were captivated by his frizzy lambs’ wool hair and the rubescent drive-thru cocaine ingress he calls his nose. Soccer moms regard him as their human tampon. Had he not gone into politics, Bubba would have been the ideal corner man on the Jerry Springer Show where he could employ his natural sway over women by goading sluts into fist fights. American women are beginning to get Bill Clinton fatigue.

Bill Clinton has a subversive smirk, and a wink that is sufficient evidence to indict him. He is a virtual Petri dish in which salaciousness is cultured and internalized. His innards are an ideal climate to convert unwholesome inclinations into obsessions. He is an abyss of immorality whose depth we can only speculate. He became the dipstick by which a naïve America measures the depth of its cultural sewage. He is an Augean Stable of sexual inclinations. It is his mission to convince his prurient-minded constituents that immorality is better than no morality at all. Prostitutes have a name for people like Bill Clinton. They call them “customers”. It was in Arkansas that Clinton formulated his political strategy he calls "triangulation". The idea came upon him when he called a hooker and she brought along a “colleague”. It is reasonable had Clinton been in New Orleans during the Katrina inundation, he would have rented some scuba gear and gone trolling for streetwalkers.

Bubba’s major concern as President was diverting the highly-polluted Love Canal through the Oval Office. While Bubba held forth about global warming he was using the Oval Office to warm Monica Lewinsky’s globes. During his terms, Clinton never had it so good and Monica never had it so often. He hoped to find a novel posture during sex. During his term, NASA was not the only department concerned with “global positioning”. Nowadays, Bubba can’t get laid without using a compass.

As a product of a dysfunctional family, it was inevitable that Bill Clinton would formulate the political philosophy with which he administered his dysfunctional Administration. Here are some of the elements of the Clinton legacy: He taxed everything sufficiently as to inspire a black market even in stuff nobody wanted it. He initiated the androgynous Army to mix the pansies with the paratroopers. It boggles the stomach to think that questions of war were ever left to Bill Clinton who has been known to faint while watching someone bait a fishhook.

As President, Clinton determined the way to solve the problem of vagrancy was by sanitizing its name to “homelessness”. He contrived the name NAFTA, which became an open invitation for invasion by the swarthy hordes to the South. He forced ethnic jokes to go underground. He threw open America’s door to the world’s sexual deviants. For all intents and purpose he altered the Statue of Liberty to be The Statue of Puberty, and changed its generous invitation to read, “Send me your cuddly masses longing to be gay”. His spiritual advisor was Jesse Jackson whose religious advice encrusts faith into filth. A criminal by intuition, as Clinton’s administration ended, he and Hillary looted more bric-a-brac from the White House than Bob Barker ever gave away. His counterfeit optimism is just another manifestation of his capacity for garden variety deceit. He introduced the syrupy NutraSweet he called "caring", whose IV drip trickled toxins into the arterial system of the body politic. Once infected, it lured the unwashed and uninitiated to follow him zombie-like into the liberal fetid swamp of counterfeit "caring". Ultimately, this placebo of sentimentality proves to be a cultural Kevorkian cocktail.


Racial stress is the prime ingredient in which Clinton simmers his salmagundi.

Race relations are the most identifying stain on his legacy. He keeps trying to convince the hoi polloi that America is the ideal environment for black people - something God thought he had already accomplished in Africa. Clinton does not regard black people as a constituency, but as a colony. He has convinced them that freedom is only available if he is holding the controlling end of the leash.

The commonality of the inner city stands ready to transfer their allegiance from Bill to Hillary - they having convinced themselves that the antidote to the Clinton poison is more Clinton poison.

It is a cornerstone of the Clinton domestic policy that poverty among minorities is a natural state. Many have become convinced that being unemployed is the ideal reaction to reality. Thus, the Clintons created for themselves a constituency of the dependent. Bill Clinton, Jesse Jackson and “Jimmah” Carter, who have staked out the ethnics as their turf, would do well to realize, while their votes belong to these demagogues, ultimately their asses will belong to God. Not every Caucasian is preoccupied 24 hours a day with race relations. Clinton conditioned minorities to view this general indifference as scorn and promoted it to his advantage. For Bill Clinton, racial strife is more than his legacy. It is his victory.

It is an easy conclusion that Bill and Hillary Clinton don’t give a shit about the minorities - and everybody knows it except the minorities. In Washington he calls them African Americans. In Chappaqua to him they are just “porch monkeys”.

Minority discontent is a wishing well for the Clintons. The Clintons see them only as ATM machines with large lips and wide nostrils. Now that Bill Clinton is being labeled the first black President and Hillary is calling Congress a plantation, one speculates that Chelsea is the only one in that family who opted to remain white.

Immediately after The New Yorker magazine, bible of chichi socialist chic, reported that Bill Clinton was the first black President, he moved his office to the inner city where he persuaded residents that what was really needed in Harlem was another black person. Clinton hitched his political caboose to the Soul Train. It was a case of the rural scum gravitating to the city slum. If Bill “Color Me Black” Clinton is indeed a black ex-President, he has never shared in the deprivations endured by his underclass adherents. The fact is Bubba was less a black President, than a white President who was uncomfortable among Caucasians.

If we read Genesis correctly, by the second generation of Humanity, there was murder most foul. The heinous aspect of Mankind festered in the Garden of Eden and reached its synthesis in Bill Clinton. Clinton betrayed his country for a campaign donation, he betrayed his genealogy for a demographic edge, and his marriage for a roll in the hay. The New Yorker’s endorsement of Clinton’s depravity has become the inner city’s criteria for political viability. He has been sexually overcompensated. Everything else he stole. He is the Grinch that stole democracy, the campus icon of dropouts, underachievers, welfare recipients, and seditious student sheep in Canadian clothing.

Bubba’s all-purpose alibi for his depredations is that "Everybody does it" may not work as well for him in the next world as it did in this one. Satan would do well to think twice before rolling out the red carpet in The Pit. In a rare political misstep, The Prince of Darkness made Bill Clinton his agent on earth, not realizing when he arrives in Hell he will immediately try to spread discontent among The Damned. After all, when you are spending Eternity turning on a spit over a slow fire, The Damned develop a very low threshold for bullshit - which is bad news for Bill Clinton.

This.........*IS*.........not having sex with THIS WOMEN, Monica I forget what her name is............
Oh my God. That's the most horrible thing I've ever seen in my entire life.

Seriously, it's disgusting. Regardless of this past, President Clinton was still President. If only for that, he should be shown SOME respect.
Mr.Conley said:
Oh my God. That's the most horrible thing I've ever seen in my entire life.

Seriously, it's disgusting. Regardless of this past, President Clinton was still President. If only for that, he should be shown SOME respect.

No... he shouldn't. Truth hurts.
Mr.Conley said:
BTW, thanks for the neg rep.

After all, anyone who disagrees must be put down.

If you didn't want me to neg rep you, then why did you neg rep me first?

And you're welcome.
Mr.Conley said:
You article says Bill Clinton is the freaking ANTICHRIST!

If thats not going to far, I don't know what going to far is.

clinton is goddamned PIG! He's as close to a heathen anti-Christ as ever need be.
Mr.Conley said:
Oh my God. That's the most horrible thing I've ever seen in my entire life.

Seriously, it's disgusting. Regardless of this past, President Clinton was still President. If only for that, he should be shown SOME respect.

Why? I don't recall his putting a lot of effort into EARNING any respect.

AND, I thought the article was hillary - ous!!!:laugh:
GunnyL said:
Why? I don't recall his putting a lot of effort into EARNING any respect.

AND, I thought the article was hillary - ous!!!:laugh:

Watch out Gunny... ole conley 'll neg rep ya. Oh, that's right, he can't now... :happy2:
Pale Rider said:
clinton is goddamned PIG! He's as close to a heathen anti-Christ as ever need be.
Okay, so your saying Bill Clinton is, "hypocritical, treasonous, duplicitous, perjurious, and perverted - all the things Democrats consider "leadership qualities". (Ummm...that's nice. I like all the supporting evidence, or the complete lack thereof)

According to you, "at age sixty he remains a geriatric delinquent. Prurience, treason and cowardice are more than his style. They are his signature. He is still sexually ambitious, even though he has reached the age where he needs a Sears Diehard battery to jump start his prostate. He owns a vast collection of orthopedic sex toys and has a gross of orthopedic condoms, not to use, but to help him reminisce. (Okay, thats just weird. You sure seem to know a lot about Clinton's personal life...)

You claim that if, "he were a horse they would have shot him years ago."
(Wait a moment, shot a president? Isn't that treason? Do you hate America? I thought only bin Laden would say that.)

How about, "Race relations are the most identifying stain on his legacy. He keeps trying to convince the hoi polloi that America is the ideal environment for black people - something God thought he had already accomplished in Africa. Clinton does not regard black people as a constituency, but as a colony. He has convinced them that freedom is only available if he is holding the controlling end of the leash." (So both the author AND Clinton are racists?)

If we read Genesis correctly, by the second generation of Humanity, there was murder most foul. The heinous aspect of Mankind festered in the Garden of Eden and reached its synthesis in Bill Clinton. ( Bill Clinton is the accumulation of all evil in this world. And here I was thinking it was Hitler, Stalin, or Mao. I guess killing over 100 million people pales in comparison to getting laid though.)

"he betrayed his genealogy for a demographic edge"
(Thats right. White Pride, White Pride, White Pride. Get rid of them blacks n Jews ay Pale/)

"In a rare political misstep, The Prince of Darkness made Bill Clinton his agent on earth, not realizing when he arrives in Hell "
Yep, Bill Clinton is the Antichrist. Glad that's clear. And with such proof as, "He owns a vast collection of orthopedic sex toys and has a gross of orthopedic condoms.")

Also, giving someone a neg rep for attacking a former president is one thing. Giving someone a neg rep for disagreeing is another. Let's see if you can find the difference.
I do think this article is a bit worse than Clinton deserves, but the gist of it is right, Clinton has no class. Decades of dispelling the myths about Arkansas were shattered when that smoothe-talking jackass was sworn in. We knew who he was, but there were just too many Bubbaphiles in the state for us to swing it the other way. Oh well, at least we'll never see him in Arkansas again. Just FYI, the last campaign promise that Clinton ever broke as governor of Arkansas was his promise to stay in Arkansas and be governor, rather than running for president.
Mr.Conley said:
Okay, so your saying Bill Clinton is, "hypocritical, treasonous, duplicitous, perjurious, and perverted - all the things Democrats consider "leadership qualities". (Ummm...that's nice. I like all the supporting evidence, or the complete lack thereof)

According to you, "at age sixty he remains a geriatric delinquent. Prurience, treason and cowardice are more than his style. They are his signature. He is still sexually ambitious, even though he has reached the age where he needs a Sears Diehard battery to jump start his prostate. He owns a vast collection of orthopedic sex toys and has a gross of orthopedic condoms, not to use, but to help him reminisce. (Okay, thats just weird. You sure seem to know a lot about Clinton's personal life...)

You claim that if, "he were a horse they would have shot him years ago."
(Wait a moment, shot a president? Isn't that treason? Do you hate America? I thought only bin Laden would say that.)

How about, "Race relations are the most identifying stain on his legacy. He keeps trying to convince the hoi polloi that America is the ideal environment for black people - something God thought he had already accomplished in Africa. Clinton does not regard black people as a constituency, but as a colony. He has convinced them that freedom is only available if he is holding the controlling end of the leash." (So both the author AND Clinton are racists?)

If we read Genesis correctly, by the second generation of Humanity, there was murder most foul. The heinous aspect of Mankind festered in the Garden of Eden and reached its synthesis in Bill Clinton. ( Bill Clinton is the accumulation of all evil in this world. And here I was thinking it was Hitler, Stalin, or Mao. I guess killing over 100 million people pales in comparison to getting laid though.)

"he betrayed his genealogy for a demographic edge"
(Thats right. White Pride, White Pride, White Pride. Get rid of them blacks n Jews ay Pale/)

"In a rare political misstep, The Prince of Darkness made Bill Clinton his agent on earth, not realizing when he arrives in Hell "
Yep, Bill Clinton is the Antichrist. Glad that's clear. And with such proof as, "He owns a vast collection of orthopedic sex toys and has a gross of orthopedic condoms.")

Also, giving someone a neg rep for attacking a former president is one thing. Giving someone a neg rep for disagreeing is another. Let's see if you can find the difference.

Respect is earned, not endowed. Clinton himself disrespected the Office of the President of the United States.

Be that as it may, disrespecting Bill Clinton is not disrespecting the Office of the President of the United States. Perhaps you might like to find THAT difference?
An apt description of Billy Jeff Clinton. That Dems still love that worthless human is a further stain upon a once proud, even patriotic, party. The final blow to Dems and their former political state would be to nominate Hillary and continue the family that single handedly made the Dems a permanent minority party.
Hobbit said:
Just FYI, the last campaign promise that Clinton ever broke as governor of Arkansas was his promise to stay in Arkansas and be governor, rather than running for president.

Yep, lying is just as natural as breathing for both Bill and Hillary. It's amazing to me the number of dopes they have been able to rope in during their political careers.
Adam's Apple said:
Yep, lying is just as natural as breathing for both Bill and Hillary. It's amazing to me the number of dopes they have been able to rope in during their political careers.

Yup. Pretty good rule of thumb with this slime, if their lips are moving, they're lying.
GunnyL said:
Respect is earned, not endowed. Clinton himself disrespected the Office of the President of the United States.

Be that as it may, disrespecting Bill Clinton is not disrespecting the Office of the President of the United States. Perhaps you might like to find THAT difference?
True. Respect is earned. If you are president you have earned respect (at least enough to be elected that is).

Clinton did disrespect the office when he lied under oath.

Correct, disrespecting Bill Clinton does not disrespect the office; however, that does not mean garbage like this should be published. Far too many conservatives write articles like this that do more to discredit their position, and far too many liberals to the same with Bush.

It's articles like this that cheapen the debate and go against the principles this nation was founded upon, reason, freedom, and respect for one another.
Mr.Conley said:
True. Respect is earned. If you are president you have earned respect (at least enough to be elected that is).

Clinton did disrespect the office when he lied under oath.

Correct, disrespecting Bill Clinton does not disrespect the office; however, that does not mean garbage like this should be published. Far too many conservatives write articles like this that do more to discredit their position, and far too many liberals to the same with Bush.

It's articles like this that cheapen the debate and go against the principles this nation was founded upon, reason, freedom, and respect for one another.

And it's mamby, pamby, professional liberal apologists like you that keep people from saying what's really on their mind, and lead to the dumbing down and spinlessness of this nation.

You nose picking mouth breathers can do well to quit whinning and crying about someone laying it on the line and not holding back any punches. Just maybe you'd learn what it's like to be a man, instead of being a pencil necked little cry baby.

The article about that pig fuck clinton, he deserves every damn word of it, period.

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