Climate change skeptics FINALLY coming in from the cold!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
“Here’s to hoping the Age of Trump will herald the demise of climate change dogma, and acceptance of a broader range of perspectives in climate science and our policy options,” Georgia Tech scientist Judith Curry wrote this month at her popular Climate Etc. blog.

William Happer, professor emeritus of physics at Princeton University and a member of the National Academy of Sciences, is similarly optimistic. “I think we’re making progress,” Happer said. “I see reassuring signs.“Remember this was a tiny field, a backwater, and then suddenly you increased the funding to billions and everyone got into it,”

According to Richard Lindzen, the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at MIT and a member of the National Academy of Sciences, “Even in 1990 no one at MIT called themselves a ‘climate scientist,’ and then all of a sudden everyone was. They only entered it because of the bucks; they realized it was a gravy train. You have to get it back to the people who only care about the science.”

Skeptical Climate Scientists Coming In From the Cold | RealClearInvestigations

Of course, the editorial here is that the AGW true believers need to embrace this.........they have gotten nowhere in 20 years with their schemes. Public policy has been snoozing and by 2016, only a small % of the public gives a shit anymore about global warming.:2up:. If they don't,'ll be another 20 years of losing.:coffee:

From what I've heard the Trump team is looking for people within the bureaucracy that promote the hoax, so I assume the intention is to purge these parasites from their "do nothing" (more like DO DAMAGE) government positions.

This is something that really needs to be accomplished.

Of course I wish Trump would throw them out of helicopters, but if we at least get them out of DC and cut the balls off the bureaucracy we will see immediate results in prosperity.

Democrooks are the enemies of the Republic and The Constitution. They must be defeated.


From what I've heard the Trump team is looking for people within the bureaucracy that promote the hoax, so I assume the intention is to purge these parasites from their "do nothing" (more like DO DAMAGE) government positions.

This is something that really needs to be accomplished.

Of course I wish Trump would throw them out of helicopters, but if we at least get them out of DC and cut the balls off the bureaucracy we will see immediate results in prosperity.

Democrooks are the enemies of the Republic and The Constitution. They must be defeated.

Whats great about Trump is........when the media refuses to present the new dynamic on climate change, he will personally see to it that the message gets out via social media. The effect will be profound on perceptions amongst the public most of which right now are already in a state of not giving a shit about global warming.............looking very forward to the skeptic side finally being the ones lobbing the bombs into the discussion and OMG, the fringe-heads going to explode:funnyface::funnyface:
“Here’s to hoping the Age of Trump will herald the demise of climate change dogma, and acceptance of a broader range of perspectives in climate science and our policy options,” Georgia Tech scientist Judith Curry wrote this month at her popular Climate Etc. blog.

William Happer, professor emeritus of physics at Princeton University and a member of the National Academy of Sciences, is similarly optimistic. “I think we’re making progress,” Happer said. “I see reassuring signs.“Remember this was a tiny field, a backwater, and then suddenly you increased the funding to billions and everyone got into it,”

According to Richard Lindzen, the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at MIT and a member of the National Academy of Sciences, “Even in 1990 no one at MIT called themselves a ‘climate scientist,’ and then all of a sudden everyone was. They only entered it because of the bucks; they realized it was a gravy train. You have to get it back to the people who only care about the science.”

Skeptical Climate Scientists Coming In From the Cold | RealClearInvestigations

Of course, the editorial here is that the AGW true believers need to embrace this.........they have gotten nowhere in 20 years with their schemes. Public policy has been snoozing and by 2016, only a small % of the public gives a shit anymore about global warming.:2up:. If they don't,'ll be another 20 years of losing.:coffee:

I agree, fair is fair, and watch how fast it becomes UNSETTLED science-)
Look at the Trump-cultists rave. If their right-wing-fringe political cult embraced the flat earth theory, they'd embrace it too. That's how brainwashed and brainless they are. Remember, the science doesn't change just because you try to censor it. It is what it is, and 100% of it supports global warming theory. Crying at us and making death threats won't change that.

Now, Stalin did the science-censoring thing too. You deniers all do him proud. Not every denier is an open Stalinist, but 99% of them are.

Notice one thing about all the remaining denier "scientists"? They're really old, Like Happer, or Curry. There's literally nobody young who has fallen for denier nonsense, nobody young coming into the denier camp. Why? Because denialism is such hilariously stupid pseudoscience, only the senile fall for it, or those getting paid to push it, or those blindly devoted to their kook fringe political cult.

By the way, Pete with his death threats is now the face of denialism here. Are you other deniers all good with that? After all, I notice not a word of condemnation from you all, so it appears you support Pete's Stalinist thuggery.
I believe the intention is to ask them for the evidence upon which they base their claims...

So the askers can then widdle themselves and run from it, like you do every single time?

you know..the data that they have been hiding for decades?

Kook statements like that are why the whole planet correctly thinks of your type as being corrupt party apparatchiks. You're following the standard Stalinist game plan, which is to accuse your political enemies of fake crimes, to justify sending them to the gulag.
I believe the intention is to ask them for the evidence upon which they base their claims...

So the askers can then widdle themselves and run from it, like you do every single time?

Sorry hairball, it is you who runs and you damned well know it and everyone who has ever bothered to speak to you knows you did rather than post any of that observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence I asked for yesterday...

And you should know that if warmers ever have to actually debate the topic with skeptics who have some power, they are finished and will be laughing stock in the eyes of the public.... You think I am the only skeptic who knows that there isn't the first bit of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence in support of the AGW hypothesis? Climate scientists know it as well and they are trembling....literally trembling. It is going to be great fun watching the scam collapse around your ears and I dearly hope that you keep your first class seat on the AGW crazy train till it goes over the cliff...

Making note of yours, rocks, and cricks disappearance from the board out of humiliation is something to look forward to.
“Here’s to hoping the Age of Trump will herald the demise of climate change dogma, and acceptance of a broader range of perspectives in climate science and our policy options,” Georgia Tech scientist Judith Curry wrote this month at her popular Climate Etc. blog.

William Happer, professor emeritus of physics at Princeton University and a member of the National Academy of Sciences, is similarly optimistic. “I think we’re making progress,” Happer said. “I see reassuring signs.“Remember this was a tiny field, a backwater, and then suddenly you increased the funding to billions and everyone got into it,”

According to Richard Lindzen, the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at MIT and a member of the National Academy of Sciences, “Even in 1990 no one at MIT called themselves a ‘climate scientist,’ and then all of a sudden everyone was. They only entered it because of the bucks; they realized it was a gravy train. You have to get it back to the people who only care about the science.”

Skeptical Climate Scientists Coming In From the Cold | RealClearInvestigations

Of course, the editorial here is that the AGW true believers need to embrace this.........they have gotten nowhere in 20 years with their schemes. Public policy has been snoozing and by 2016, only a small % of the public gives a shit anymore about global warming.:2up:. If they don't,'ll be another 20 years of losing.:coffee:
That`s right that`s all it was so far, a scheme that bypassed much if not all of the standards used in hard science. The public has been duped into accepting the validity of it because they are in awe of everything that has a NASA logo on it.
The Earth Sciences Division which generated the bulk of this crap is only a sponsored affiliate of NASA and has nothing in common with the rest of the outstanding scientific achievements NASA can be proud of.
The ESD rides on the coat tails but exempts itself from the very same standards which NASA applies to it`s other science branches.
Most significant is their DMP (Data Management Plan).
All researchers receiving Federal funding would be required to submit DMPs; however, in some cases, it is expected that the data will not be made public
DMPs must provide a plan for making research data that underlie the results and findings in peer-reviewed publications digitally accessible at the time of publication or within a reasonable time period after publication.

Unless you are part of the peer as in peer review there is no access to data and none at all after a "reasonable time"..
That`s 2 loop holes that nobody else in any other science gets.
The second one allows them to post some crap quietly, then allow for a "reasonable time" after which they hype it up in the press.
Now the skeptics are s.o.l. when they ask for the data.
All they can get now is what the peer review has said about the data, but not the data itself.

And then there is the so called peer review. This is how it is supposed to work according to NASA
Independent Verification and Validation Facility
NASA's IV&V Program houses approximately 270 employees and leverages the expertise of in-house partners and contractors. Its facilities are located in Fairmont, West Virginia. In the summer, high school and college interns are employed in addition.

How "independent" is that?...getting paid & sponsored by the same organization that submitted the crap they are going to review and how much of that is done by high school students?
So much for "the science is settled" by thousands of scientists many of them "NASA scientists"
It is high time that somebody puts an end to this scam

You think I am the only skeptic who knows that there isn't the first bit of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence in support of the AGW hypothesis?

Don't be absurd. No skeptics know that. Only cult liars pretend to believe that. All the skeptics are on the rational side with us.

Skeptics impartially examine evidence. Deniers do the opposite, auto-denying every bit of evidence they don't like, your particular specialty. Deniers are the polar opposite of skeptics.

Climate scientists know it as well and they are trembling....literally trembling.

Well, there's the whole convulsing with laughter thing, watching pussies like you try to scare people. Going to cry at us even louder? Oooh, scary.

It must suck to be you. You know you have to spend the rest of your life on your knees tongue-bathing your Stalinist masters, otherwise the rest of your rather violent Stalinist cult will turn on you. We free men can only pity you. You've freely chosen your life of spineless servitude, so we can't help you.

And by the way, I note your unwillingness to condemn Pete's death threats. It's very clear you approve of them. You're a violent thug, in a cult of violent thugs.
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So there we have it. The little fascist cocksucks think that with the Trump Presidency they have open season on scientists and anyone else they don't like. Not going to work. You see, the rest of the world, including Russia, is just looking at us and laughing. And our scientists will end up with jobs in the sane nations, and the US will descend to third world status if you brainless Nazis get your way.

In the meantime, the sane majority, remember, Trump lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million Americans, will work to make the Trump Policies as ineffective as possible.
Look at the Trump-cultists rave. If their right-wing-fringe political cult embraced the flat earth theory, they'd embrace it too. That's how brainwashed and brainless they are. Remember, the science doesn't change just because you try to censor it. It is what it is, and 100% of it supports global warming theory. Crying at us and making death threats won't change that.

Now, Stalin did the science-censoring thing too. You deniers all do him proud. Not every denier is an open Stalinist, but 99% of them are.

Notice one thing about all the remaining denier "scientists"? They're really old, Like Happer, or Curry. There's literally nobody young who has fallen for denier nonsense, nobody young coming into the denier camp. Why? Because denialism is such hilariously stupid pseudoscience, only the senile fall for it, or those getting paid to push it, or those blindly devoted to their kook fringe political cult.

By the way, Pete with his death threats is now the face of denialism here. Are you other deniers all good with that? After all, I notice not a word of condemnation from you all, so it appears you support Pete's Stalinist thuggery.
You have no clue. You've been brainwashed.

To prove otherwise, explain the errors in the Mann, Bradley Hughes hockeystick chart.
To prove otherwise, explain the errors in the Mann, Bradley Hughes hockeystick chart.

What errors do you think there are?

Now, I know what small errors there were, and why there were insignificant, and how that hockey stick has been reproduced independently many times with all kinds of different data. I'm just betting you don't know.
So there we have it. The little fascist cocksucks think that with the Trump Presidency they have open season on scientists and anyone else they don't like. Not going to work. You see, the rest of the world, including Russia, is just looking at us and laughing. And our scientists will end up with jobs in the sane nations, and the US will descend to third world status if you brainless Nazis get your way.

In the meantime, the sane majority, remember, Trump lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million Americans, will work to make the Trump Policies as ineffective as possible.

The laughing you hear is the laughing at you and fools like you.. Its been so nice to see liberalism and the fascist AGW kooks finally exposed.
To prove otherwise, explain the errors in the Mann, Bradley Hughes hockeystick chart.

What errors do you think there are?

Now, I know what small errors there were, and why there were insignificant, and how that hockey stick has been reproduced independently many times with all kinds of different data. I'm just betting you don't know.

Your a funny little fool...

Tacking on a yearly plot on the end of a 250 year data point trend plot in an effort to drum up fear is fraud.. How about we take the last 250 years and average it and give it its rightful (in context) data point.. Your hokey Schtick would vanish..
Tacking on a yearly plot on the end of a 250 year data point trend plot in an effort to drum up fear is fraud..

No, it's not. Who told you such a stupid thing, and why did you believe it? There's nothing wrong at all about combining different proxy types.

How about we take the last 250 years and average it and give it its rightful (in context) data point.. Your hokey Schtick would vanish..

Only a cultist who was trying to hide data and commit fraud would mangle data in such a manner.

Hence, you want to do it.

Sucks for you, that the whole world just laughs at your fraud, eh?
Would you care to list them?

No, because you're not intellectually honest, and you have no actual interest in them. You're just looking for something to twist around and lie about, so go pound sand.

If you are interested in them, go look them up yourself. Don't depend on me to educate your lazy ass. You're the one who says you know them, so show us you're not a liar.
In other words, you refuse to look it up and prefer to remain in denial.

I'd bet that you are also a climategate denier. When wikileaks released the climategate emails you probably shut your eyes, stuck your fingers in your ears and repeatedly screamed "blah,blah,blah,ba,ba blah,ba blah,blah". You are one of those people who have such a weak ego that you cannot admit that you were wrong, even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
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Tacking on a yearly plot on the end of a 250 year data point trend plot in an effort to drum up fear is fraud..

No, it's not. Who told you such a stupid thing, and why did you believe it? There's nothing wrong at all about combining different proxy types.

How about we take the last 250 years and average it and give it its rightful (in context) data point.. Your hokey Schtick would vanish..

Only a cultist who was trying to hide data and commit fraud would mangle data in such a manner.

Hence, you want to do it.

Sucks for you, that the whole world just laughs at your fraud, eh?

Mann's fraud was blatant and intentional scientific malpractice. Mann used a statisticians parlor trick to promote fraud. I am laughing at your dishonesty and inability to admit you've been lied too by your god Mann... your not worth the time to tell you to go fuck yourself.

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