Clarence Thomas drank heavily, watched porn

Except it was Thomas who opened up this can of worms. Just last week he and his wife were demanding an apology from Anita Hill. It's absolutely no surprise that this has come out now. Hill was almost certainly telling the truth about Thomas. Now he's opened the door, I'd be surprised if you don't see more accusations.

i must have missed the part where thomas himself called for an apology.

i thought it was just his wife. gotta link?

He should go on national television to apologize for staining an intern's dress while pleasuring her with a cigar......

right.....its been done already.

I thought he went on national television to deny he had done any such thing?
This would fit in nicely with the Democrats in Meltdown thread. Recycling their old canards. When the violent rhetoric fails, the race card fails, then the Blame Bush card fails, time to take out the visions of Rosa Parks and kicking the Republicans to the back of the ... then images of race wars with Hispanics to 'punish your enemies,' now bring back Clarence Thomas and maybe if we kick him around some more...

Except it was Thomas who opened up this can of worms. Just last week he and his wife were demanding an apology from Anita Hill. It's absolutely no surprise that this has come out now. Hill was almost certainly telling the truth about Thomas. Now he's opened the door, I'd be surprised if you don't see more accusations.

i must have missed the part where thomas himself called for an apology.

i thought it was just his wife. gotta link?

I'm looking. It appears you're right. So that's my error. I'm old school on marriage, so I tend to view both parties as responsible on things. The whole "becoming one flesh" thing.

In which case it's Justice Thomas's wife that opened the can of worms and brought this back out. I really wish I understood why. Most folks had moved on past this, not to mention the stuff that came out after he'd been confirmed pretty much proved that Hill's accusations were spot on and Thomas was covered by the GOP. No good was going to come of dredging this back up.
Do you also read the National Enquirer?

Do you make it you fucked up obsession to deny everything and Republicans and dumbass conservatives? If you're against misogynists and men who defame women why are you defending Clarence Thomas? Fucking idiot.


Flayjoby, Do you ever read the idiotic and garbled gibberish you post ??????

And then to have your colleague, the other Obamarrhoidal LIEBturd IDIOT, Rattle MarcATL actually compliment you for your pathetic unreadable trash is utterly priceless !!!!!

Just thought I'd give you a heads up.
if you think every alcoholic is a falling down drunk, you know very little about alcoholism.

Every severe alcoholic is a falling down drunk. Usually daily.

bullshit. you really need to educate yourself before you look even more foolish.


A 'falling down drunk' is not necessarily an alcoholic and an alcoholic is very, very rarely a falling down drunk.
I ♥ this thread. Let's have another "high tech lynching" and impeach his ass.


The senate was crazy to fall for that hyperbole in the first place. You had a black woman accusing a black man of sexual harrassment. How can any rational person construe that as a 'lynching' is beyond me. Thomas played on the fears of a senate full of white men and he won. The nation has been the worse for it ever since.
You might be able to spend half an hour high on coke with a child and they not know. But drunk off your ass, no.

Kids notice the slurred speech, falling down coordination issues and boozy smell.

if you think every alcoholic is a falling down drunk, you know very little about alcoholism.

Every severe alcoholic is a falling down drunk. Usually daily.

You know very little about alcoholism.
Every severe alcoholic is a falling down drunk. Usually daily.

bullshit. you really need to educate yourself before you look even more foolish.


A 'falling down drunk' is not necessarily an alcoholic and an alcoholic is very, very rarely a falling down drunk.

CG, this is bullshit. A severely alcoholic person will drink until they pass out or the booze is all gone. I agree binge drinking does not make anyone an alcoholic (though it could) and that few alcoholics are this bad.

But some the lady I used to work with, who slept under her desk every afternoon. Most times, after throwing up on herself.
The really sick part of this is that his wife knows he's like this. And she called Anita Hill asking for an apology.
You know little about alcoholism, then.

You cannot tell when someone is drunk? Give me a break. I have seen just about every flavor of alcoholism known to mankind, up close and personal...and if it is severe and active, it does not take a trained eye to spot.

More bullshittery from the cowardly cons who cannot condemn craven crap from other cons.

"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which can not fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation."

you may know drunk, but you don't know shit about alcoholism.

O, yes I do.....but to explain more, I'd have to tell family tales I'd rather not. I don't like drunks, and never have.

I'll just leave it at that.
bullshit. you really need to educate yourself before you look even more foolish.


A 'falling down drunk' is not necessarily an alcoholic and an alcoholic is very, very rarely a falling down drunk.

CG, this is bullshit. A severely alcoholic person will drink until they pass out or the booze is all gone. I agree binge drinking does not make anyone an alcoholic (though it could) and that few alcoholics are this bad.

But some the lady I used to work with, who slept under her desk every afternoon. Most times, after throwing up on herself.

That's one example. It is not standard. 'Falling down drunk's are more likely to be binge drinkers. Binge drinkers drink to excess but do not drink every day.

Most severe alcoholics are not binge drinkers. They are addicted to alcohol to the point that they cannot function without it. That doesn't mean they are drunk all the time, it means they drink every day.
Hell know no bounds like a scorned woman!

The best question to ask, "Where is the proof?"

And who isn't a porn addict? I would be more worried if he didn't watch porn! :eek:
10% unemployment
Economy in the shitter
Dollar crashing
Southern border wide open

And I should care about this obvious smear campaign because....?

Mebbe you are fond of a female somewhere in the US and object to having a sexual harrasser pontificate on her rights?
Uh, what? Could you re-word this please?

Would you like to feel all the Justices are fair and will judge each case on the facts and the law? So would I....but I know at least one Justice has a hate on for women. I have resented that man's presence on the SCOTUS for decades now, and if you care about the rights of women, you might be concerned as well.
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This would fit in nicely with the Democrats in Meltdown thread. Recycling their old canards. When the violent rhetoric fails, the race card fails, then the Blame Bush card fails, time to take out the visions of Rosa Parks and kicking the Republicans to the back of the ... then images of race wars with Hispanics to 'punish your enemies,' now bring back Clarence Thomas and maybe if we kick him around some more...

Except it was Thomas who opened up this can of worms. Just last week he and his wife were demanding an apology from Anita Hill. It's absolutely no surprise that this has come out now. Hill was almost certainly telling the truth about Thomas. Now he's opened the door, I'd be surprised if you don't see more accusations.

i must have missed the part where thomas himself called for an apology.

i thought it was just his wife. gotta link?

I am pretty sure you are right, del. I don't think Justice Thomas has spoken publically about this.
I wonder if you realize the importance that one word has in this whole fantasy of yours.

I do Moon, but the heart wants what the heart wants, yanno?

So facts be damned, you just want your pound of flesh? What a very immature way of looking at things. You might want to rethink that strategy if you ever want to be taken seriously.

My glee aside, I'd be alarmed if these same allegations were lodged against one of the liberal Justices....assuming we have any. I might take a "wait and see" attitude, but declare they don't matter even if true?


A 'falling down drunk' is not necessarily an alcoholic and an alcoholic is very, very rarely a falling down drunk.

CG, this is bullshit. A severely alcoholic person will drink until they pass out or the booze is all gone. I agree binge drinking does not make anyone an alcoholic (though it could) and that few alcoholics are this bad.

But some the lady I used to work with, who slept under her desk every afternoon. Most times, after throwing up on herself.

That's one example. It is not standard. 'Falling down drunk's are more likely to be binge drinkers. Binge drinkers drink to excess but do not drink every day.

Most severe alcoholics are not binge drinkers. They are addicted to alcohol to the point that they cannot function without it. That doesn't mean they are drunk all the time, it means they drink every day.

High functioning =/= severe.
He should be impeached for lying at his confirmation hearing. And so should all others where there is proof they lied during confirmation hearings.

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