Civil War - Whites vs Blacks

Do you think there will be a REAL civil war over race in this country?

  • No, because the Dems will hand over the whole nation to them

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This nation was built and maintains a system as seem through a racial prism. It is not black bigotry to call itnout.


This is what we get for our affirmative action tax dollars.
Whites have gotten affirmative action since the declaration of independence.
If it wasn't for the White man you'd be running around naked and barefoot with your spear, eating bugs, bats and lizards, and sleeping in a straw hut.
"Yes, real Americans are sick of this BS and will fight back if pushed to that point."

Real Americans have been pushed to that point and are fighting against the racism coming from descendants of European immigrants. My family has been in America longer than the OP's and most of the whites in the forum.
So quit bitching about whites today who had no part in the destruction of your ancestors.
That'll never happen. White guilt is very profitable.
This nation was built and maintains a system as seem through a racial prism. It is not black bigotry to call it out.
Would YOU feel justified in taking up arms and killing people for being white? I wouldn't dream of doing so to my black neighbors UNTIL some of them tried to harm me or my family. At that point, I'd be perfectly willing to defend my family and my home, just as most blacks would do.
The real danger is that if such killings begin - and they EASILY could - the media would push a narrative of hate and propaganda that would feed escalation and shortly cause the conflict to become a blood feud that could last for years. Is your anger at perceived injustices worth that kind of horror?
Do you really want to go down that road ? Do really want to get into argument with me about who has burnt and looted and discriminated against the most ?
ABSOLUTELY. You really think you have the winning hand here, Bub? Then you really ARE a delusional fuck.

White people don't get to decide how black people respond to your bullsh*t
Not only doesn't that have a thing to do with what I said and what you quoted, but it shows you are evading and running again. I expected that much.

So what should black people do to stop systematic racism within the police?
Hey asshole, what you think is discrimination against your sorry ass happens to everyone. FBI stats show that Blacks are 5X LESS likely to get in bad with a cop than white people, they are actually given a wider latitude because cops know what a fucking PITA you people are, like beating up a guy in a fast food joint because you weren't happy with your McNuggets meal (one recent thread here) or the 72 year old guy who got attacked and his face almost beaten to death while helping a black kid with a flat tire (another thread just here).

The problem with blacks is blacks. I never used to have any issue with them. My last boss was a nice black lady. But the events of the past year have soured a hundred million or more people against Blacks in the worst way--- we have had it with your crap and are sick and tired of your whining, yelling, complaining, bitching and demanding that you get treated special while everything is handed to you while you loot, burn, wreck everything like the petulant children not ready for prime time that you are. Fuck you. Get a fucking job, shut the fuck up and move on like the rest of us. All you've really accomplished in the past year is to set blacks back 30 years while you are idiot enough to think that is progress.

Wow....... dead on, guy.
This nation was built and maintains a system as seem through a racial prism. It is not black bigotry to call it out.
Would YOU feel justified in taking up arms and killing people for being white? I wouldn't dream of doing so to my black neighbors UNTIL some of them tried to harm me or my family. At that point, I'd be perfectly willing to defend my family and my home, just as most blacks would do.
The real danger is that if such killings begin - and they EASILY could - the media would push a narrative of hate and propaganda that would feed escalation and shortly cause the conflict to become a blood feud that could last for years. Is your anger at perceived injustices worth that kind of horror?
The emphasis on "perceived injustices" is their rationalization and justification for the murderous impulses they have, and the genocide they fantasize about.

It's projection; they claim there are white supremacists wanting to start the Purge and murder them all over America. There's not.
They however, sure do attack and kill white, asian, and brown people a hell of a lot...... :huh1:

Most murders are by people of the same race; whites mostly murder other whites, blacks mostly other blacks, etc. But blacks seem to commit murders and assaults of people of other races (white, asian, and hispanic victims) way more than anyone else.
3) USA was built by black people. I'm not going anywhere.
Absolute bullshit.
Blacks have done nothing but commit crime, destroy neighborhoods and schools, riot and destroy businesses, steal everything they can carry, waste opportunities offered , refuse to work, refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and decisions, blame everything and everyone else for every problem they, themselves, have caused in their lives, whined endlessly - that deserves to be repeated - whined endlessly.
They condemn America and everything white at every opportunity yet, worst of all, they don't have the fucking balls to leave.
In Africa you would experience black privilege and black supremacy, and you could try to prove that black people may (MAY) be do something positive, for a fucking change.
Forget the constant blm whining and moaning. Stand on your own two feet for once in your miserable lives
3) USA was built by black people. I'm not going anywhere.
Absolute bullshit.
Blacks have done nothing but commit crime, destroy neighborhoods and schools, riot and destroy businesses, steal everything they can carry, waste opportunities offered , refuse to work, refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and decisions, blame everything and everyone else for every problem they, themselves, have caused in their lives, whined endlessly - that deserves to be repeated - whined endlessly.
They condemn America and everything white at every opportunity yet, worst of all, they don't have the fucking balls to leave.
In Africa you would experience black privilege and black supremacy, and you could try to prove that black people may (MAY) be do something positive, for a fucking change.
Forget the constant blm whining and moaning. Stand on your own two feet for once in your miserable lives
Many of them do stand, and they do well in life, and even they are faced with racism being thrown at them from their own race for whom like you say (made some bad choices or followed bad leaders along the way), and are calling out those who did well to be race traitor's, Uncle Tom's and Aunt Thomasina's.

Jealousy is a terrible thing, and black's can be just as guilty of it as anyone else in life.

I wasn't wealthy, and I still ain't wealthy by some people's standard's, but when I see riches and wealth before my eye's, then I just smile and admire the success of those who made it, and are great stewards of what they have accomplished in life. No envy, jealousy, coveting or anything like that from me or my family in life, and the good Lord has blessed us we'll in life.
BLM is not nearly as popular among blacks as the media suggests. In fact, BLM is one of the factors pushing blacks away from the Dems....
Wrong. None of this comment is correct. And don't post a story about the one black person you can find that's mad atvBLM.
Like you, their Black Lies Matter too. Piss off fool.
The arrogance of the affirmative action black bigot is just as pathetic as the lack of any concern for truth.

In the north, where more than two thirds of whites lived, there was no distinction or preference. In the south, there was slavery and segregation promoted by the democrat party. The northern whites not only had nothing to do with that, they fought a war to free slaves. And how does the black bigot feel about fallen Union army soldiers?

They were white and male and republican....

The more America caters to the black bigot, the worse the problem gets. The best solution is to do away with preferences and quotas and offer $500 to an black bigot who wants a one way ticket back to Africa...
So you consider yourself a real American and profess that most of white Americans are like you, with your same racist attitudes towards black people? I guess no one has told you that white racists are at the bottom of the totem pole of the white race?

It's not bigotry to have animus against those you have mistreated you or your family or other members of your race due to racial discrimination. As long as you all are unable to make the distinction between the arrogance of white racists who actually believe they are superior in every way to blacks and and the push back from the people who you all have been attempting to further victimize, then this is what you get.
If comes down to a REAL civil war, the whites against the blacks..........
Who do you think is going to win?

Do you have a speculative scenario about what will happen and how it will end?

We know not all whites are racist fuktards, and we know not all black people are money-grubbing, murderous psychopaths. Do you think there's a simpler way to sift out the "bad ones" and keep the rest?

Do you think all of this race war lunacy is designed, created, and perpetuated by certain people to break this country up? If so, why?


The race war is here NOW

What are you talking about ?

Whites have been waging war on us non stop for 300+ years

During which period were you alive?

Nobody owes you shit for anything that didn't happen to you.

If white people were waging war on you kneegrows, you'd know it....That "war" would make the weekend GSW death toteboard in Chicago, that you accept without a second thought, look like a baseball score.

Why are you assuming and why do you think that nothing has happened to any black person since 1964? And do you seriously believe that all of that racist bias and hatred suddenly vaporize with the swipe of a pen when the Executive Order creating affirmative actions and dismantling racial segregation in the U.S. was created?
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If comes down to a REAL civil war, the whites against the blacks..........
Who do you think is going to win?

Do you have a speculative scenario about what will happen and how it will end?

We know not all whites are racist fuktards, and we know not all black people are money-grubbing, murderous psychopaths. Do you think there's a simpler way to sift out the "bad ones" and keep the rest?

Do you think all of this race war lunacy is designed, created, and perpetuated by certain people to break this country up? If so, why?


The race war is here NOW

What are you talking about ?

Whites have been waging war on us non stop for 300+ years

I love your graphic Paul.
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3) USA was built by black people. I'm not going anywhere.
Absolute bullshit.
Blacks have done nothing but commit crime, destroy neighborhoods and schools, riot and destroy businesses, steal everything they can carry, waste opportunities offered , refuse to work, refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and decisions, blame everything and everyone else for every problem they, themselves, have caused in their lives, whined endlessly - that deserves to be repeated - whined endlessly.
They condemn America and everything white at every opportunity yet, worst of all, they don't have the fucking balls to leave.
In Africa you would experience black privilege and black supremacy, and you could try to prove that black people may (MAY) be do something positive, for a fucking change.
Forget the constant blm whining and moaning. Stand on your own two feet for once in your miserable lives
That's a lie and American history has documented evidence to prove it. You're delusional white boy.
If comes down to a REAL civil war, the whites against the blacks..........
Who do you think is going to win?

Do you have a speculative scenario about what will happen and how it will end?

We know not all whites are racist fuktards, and we know not all black people are money-grubbing, murderous psychopaths. Do you think there's a simpler way to sift out the "bad ones" and keep the rest?

Do you think all of this race war lunacy is designed, created, and perpetuated by certain people to break this country up? If so, why?


The race war is here NOW

What are you talking about ?

Whites have been waging war on us non stop for 300+ years

During which period were you alive?

Nobody owes you shit for anything that didn't happen to you.

If white people were waging war on you kneegrows, you'd know it....That "war" would make the weekend GSW death toteboard in Chicago, that you accept without a second thought, look like a baseball score.

Why are you assuming and why do you think that nothing has happened to any black person since 1964? And do you seriously believe that all of that racist bias and hatred suddenly vaporize with the swipe of a pen when the Executive Order creating affirmative actions and dismantling racial segregation in the U.S. was created?
Looks like this guy lives in Teflon history.
Wipe out - no. Repatriation to any African country that would take you - yes. Just think, the only place in the world you might not be lowest of the low is in the sub-Sahara. Many of them are English speaking to boot.

1) White supremacist control Africa

2) No African is willing or should be willing to take 30 million African American that have no lineage there. That's like me, getting you from Serbia - Croatia (or were ever the fk ur from in that part of the world were you spent most of the 90's slaughtering each other) and dumping you in Ireland and saying "Well they're white arent they ? You guys just along"

3) USA was built by black people. I'm not going anywhere.
Pity, and I hear Mogadishu is beautiful this time of year. There you would be relatively educated and even respected by lowlife (which is most of the country), but yeah, there is little in the way of the free stuff that's been feeding you all your life.

I get it.
Are you just from Prague or do you still live there and are just meddling in the affairs of the United States?
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Since 2000, U.S. gross domestic product lost that much as a result of discriminatory practices in a range of areas, including in education and access to business loans, according to a new study by Citigroup. Specifically, the study came up with $16 trillion in lost GDP by noting four key racial gaps between African Americans and whites:

$13 trillion lost in potential business revenue because of discriminatory lending to African American entrepreneurs, with an estimated 6.1 million jobs not generated as a result

$2.7 trillion in income lost because of disparities in wages suffered by African Americans

$218 billion lost over the past two decades because of discrimination in providing housing credit

And $90 billion to $113 billion in lifetime income lost from discrimination in accessing higher education.

This has happened in the present. But don't come up with that "it was in the past "bullshit when you support this:
Which is a return to the past.

And stop talking about ideas from the founders, that was in the past.

You don't get to wish for a return to the past then tell us how our referring to the past is wrong.
This nation was built and maintains a system as seem through a racial prism. It is not black bigotry to call it out.
Would YOU feel justified in taking up arms and killing people for being white? I wouldn't dream of doing so to my black neighbors UNTIL some of them tried to harm me or my family. At that point, I'd be perfectly willing to defend my family and my home, just as most blacks would do.
The real danger is that if such killings begin - and they EASILY could - the media would push a narrative of hate and propaganda that would feed escalation and shortly cause the conflict to become a blood feud that could last for years. Is your anger at perceived injustices worth that kind of horror?
The emphasis on "perceived injustices" is their rationalization and justification for the murderous impulses they have, and the genocide they fantasize about.

It's projection; they claim there are white supremacists wanting to start the Purge and murder them all over America. There's not.
They however, sure do attack and kill white, asian, and brown people a hell of a lot...... :huh1:

Most murders are by people of the same race; whites mostly murder other whites, blacks mostly other blacks, etc. But blacks seem to commit murders and assaults of people of other races (white, asian, and hispanic victims) way more than anyone else.
More lies.
This nation was built and maintains a system as seem through a racial prism. It is not black bigotry to call it out.
Would YOU feel justified in taking up arms and killing people for being white? I wouldn't dream of doing so to my black neighbors UNTIL some of them tried to harm me or my family. At that point, I'd be perfectly willing to defend my family and my home, just as most blacks would do.
The real danger is that if such killings begin - and they EASILY could - the media would push a narrative of hate and propaganda that would feed escalation and shortly cause the conflict to become a blood feud that could last for years. Is your anger at perceived injustices worth that kind of horror?
I have not been the one talking about race war.
This nation was built and maintains a system as seem through a racial prism. It is not black bigotry to call itnout.


This is what we get for our affirmative action tax dollars.
Whites have gotten affirmative action since the declaration of independence.
If it wasn't for the White man you'd be running around naked and barefoot with your spear, eating bugs, bats and lizards, and sleeping in a straw hut.
No, that would not be the case.

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