CIA Admits to Feeding Americans False Information on Ukraine

Part of the hesitation to helping Ukraine was the fear of the issue of Burisma coming up about COMPROMISING Biden's position - conflict of interest.

If you are already bought and paid for....

But the Wuhan style bio weapon labs in Ukraine, the CIA initially lied about those too. They are there. We put them there. Legit war targets for Putin and grounds to once again expose Dr Fauci as the completely sick mass murderer he is...

The hesitancy to help Ukraine and the willingness to give Putin the green light for a minor incursion may have been as much to let Russia destroy the evidence of Obama/Biden crimes/corruption as anything else.
Collusion is not a crime. Trumpyberra has many business ties to Russians businessmen. The Trump campaign sent real time polling data to Russians during the campaign. Mueller prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt. What he couldn't prove was where or how that data was used or if it was used by the Russian government at all. Without that evidence he couldn't prove a conspiracy.

SOFA KING stupid
The hesitancy to help Ukraine and the willingness to give Putin the green light for a minor incursion may have been as much to let Russia destroy the evidence of Obama/Biden crimes/corruption as anything else.
Traps are best deployed by using coercive means whether it be unfriendly or friendly coercion...
Ran Paul is another coward who refused to serve his nation in the military, instead, he decided to be a politician with a yellow streak that was much better.
Your 5 deferment Vegetable Messiah is worse.
Why not read the actual fucking article they are talking about rather than the commentary on the article...

The article states that CIA are being looser with the truth, the intelligence wasn’t rock solid, not that it is wrong...

This is an information wa and the US has to fight fire with fire... Why the OP is supporting the Russians is a bit disgraceful....

Russians will pump out any shit 24/7 but he wants the US Intelligence to meet court evidence standard...

You want the US to use peashooters against tanks next... Please stop fucking supporting the enemy, fucking hate traitors...
You Ukrainian..?
You failed to put up any support that the cia lied. Your link did not cite the original source for Ron Paul's schitck
You choose the story you like best. The main point is that you've learned something by taking part in this discussion.

Just questioning propaganda is far better than just accepting it. Propaganda nearly always fails under scrutiny.
Yes, he was, yet he is no messiah of mine...Along with Biden, Trump, Clintoon, hell Reagan was in the AR but his eyesight was so bad they let him stay stateside.
Haha. You obviously are a Veggie Joe Cultist the way you defend and worship him here daily.
Collusion is not a crime. Trumpyberra has many business ties to Russians businessmen. The Trump campaign sent real time polling data to Russians during the campaign. Mueller prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt. What he couldn't prove was where or how that data was used or if it was used by the Russian government at all. Without that evidence he couldn't prove a conspiracy.

Trump's Russian ties are suspicious, but not illegal.

Even if Russia had benefitted from real time polling data, that is no crime.
The suspicion is only that sending the data might have been an attempt to encourage Moscow to support his campaign, and if that would have been with undisclosed funds or other support, then that would have been illegal.
Which would have required far more evidence.
Almost as much as you Ruskie trolls feed us with misinformation.

Ruskie trolls pushed the dossier?

They shut down under covid only to reopen shit with a Democrack in office too?

They force racism & spin-genders too?

They impeach for bogus "causes" as well?
Ruskie trolls pushed the dossier?

They shut down under covid only to reopen shit with a Democrack in office too?

They force racism & spin-genders too?

They impeach for bogus "causes" as well?
Hey, dipshit, this thread is about misinformation in Ukraine during the war last month, okay, now get your shit straight and come back with something more substantial than your stupid fucking Trump humping escapades.
Trump's Russian ties are suspicious, but not illegal.

Even if Russia had benefitted from real time polling data, that is no crime.
The suspicion is only that sending the data might have been an attempt to encourage Moscow to support his campaign, and if that would have been with undisclosed funds or other support, then that would have been illegal.
Which would have required far more evidence.
The bitch Hillary blew her lead with her big mouth and people really do not trust her.
Hey, dipshit, this thread is about misinformation in Ukraine during the war last month, okay, now get your shit straight and come back with something more substantial than your stupid fucking Trump humping escapades.
Funny how Dimtards don’t want to talk about Hitlery’s Russia Dossier anymore.
Hey, dipshit, this thread is about misinformation in Ukraine during the war last month, okay, now get your shit straight and come back with something more substantial than your stupid fucking Trump humping escapades.

The misinformation about the Ukraine is that the Ukraine government was totally taken over and corrupted by the US in 2014, by an expensive military coup.
The corrupt US controlled government in Kyiv then was stealing Russian oil, murdering ethnic Russians by the tens of thousands, violating treaties, trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, and cut off negotiations with Moscow.
Those are all acts of war, so Russia is not the one who started this war.
Biden is.

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