CIA Admits to Feeding Americans False Information on Ukraine

As with America's past wars, Ron Paul is stepping up again to expose the propaganda lies. His libertarian political bent may be crazy but it always seems to serve a good purpose.
Your link:

"Last week an extraordinary article appeared in, of all places, NBC News, reporting that the US intelligence community is knowingly feeding information it does not believe accurate to the US mainstream media for the American audience to consume.

"In other words, the article reports that the US 'deep state' admits to being actively engaged in lying to the American people in the hopes that it can manipulate public opinion

"According to the NBC News article, 'multiple US officials acknowledged that the US has used information as a weapon even when confidence in the accuracy of the information wasn’t high. Sometimes it has used low-confidence intelligence for deterrent effect…'"

I'm pretty sure most Americans don't know (or care) about when the CIA first began fighting for regime change in Russia by using Ukrainian nationals (and nationalism):

"In September, 1949, two Ukrainian agents working with the C.I.A. landed near Lviv, in what was then the Soviet Union.

"They were the vanguard of an operation that would acquire the code name Redsox. Its aim was to connect with anti-Soviet insurgents fighting by the tens of thousands in Ukraine, as well as in smaller numbers elsewhere on Russia’s rim."

The Complexities of the Ukraine Dilemma
Ron Paul is a piece of shit.

If our intell saying that Russia was about to use chemical weapons in Ukraine stopped them from doing it...I'm all for it.

You tell me how that harmed me in the slightest

Exodus 20:13 ESV / 506 helpful votes​

“You shall not murder.

Psalm 137:9 ESV / 456 helpful votes​

Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!

Exodus has it by a mere 10 votes!

That passage is about WICKED BABYLON, which was full of sexual perversion, political corruption, idol worship, greed, and lawlessness. The Babylonians were sent by God to punish Israel for their disobedience, but when they attacked and sacked Israel they did it to excess, raping, murdering, throwing babies from the walls, and taking babies by their feet and bashing their skulls against rocks in front of their parents, and many many things.

A group of Jewish slaves were commanded to sing "the songs of Zion" while in chains and this was commanded of them to further humiliate them.

This was part of their response...

Read the whole passage, heathen.

7 Remember, O Lord, against the Edomites
the day of Jerusalem,
how they said, “Lay it bare, lay it bare,
down to its foundations!”

8 O daughter of Babylon, doomed to be destroyed,
blessed shall he be who repays you
with what you have done to us!

9 Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones
and dashes them against the rock!

Do you think God is going to continue to allow your Evil forever?

Your current campaign of grooming children is almost as sickening as your genocidal death camps called Planned Parenting.

Once God no longer withholds His wrath, all your lies and mocking will be turned to tears, and torment, and still you will shake your fist at God and not repent.
To all you God Haters, The Holy One of Israel does not send you to Hell. You go to where your heart is, and go with your little gods to burn and be tormented in The Eternal Lake of Fire even if you do not know you worship Evil, even if you refuse to believe there is a God.

Repent, the time is short, and The Return of The Master is soon. The Messiah will come, and will you be found in your wickedness, or will you be praising The God who gave you life and breath?
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Well of course but this is no new revelation. The CIA coined the term conspiracy theory in order to label someone as crazy so others wouldn't listen to them. JFK knew their game and look where it got him.
The CIA has been involved in Ukraine since 1949.
Since 2015 they have been arming and training Ukrainian nationals some of whom are far-right white supremacists many with a virulent anti-Semitism that is more cultural than political.

Their hatred of Jews comes from the great famines between 1920-1930 in Ukraine which was perpetrated by the NKVD (ancestor of the KGB) whose upper echelons of leadership were mainly composed of Jews.

As a former US intelligence officer, I see a red flag in the CIA’s latest anti-Russia playbook

"Reports that the CIA is running training programs to prepare Ukrainian forces for unconventional warfare bear an uncanny similarity to a long-exposed Cold War-era project.

"If history is any judge, it is likely to end the same way.

"A tranche of allegations recently published in the press, ostensibly sourced to 'five former intelligence and national security officials familiar with the initiative,' claims that America's top spy agency has been, since 2015, conducting training for select Ukrainian military and security personnel."
The CIA has been involved in Ukraine since 1949.
Since 2015 they have been arming and training Ukrainian nationals some of whom are far-right white supremacists many with a virulent anti-Semitism that is more cultural than political.

Their hatred of Jews comes from the great famines between 1920-1930 in Ukraine which was perpetrated by the NKVD (ancestor of the KGB) whose upper echelons of leadership were mainly composed of Jews.

As a former US intelligence officer, I see a red flag in the CIA’s latest anti-Russia playbook

"Reports that the CIA is running training programs to prepare Ukrainian forces for unconventional warfare bear an uncanny similarity to a long-exposed Cold War-era project.

"If history is any judge, it is likely to end the same way.

"A tranche of allegations recently published in the press, ostensibly sourced to 'five former intelligence and national security officials familiar with the initiative,' claims that America's top spy agency has been, since 2015, conducting training for select Ukrainian military and security personnel."
First off, your story is nothing but NAZI Propaganda from WW2. This is why I say DemNazis same as Them Nazis because you have the same Spirit of Hatred in you as they did.
I want very much to believe this story from the lying lib media

unfortunately its based on the same “unnamed sources” that the lying lib media always uses to further its own ends

A pox on the Deep State and NBC News
othing to do with propaganda.
The reality is that Zelensky really is totally corrupt, was murdering eastern Ukraine dissidents using fascist gangs, was stealing oil, taking US bribes, violating treaties, attempting to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, and deliberately started the war by cutting negotiations.
Zelensky clearly has to go.
According to GrayZone accounts, some of those fascist gangs threatened to hang Zelensky if he made any attempt to deescalate the violence:

Former NATO Military Analyst Blows the Whistle on West’s Ukraine Invasion Narrative

"These militias, stemming from the far-right groups that led the Euromaidan revolution in 2014, are made up of fanatical and brutal individuals.

"The best known of these is the Azov regiment, whose emblem is reminiscent of that of the 2nd SS Das Reich Panzer Division , which is the object of real veneration in Ukraine, for having liberated Kharkov from the Soviets in 1943, before to perpetrate the massacre of Oradour-sur-Glane in 1944, in France.

"Among the famous figures of the Azov regiment was the opponent Roman Protassevich, arrested in 2021 by the Belarusian authorities following the case of RyanAir flight FR4978."
The US Intel claimed Russian interference in Oct 2016. Trumpybears collusion with Russians was a foregone conclusion. A criminal conspiracy between the Russian Government and the Trumpyberra campaign was never proven with enough evidence to charge anyone with a crime related to the Russian aid to the Trumpybears' election effort.

Russian Trump collusion completely 100% debunked. Now Hillary and Russia is the subject of Durham indictments
Russian Trump collusion completely 100% debunked. Now Hillary and Russia is the subject of Durham indictments

Keep telling your self that. He was begging them in public, no telling what he promised them in private. It's not even clear the single charge of lying to the FBI against a single lawyer will stick from Durham's witch hunt.
According to GrayZone accounts, some of those fascist gangs threatened to hang Zelensky if he made any attempt to deescalate the violence:

Former NATO Military Analyst Blows the Whistle on West’s Ukraine Invasion Narrative

"These militias, stemming from the far-right groups that led the Euromaidan revolution in 2014, are made up of fanatical and brutal individuals.

"The best known of these is the Azov regiment, whose emblem is reminiscent of that of the 2nd SS Das Reich Panzer Division , which is the object of real veneration in Ukraine, for having liberated Kharkov from the Soviets in 1943, before to perpetrate the massacre of Oradour-sur-Glane in 1944, in France.

"Among the famous figures of the Azov regiment was the opponent Roman Protassevich, arrested in 2021 by the Belarusian authorities following the case of RyanAir flight FR4978."
Nazism, moron, is Far Left.

Keep telling your self that. He was begging them in public, no telling what he promised them in private. It's not even clear the single charge of lying to the FBI against a single lawyer will stick from Durham's witch hunt.
The witch hunt to investigate the witch hunt? You lying sacks of CCP-Ruskie Propabullshit never cease to amaze me.
Was it me who made you crazy with anger or was it Ron Paul? Calm down and start acting like a grownup, or be ignored.
The article just says that CIA have to leak stuff quicker because Russia is in an information war with them... Ron Paul is just acting the jerk...

There is a reference to the "Deep State"... Let's just put the thing under garbage when that is rolled out... Deep State is one of the biggest load of horseshit from horse shit farm of conspiracy theories... Let's just pretend there was on for one minute, it is meant to be huge and all powerful, but no one ever leaves, has a tell all book, leaks anything,.... Financially how are they paid and no one sees, Accountants/Revenue....
Do you know the amount of people who would have to keep this secret, seriously...
Trump could stop the press finding out he took two scoops of ice cream...

So when Deep State is mentioned, dump the whole thing...
The greatest enemy of propaganda is 'discussion' in which everybody becomes more enlightened and then are able to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Tricks of the Netrix

Americans have been pre-conditioned to assert talking points that have been handed down from the buzzards roosting above us all. Second, their thought processes* are tightened into a little knot so that even originality wriggles out and slithers just as stupidly as the nitwit pundits' preaching.

*Not pronounced "processeeze." This ignorant utterance, which is spreading like a virus among the high-and-mighty lowlife, reveals how shallow-thinking even the college graduates with the highest GPAs are.
Their unthinking conformity to all the new grammatical monstrosities also proves that the University is nothing more than a sheep ranch.

Their stupid and faddish pronunciation is appropriated from skimming over the pattern crisis, crises, parenthesis, parentheses. But that irregular pronunciation could only apply to an imaginary word "processis."
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The article just says that CIA have to leak stuff quicker because Russia is in an information war with them... Ron Paul is just acting the jerk...

There is a reference to the "Deep State"... Let's just put the thing under garbage when that is rolled out... Deep State is one of the biggest load of horseshit from horse shit farm of conspiracy theories... Let's just pretend there was on for one minute, it is meant to be huge and all powerful, but no one ever leaves, has a tell all book, leaks anything,.... Financially how are they paid and no one sees, Accountants/Revenue....
Do you know the amount of people who would have to keep this secret, seriously...
Trump could stop the press finding out he took two scoops of ice cream...

So when Deep State is mentioned, dump the whole thing...
You've been preconditioned to stop thinking at trigger words. LOL
Tricks of the Netrix

Americans have been pre-conditioned to asserting talking points that have been handed down from above. Second, their thought processes (not pronounced "processeeze," by the way) are tightened into a little knot so that even originality wriggles out and slithers just as stupidly as the nitwit pundits' preaching.
There is some progress being made but it's common to the Kosovo war in which one side of the political clusterfuk doesn't support the other side's war all the time. is telling in that they are always rightist before being antiwar. But even so, they're antiwar at least half of the time.
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