CIA Admits to Feeding Americans False Information on Ukraine

Subs are always "ordered by God" to "serve Israel."

At least Zelenskyy admits he is Jewish.

The interesting fact about the Soviet Union and NAZI Germany is that those are history's two most paranoid governments, and both spied like crazy because they were paranoid. Their spying both yielded the same DATA on Judaism, that Judaism is not a religion, but rather a conspiracy against everyone else.

Strange, that these two mortal enemies would analyze the same thing, and conclude the SAME THING....

But but but Jews wrote the BiBULL for unCHOSEN MORONS to SERVE ISRAEL, and here you are...
You have no idea how EVIL you are do you? It's like I am listening to Satan rationalizing his hatred and trying to convince me I should join his war against God.
Yeah. . . I read about that. . .

Folks should stay abreast of the propaganda. It is like, they don't even care that they are being lied to anymore. :eusa_think:

U.S. 'Intelligence' Says Its 'Intelligence' Is Bullshit​


The misinformation about the Ukraine is that the Ukraine government was totally taken over and corrupted by the US in 2014, by an expensive military coup.
The corrupt US controlled government in Kyiv then was stealing Russian oil, murdering ethnic Russians by the tens of thousands, violating treaties, trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, and cut off negotiations with Moscow.
Those are all acts of war, so Russia is not the one who started this war.
Biden is.
The Ruskies kill, steal and get foreign leaders elected or overthrown also so Russia is no different than the USA...What Russia forgot is they are weak and the US is not so we have the capabilities to beat Russia through industrial means..The economic suicide Pootin is committing will impinge on Russia's industries for a generation or until Pootin the dictator is gone. Russia has lost many gas customers and will lose many more yet the US will take the Ruskies market share which is what 2014 was all about.. Are you catching on yet?
The US Intel claimed Russian interference in Oct 2016. Trumpybears collusion with Russians was a foregone conclusion. A criminal conspiracy between the Russian Government and the Trumpyberra campaign was never proven with enough evidence to charge anyone with a crime related to the Russian aid to the Trumpybears' election effort.
LOL whatever you say Putin. It matters not to me if you are working for Satan, China CCP or propagandists are all the same:

Hate God
Hate America
Hate Christian Conservatives
Hate Real Democracy
Hate Jews
Hate Israel
Hate Jesus

Did I miss anything?
Wrong thread space case. We have already discussed it, pull your head out and pay attention.
I don’t recall your position.

Were you for or against Hitlery laundering millions thru her law firm to pay Putin for lies and Russian propaganda to use against Trump before and after the election, resulting in the government wasting over $30 Million investigating her lies and Russian propaganda?
Hey, dipshit, this thread is about misinformation in Ukraine during the war last month, okay, now get your shit straight and come back with something more substantial than your stupid fucking Trump humping escapades.

You must have forgotten your post, number 2. From now on I'll call you #2
War propaganda records broken.

Directly related to the huge importance of America winning this current war.
As suggested by, this is the culmination of the Cold War against the Soviet Union.

It's importance to both Russia and America is what is making it so dangerous.

Will Russia turn to the use of tactical nukes, on the hunch that America won't reciprocate?

ON what target could America reciprocate?

A US nuclear strike within Russia's border?
Trump's Russian ties are suspicious, but not illegal.

Even if Russia had benefitted from real time polling data, that is no crime.
The suspicion is only that sending the data might have been an attempt to encourage Moscow to support his campaign, and if that would have been with undisclosed funds or other support, then that would have been illegal.
Which would have required far more evidence.

Hard to even find them suspicious, really.

Unlike most politicians he had a worldwide private empire.
LOL whatever you say Putin. It matters not to me if you are working for Satan, China CCP or propagandists are all the same:

Hate God
Hate America
Hate Christian Conservatives
Hate Real Democracy
Hate Jews
Hate Israel
Hate Jesus

Did I miss anything?

Scraping the bottom of the barrel still?

Love to laugh.

Thanks again, even if it was just a snicker........
The Ruskies kill, steal and get foreign leaders elected or overthrown also so Russia is no different than the USA...What Russia forgot is they are weak and the US is not so we have the capabilities to beat Russia through industrial means..The economic suicide Pootin is committing will impinge on Russia's industries for a generation or until Pootin the dictator is gone. Russia has lost many gas customers and will lose many more yet the US will take the Ruskies market share which is what 2014 was all about.. Are you catching on yet?
Your acceptance that this is America's war against Russia.
It's a war in which limitations are still mutually agreeable to both sides.

The effect of the sanctions against Russia could be exaggerated and overplayed as being effective. Maybe more of an issue is in how much wealth in natural resources is controlled by the two great alliances respectively?

The situation is quite unusual in comparison to any other war in that natural resources are being shared and rationed out by Russia.

Russia's cooperation with Europe's needs is an indication that the alliance with America and America's goals is rather weak.

If this continues, can we be at much risk of a world war?
You have no idea how EVIL you are do you? It's like I am listening to Satan rationalizing his hatred and trying to convince me I should join his war against God.
You need to stay within the confines of religious superstitious beliefs and stop spamming in the other world. Most are showing at least that much respect for you.

That's not going to continue much longer!
You need to stay within the confines of religious superstitious beliefs and stop spamming in the other world. Most are showing at least that much respect for you.

That's not going to continue much longer!
You are right, The World is not going to continue much longer.
There are no racists in the next world.
That means there is no YOU.
You are right, The World is not going to continue much longer.
There are no racists in the next world.
That means there is no YOU.

Exodus 20:13 ESV / 506 helpful votes​

“You shall not murder.

Psalm 137:9 ESV / 456 helpful votes​

Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!

Exodus has it by a mere 10 votes!


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