Washington’s Bi-Partisan Russia-Bashers Are Determined to Start a War

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
This is the part where the electorate would do well to remember that there's not a nickle's worth of difference between em at that level of politics.


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Washington’s Bi-Partisan Russia-Bashers Are Determined to Start a War - written by Ron Paul

Russia-bashing is a bi-partisan activity in Washington. Both parties think it makes them look “tough” and “pro-America.” But while Republican and Democrat politicians continue to one-up each other on “risk-free” threats to Russia, they are increasingly risking a devastating nuclear war.

It’s all fun and games until the missiles start flying. And in this case we are risking total destruction over who governs eastern Ukraine! Has so much ever been risked for so little?

The problem with all this tough talk is that politicians start to believe their own rhetoric and propaganda. As a result they don’t make sound decisions based on objective facts, but instead make rash decisions based on faulty misinformation.

When US politicians talk about Russia massing troops on the Ukrainian border, for example, they leave out the fact that these troops are actually inside Russia. With US troops in some 150 countries overseas, you’d think Washington might pause before criticizing the “aggression” of troops inside a country’s own borders.

They also leave out the reasons why Russia might be concerned over its neighbor Ukraine. CNN reported recently that the Biden Administration approved another $200 million in military aid to Ukraine last month, making nearly half a billion dollars in weapons over the past year.

Imagine if China was sending half a billion dollars in weapons to Mexico to strengthen and embolden a hyper-aggressive anti-US regime. Would the US not be “massing troops near the Mexican border”?

Also there is that issue about the US-backed overthrow of the democratically-elected Ukrainian government in 2014, which is the starting point of all these recent problems. And this week Yahoo News reported that the CIA is training Ukrainian paramilitaries on US soil!

Recent talks between the US and Russia failed before they even began, with the US side refusing to even consider ending useless and provocative NATO expansion eastward. NATO is a Cold War relic that should have been disbanded along with the Warsaw Pact. It serves no purpose and its constant saber-rattling puts us at risk in conflicts that have nothing to do with US national security.

How embarrassing it was to hear Blinken ridiculing Russia for coming to the aid of ally Kazakhstan as a color revolution (with likely US backing) was brewing. “I think one lesson in recent history is that once Russians are in your house, it’s sometimes very difficult to get them to leave,” Blinken told reporters. He said this with a straight face even as the US continues to illegally occupy a large part of Syria, continues to occupy part of Iraq against the will of that country’s parliament, and occupied a good part of Afghanistan for 20 years!

Incidentally, as soon as the regime change attempt was put down in Kazakhstan, Russian and allied troops began leaving the country. But, of course, the reflexively pro-war US media doesn’t report anything outside the narrative.

What to do about Russia? Stop backing regime change along Russia’s borders, including Belarus, Kazakhstan, and elsewhere. Stop meddling in foreign elections. Look at how we wasted four years on false claims that the Russians meddled in ours. End weapons shipments and all aid to Ukraine. End sanctions. Re-imagine the US defense budget as a budget to actually defend the US. It’s really not that complicated: stop trying to rule the world.
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Yanno, i couldn't fill a thimble with my knowledge of international affairs NC, yet even i smell a rat here.....

Not only can you smell it, you want to HEAR it? This is the most brazen crap I have heard all weak, coming out of that DAVOS World Economic Forum world telecommuted conference.

I don't know how much of this that the Kremlin brings upon itself. Putin came into power out of the ranks of the KGB. Before he became the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin was a KGB spy — take a look at his early career

When Putin came into power, his long years in Berlin including during and after the Wall fell, he became uniquely radicalized. They say he liked the social aspects of diplomacy, even though his background was in police work in Germany as a spy for the KGB.

From the bbc:
Inside him too may be a memory of how change can be shaped not only by force, or by weakness - but also by emotion. In 1989 he saw in Dresden how patriotic feeling, combined with a yearning for democracy, proved so much more powerful than communist ideology.​
And love him or hate him, Vladamir Putin has a lot of mouths to feed over there in Russia, because while we know Stalin sent to their deaths, 20 million Russians or more under the cover of the western world's WWII concentration being on Hitler, he (Stalin) could discreetly wipe out the personal improvements known by people who read about and saw televised American shows.

The beauty of freedom has its own ethereal attraction to those who get very stale seconds from their oligarch communistic overlords. I don't wanna see that commie droolings here. Just don't. I hope Putin sees the light on freedoms being Russia's future. Because when and if he does, he will leave old grudges toward neighbors alone.

I pray each night that freedom rings joy into the lives of all across the face of the earth until brotherly love overtakes mankind. Yes, this Republican is an idealist, and I think the best person to lead America to world peace and to lead the world to world peace is none other than former President Trump. And I have the nagging feeling he was cheated in November 2020, along with the majority of the people who voted for him if you remove the millions of illegal rubberstamped votes that arrived after 3 am to welcoming Democrat precinct people willing to cheat a little "for the good of the world." NOT!!!!!
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Not only can you smell it, you want to HEAR it? This is the most brazen crap I have heard all weak, coming out of that DAVOS World Economic Forum world telecommuted conference.

Your usual insightful post Mr B, thx

yanno i read animal farm back in the late 60's ?

I don't think i got Orwells grand metaphor then, as much as it's hitting home now

Putin's investment in the American right is paying off handsomely for him.
Why thank you sir Occupied. It seems to me that you mean that as a dig, but it's actually honor in God's sight when people are reconciled to their warring neighbors and reconciled to the Good works and words in the Good Book. Our strength is in God. Our founders wove in God's strength with their form of government which espouses equality and fairness for all. Communism kills its best with their unacceptance of better methods of resolving differences. Democratic Republics build and share, seeking fairness to everyone who doesn't shoot themselves in the foot with inappropriate living practices that namely worships getting even instead of forgiving and forgetting, building and sharing, and looking to keep out predators and their practices. Predators can learn peaceful ways and profit from it in a way that shares the wealth through individual giving. And that's what I think.
A link to my opinion would go to this page. It's pretty clear the right is rooting for Putin though.
Russia/Putin is rooting for the right and against Biden. A look at the stories at RT.com daily tells the obvious story. Russia's interests were advanced by Trump and are challenged by the Biden admin.

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