Church to burn Qurans on 9/11

Of course it's totally within their legal and civil rights to buy books and burn them.

We're just commenting on how moronic it is to do so.
yeah, how bright is it to basically give money to something you don't like so you can destroy what you bought:cuckoo:

That's exactly what I was thinking. If I were the publisher/distributer/bookstore owner this would be grand news. Imagine that:

... In a small Muslim bookstore somewhere in Florida...

Ahmed: Mahmoud, a group of radical fundamentalist Christians is going to burn hundreds of Qurans in the City Square!
Mahmoud: That is just terrible news, Ahmed. Those crazy fundamentalist Christians... Insulting the Prophet, and Islam... I do just don't feel safe in this town anymore.
Ahmed: I know. The worst part with this recession climate and all we had to sell them the Prophet's book.
Mahmoud: ... How many did they take?
Ahmed: All of them. Even the nice, expensive ones. Some 1,000 copies... all to be burnt.
Mahmoud: 1,000 COPIES?! WE HAVEN'T EVEN SOLD 1,000 THE WHOLE YEAR! PRAISED BE MOHAMMAD! ALLAHU AKBAR!! WE'RE SAVED!! Quick, call Said, we're heading over to the Christian bookstore to show them a real BBQ.
as they call the supplier to order MORE
Of course it's totally within their legal and civil rights to buy books and burn them.

We're just commenting on how moronic it is to do so.

Sure, and I agree. No argument from me on that, Hell... that's what the internet is for. :lol:

But the folks bringing up NAZI's or commies or any kind of government or religious authority who burned books as a means of social control or thought policing etc is just silly to me. Those yahoo's in Florida don't merit the comparison.

Heck, for fans they don't even rise to the average level of crazy on any given day from Floridians.
What the heck is with people? Did something shift and people get crazier lately? Or has it always been like this?
What the heck is with people? Did something shift and people get crazier lately? Or has it always been like this?
always been like this
just you never heard about it unless it happened in your local area

thanks the internet for this info being shared
This lack of civility and respect for one another is just plain stupid. So someone believes something different than you. Persuade them differently or leave them be. Going out of your way to mock them is just wrong.
I remember some other group burning books.....let me will come to me...

Godwin's law. I also remember a liberal group not to long ago wanting to burn books, let me think on it a while. It will come to me.

The only group I have seen wanting to ban books was 'Human Events,' a long time conservative publication. I wrote them at the time, and I'm sure many others did too. They seem to have removed the list of books. The link below refers to the list and creates its own list.

History News Network

"...I imagine that what unnerves many of us when we see conservatives compiling such a list is the fear that it is a prelude to book banning. We may fear that because we see conservatives as the party interested in social control and domination – as if we didn't wish to be in control. Frankly, I don't think Human Events is about to ban any of these books."
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Nothing like a big ol' Book BBQ to show how much better 'we' are than those 'other' religious nutcases.


I remember some other group burning books.....let me will come to me......:eusa_whistle:

Indeed, in the past couple of years Iran has burned many books and exercises state censorship of reading materials. Islam had its dark ages, that followed the burning of libraries and universities shortly after its founding.

Oh, my bad. You meant the Nazis.
I'm not generally in favor of book banning, but if they are doing this as an "in your face" to the idiot Islams that keep putting contracts out on people's lives for drawing Mohammad, writing about him, or naming a bear after him, I'm all in favor of it. Otherwise, it's just stupid.
I'm not generally in favor of book banning, but if they are doing this as an "in your face" to the idiot Islams that keep putting contracts out on people's lives for drawing Mohammad, writing about him, or naming a bear after him, I'm all in favor of it. Otherwise, it's just stupid.

I've got to disagree here. If something is wrong, it's wrong. Why would the fact that it's an insult to Islam make it all right in just that one case? Do you hate Islam so much that you're willing to abandon principles in order to see Korans burn? When you get to that point, be careful.
I'm not generally in favor of book banning, but if they are doing this as an "in your face" to the idiot Islams that keep putting contracts out on people's lives for drawing Mohammad, writing about him, or naming a bear after him, I'm all in favor of it. Otherwise, it's just stupid.

I've got to disagree here. If something is wrong, it's wrong. Why would the fact that it's an insult to Islam make it all right in just that one case? Do you hate Islam so much that you're willing to abandon principles in order to see Korans burn? When you get to that point, be careful.

Anyone has the right in the US to burn any of their own property whether a Koran, a Bible, a flag, what have you. They also have the right to draw pictures, even offensive pictures that they call images of Mohammad.

Would I do so? No, I think it's offensive, then again there are those that don't mind being offensive and they have the right to be.
If you want to piss off extremist Muslims, there are much cheaper ways to do so, and ways that are less likely to anger the moderates.

If you wish to lower the supply of Qurans well the printing press has rendered such efforts pointless.
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This is just plain stupid. What do they think that breathing in the aroma of burning books will make them smarter. I'd like to tell the pastor of this church that it doesn't work that way. One becomes smarter by reading them even books that one does not agree with.

I hate these kinds of things! They only make Christians out to look like intolerant lib... um assholes.

This is just plain stupid. What do they think that breathing in the aroma of burning books will make them smarter. I'd like to tell the pastor of this church that it doesn't work that way. One becomes smarter by reading them even books that one does not agree with.

I hate these kinds of things! They only make Christians out to look like intolerant lib... um assholes.


I agree with everyone's disgust at their behavior. With that said, they have the right to do so.
You know.......I find it really interesting that the response that the followers of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, have to those of the Religion of Peace.................burn their books.

WWJD? I don't think destroying ideas via bonfires would have really been what He would have done.
Pastor Terry Jones

Sign in-front of his Church

It is a very nice direction, the US society has taken. Ain't no limited incident, and not the most significant.
You know.......I find it really interesting that the response that the followers of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, have to those of the Religion of Peace.................burn their books.

WWJD? I don't think destroying ideas via bonfires would have really been what He would have done.

Ok, no more burning anything symbolic. Pass a law on that.

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