Christmas gift from a Democrat!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I'd never thought I'd say this but wow.. What John F. Kennedy SAID and did is NOT what the typical Democrat would say and do.
Check this out and again... I'm providing proof via links. You doubters... check the links out!
Warts and all the dems back then were friends of the working class.....Operative word....WORKING.

Today's dems want you on the dole so they can better control you by tossing out a few "crumbs" before every election.

The gop was viewed as strictly for the corporations, that worm turned with the '68 riots.
taxes pay for services

Trump was gonna do a middle income tax cut before covid hit

taxes pay for services

Trump was gonna do a middle income tax cut before covid hit

Because JFK of all people understood how businesses operate.
Not one single business EVER raises prices unless there are costs in doing business increase or their business has a monopoly.
Then if taxes are reduced (i.e. cost of doing business..) at the minimum the business won't raise prices...BUT will do more business (i.e. consumers also have more to spend...hence they buy more) and in doing so will pay more taxes on the increase in business.
BUT as Biden's economy is pointing out... RAISE the costs of doing business, i.e. INCREASE the cost of gas which means transportation of goods cost more, who feels the affect? Not the business they pass it on.
Biden's statement.."I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

was the launching of inflation as there is not ONE aspect of our economy that is NOT affected by gas prices.
Consequently Biden's one statement gave a perfect excuse to raise gas prices...which affected ALL Americans not just people that buy gas but
businesses that depend on transportation of goods and services.
So Biden's lack of understanding the economy would have totally shocked Kennedy who would NEVER had said something so harmful to Americans.
Now Biden could have said this:..
"We need to work with the fossil fuels industry to reduce Co2 emissions and the US government will be helping as we consider the fossil fuel industry a totally important building block of our economy"!
And the fossil fuel companies would have (as many are doing now...but under duress...) helped in the orderly and efficient migration to renewables.
But again... JFK would have said something like what Biden SHOULD have said as JFK understood the economy. After all his Dad made a fortune(contrary to public belief...not bootlegging!) from businesses so JFK understood very well the economy.

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