Christie: Obama a liar on Obamacare


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Christie: President Didn't Tell Truth on Obamacare

Republican New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie on Tuesday blasted President Barack Obama for not telling Americans "the truth" about how his signature healthcare law would affect their existing insurance plans.

Although CBS News reported that 800,000 New Jersey residents lost their current plans as a result of Obamacare, Christie said he didn't regret opting not to set up a state-run exchange where people could buy insurance under the law.

"It wouldn't have made any difference, in fact, because you can see all the problems with this," Christie said in an interview on CBS This Morning, according to a transcript published by Real Clear Politics.

"What the federal government wanted us to do in the states was to take on this burden ourselves without telling us how much it would cost or what authority we would have to actually run our exchanges. That's why myself and 33 other governors, both Republican and Democrat, said no to a state-run exchange.

"The real problem is that people weren't told the truth," Christie said.

Time to get rid of all the rats (Demorats ) in D.C .....:eusa_whistle:
Too little, too late Chrissy. Trying to sound like a republican at this late state isn't going to help you... ya fat ass RINO fuck.
"This president is my kind of scum," Gov. Christie was quoted as saying. "Fearless and inventive." Gov. Christie then concluded his press conference by eating a fish-frog and sentencing some criminals to be eaten by the Rancor.
"This president is my kind of scum," Gov. Christie was quoted as saying. "Fearless and inventive." Gov. Christie then concluded his press conference by eating a fish-frog and sentencing some criminals to be eaten by the Rancor.

I expect to see a whole lot of bullshit out of him now that his re-election is over and he can start trying to fool people that he's some kind of Conservative.

Anyone who falls for it ranks up there with the obamabots for idiocy.
I expect to see a whole lot of bullshit out of him now that his re-election is over and he can start trying to fool people that he's some kind of Conservative.

Anyone who falls for it ranks up there with the obamabots for idiocy.

As you see the liberals are starting to line up to destroy Christie. First it will be his weight. Then it will be some other useless topic. But destroy him they will try. Then they will tell the Republicans, trying to help I suppose, that we need to nominate moderates. Hell the last two nominations went to two folks that I am not sure they are not really liberal democrats. No one can be much more moderate then McCain or Romney.
Chris Christie has a higher percentage of pants on fire lies on politifact than Obama does, so he's not one to be pointing fingers.

Compared to "if you like your plan, you can keep it. period" as a way to rewrite the US healthcare system

Not even in the same Universe
I expect to see a whole lot of bullshit out of him now that his re-election is over and he can start trying to fool people that he's some kind of Conservative.

Anyone who falls for it ranks up there with the obamabots for idiocy.

As you see the liberals are starting to line up to destroy Christie. First it will be his weight. Then it will be some other useless topic. But destroy him they will try. Then they will tell the Republicans, trying to help I suppose, that we need to nominate moderates. Hell the last two nominations went to two folks that I am not sure they are not really liberal democrats. No one can be much more moderate then McCain or Romney.

They'll bash Christie saying he's a conservative, which he isn't, then say Rs need to nominate a moderate, which Christie is. Wut, wut, wut liberal logic!
The liberal media centered around NYC and DC are going to sell Lardass to the American public as the best GOP nominee since they realize if he wins, they can work with him and mold him unlike someone like Ted Cruz or Rand Paul.

They want Clinton vs Chrissy in 2016 since Chrissy won't gut obamacare.
You be the Judge...........

[ame=][FLASHBACK] Obama: If you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan - YouTube[/ame]

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