Christians should back Trump, the Christian candidate

Like democrats and abortion?

Here’s a clue: pro-life women have abortions too. They’re called “miscarriages” but the medical term is “spontaneous abortion”.
Obviously, you're mistaken. He's the front runner and leading Biden in the polls. An honest person would admit that fact and understand that some you win and some you lose, but you're a dishonest lying hack.

A criminal fraud, a rapist, and a guy who tried to overthrow the government is not qualified to be President. And he killed a million Americans the first time.

He should NEVER have been allowed to run the first time.

Character matters
Trump never molested. You lied.

Biden showered with his daughter and has been caught on camera saying and doing icky things to young girls who were obviously uncomfortable with it.

Biden accepted graft from foreign countries. Trump never did any of that.

Leftwingers lie. It's what they do.

Trump has admitted to molesting, 20+ women have confirmed it. And you deny it.

Trump accepted BILLIONS from foreign countries, and bragged about it.

You believe rumours about Biden on no evidence and ignore FACTS about Trump which Trump admits are true.

I was right about you. You are NOT a "true American" you're a gullible fool
Like democrats and abortion?

Here’s a clue: pro-life women have abortions too. They’re called “miscarriages” but the medical term is “spontaneous abortion”.
What do you know about it Canada? Go hump a moose or whatever you inbreds up there do, stay out of our business.

You don't stay out of our business, or any other nation's business. W nearly took down the WORLD economy, dragged multiple people into his useless wars, and who can forget "Freedom Fries".

Then you sent all that money to those unemployed truckers who used it to party in Ottawa and piss on our national monuments, until the citizens of Ottawa sued to shut them down.

You have millions of Central Americans trying to come to the USA because you completely fucked over their countries.
Fu(k I'm a Christian and I had to look it up...

And it came about when Samuel was old that he appointed his sons as judges over Israel. 2 Now the name of his firstborn was Joel, and the name of his second, Abijah; they were judging in Beersheba. 3 His sons, however, did not walk in his ways, but turned aside after dishonest gain, took bribes, and perverted justice.

If I were to cite $h!t I would go head and cite it. Now that I did that which you did not do what's your point?
You got up to 3.

Here's 8:

According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt even unto this day, wherewith they have forsaken me, and served other gods, so do they also unto thee.

Trump Voters Say He's 'Appointed' by God, Critics Trying to 'Crucify' Him

Trump voter: I believe President over Jesus

Is it clearer now?
but when the rubber meets the road every single stinkin American that pays federal income taxes got a tax break under Trump.
Borrowed money that your kids and grandchildren will have to pay, with a LOT of interest, to give you a small amount now. And it's also a scam, putting money into your right pocket while taking it out of your left. They've been doing that in Florida for years: lower taxes nominally while hiking fees for everything.
I vote for Trump because he was, and will be, a fantastic president.

Not because he is a great Christian.

I'm not voting for Pope, I'm voting for president.
Christians who support Trump aren't practicing Christians.

He mocks their religion

How does his actions support Christianity? What lesson is he teaching by cheating on his wives, paying porn stars for sex, bragging about grabbing women by the pussy. Sounds to me like he's assaulting the values that actual Christians want to engender.
He doesn't need to practice any Christian values to oppose mutilating children.
That statement is the epitome of hypocrisy.
When's the last time MAGA "Christian" Trump set foot in a church? The only time he mentions religion is when he's blowing smoke up your stupid asses for votes.

You willfully ignorant fools will never learn with this guy
Borrowed money that your kids and grandchildren will have to pay, with a LOT of interest, to give you a small amount now. And it's also a scam, putting money into your right pocket while taking it out of your left. They've been doing that in Florida for years: lower taxes nominally while hiking fees for everything.

Raise taxes on the rich. Raise taxes on other forms of income that are taxed at lower rates than regular income.
Here’s a clue: pro-life women have abortions too. They’re called “miscarriages” but the medical term is “spontaneous abortion”.

A criminal fraud, a rapist, and a guy who tried to overthrow the government is not qualified to be President. And he killed a million Americans the first time.

He should NEVER have been allowed to run the first time.

Character matters
You're mentally ill.
When's the last time MAGA "Christian" Trump set foot in a church? The only time he mentions religion is when he's blowing smoke up your stupid asses for votes.

You willfully ignorant fools will never learn with this guy
I don't give a damn if he attends church or not. You twats want to talk about anything other than the issues the American people are concerned about.
I vote for Trump because he was, and will be, a fantastic president.

Not because he is a great Christian.

I'm not voting for Pope, I'm voting for president.
Funny how that never was an acceptable excuse for Clinton. Y'all were on the fainting couch over Monica.

And Trump was a shitty president. Unless you're Putin or Xi or Kim.
I don't give a damn if he attends church or not. You twats want to talk about anything other than the issues the American people are concerned about.
Like this?

I'm loving the wingnut Trumper meltdowns. :laugh:

Just wait until the FED repeatedly lowers the interest rates as we get closer to the election.

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