Chris Wallace: "I don’t view my role as truth-squading" during the debate

If Trump lies about Clinton or anything else it's Clintons job to call him out on it same if Clinton lies about Trump or anything he has to be the one to call her on it. The debates are between Trump and Clinton not Trump, Clinton, and a moderator.

Trump rapid fires lies. It's like that of line when the guy says he wants to call his opponent a pig fucker. Someone says "you can't say that, it's not true."

And he says "I don't care if it's true, I want the fucker to have to deny fucking pigs"
Not a fact checker but this means anyone can say anything and the old Journalist has declared this a fact free debate. Want the truth America? Don't look to the press...find it out somewhere later.

Again, Crowley declared herself the debate fact checker between Romney and Obama, stepped in to save Obama's ass by declaring him to be right...except both SHE and HE were WRONG. She made it look like (to ignorant rubes) that she had just slammed Mitt....and it turns out he was right. The appearance helped Obama 'score' a false point, negatively impacting the debate.

Crowley helped prove that the media is biased and sometimes ignorant as hell of the facts and thus should stay out of participating in the debates!
Chris Wallace is a snake in the grass.....Trump better expect Wallace to try to sandbag him because he will.
If Trump lies about Clinton or anything else it's Clintons job to call him out on it same if Clinton lies about Trump or anything he has to be the one to call her on it. The debates are between Trump and Clinton not Trump, Clinton, and a moderator.

Trump rapid fires lies. It's like that of line when the guy says he wants to call his opponent a pig fucker. Someone says "you can't say that, it's not true."

And he says "I don't care if it's true, I want the fucker to have to deny fucking pigs"
Ignoring your opinion of Trump as it's irrelevant and it has nothing to do with the role of a debate moderator.
What about the opposing candidate? Is your trust in Hillary that shallow that she will need rescuing from the Moderators?

Nice deflection. If I had been caught running cover for dishonest behavior, I'd try to deflect too. But then, you don't find liberals doing that.

Again, the two sides are nothing alike. As this thread has demonstrated so conclusively, conservatives defend dishonesty, while liberals condemn it.

It boils down to the one fundamental conservative "principle", which is "The ends always justify the means for my own side". Lying helps advance the conservative agenda, hence conservatives endorse lying. Conservatives don't possess a single moral that isn't relative, and they hate us liberals for our rejection of their moral relativism. The pure shining light of our absolute truth causes pain to them, much like sunlight burning a vampire, so they lash out at the source of that pain.

is "The ends always justify the means for my own side".

YOu really need to look at the recent actions of your own party

Does Wasserman Shultz bring back memories?
The difference is we get rid of our liars.

No, you promote liars To a Republican, lying is literally a resume-builder. Look at all of 'em heaping praise on Trump's lies.

In contrast, we Democrats have very honest candidates like Obama or Clinton. Sure, rightie cult liars claim they're not honest, but rightie cult liars lie about everything. That's the point, that the right lies more readily than normal humans breathe. That's why they make threads like this one, declaring that it's totally unfair to point out their lies.

We see why you're crying. You corrupt liars of the right know how bad you look when compared to liberals. You've taken your lying to such extremes, even your pet crazy conservative media can't cover for you any more. You'll keep demanding that debate moderators and every other media figure cover for you, but it's not enough. If Trump won, you'd be trying to send the government after me, because I don't toe your PC line.

And that's why the Trump movement has to be squashed, for the sake of human decency, and to demonstrate that there is a price to pay for spending decades betraying your own country.
Chris Wallace is a snake in the grass.....Trump better expect Wallace to try to sandbag him because he will.
yeah, Wallace seems a snake to me.

However, I tend to agree with him that a moderator's job is to control the crowd and rules about who talks when and for how long.

I don't expect Two Tone Donnie to have much in terms of actual policy, and he won't answer questions or stay on topic.

Hillary will be a professional pol in today's "debates." She'll hit her talking points and answer "around" the question.
Hillary will be a professional pol in today's "debates." She'll hit her talking points and answer "around" the question.

Nobody can get the fat old diaper-wearing witch to lose her temper like Trump can. He's a button-pusher, a polished dirty pool artist. And remember, all Trump has to do is tell what the Clintons offered for the campaign money he gave them in the past. He knows exactly how they operate and will tell the world.
Nobody can get the fat old diaper-wearing witch to lose her temper like Trump can. He's a button-pusher, a polished dirty pool artist. And remember, all Trump has to do is tell what the Clintons offered for the campaign money he gave them in the past. He knows exactly how they operate and will tell the world.

Back in reality, Clinton is unflappable. She acts presidential. Remember when she slapped around Gowdy and the whole GOP congress for 11 hours straight, smiling the whole time? I know, most Republicans want to forget their trauma and humiliation, but the nation certainly remembers it. They saw how Clinton is true presidential material

Trump? Anyone can easily manipulate him into hysterical meltdowns. Putin would make him his dancing puppet. The Chinese would own him. World politics would be about which nation was manipulating Trump today. Which, of course, is exactly what the Trump fans want. Not a very patriotic bunch, Trump fans.
Nobody can get the fat old diaper-wearing witch to lose her temper like Trump can. He's a button-pusher, a polished dirty pool artist. And remember, all Trump has to do is tell what the Clintons offered for the campaign money he gave them in the past. He knows exactly how they operate and will tell the world.

Back in reality, Clinton is unflappable. She acts presidential. Remember when she slapped around Gowdy and the whole GOP congress for 11 hours straight, smiling the whole time? I know, most Republicans want to forget their trauma and humiliation, but the nation certainly remembers it. They saw how Clinton is true presidential material

Trump? Anyone can easily manipulate him into hysterical meltdowns. Putin would make him his dancing puppet. The Chinese would own him. World politics would be about which nation was manipulating Trump today. Which, of course, is exactly what the Trump fans want. Not a very patriotic bunch, Trump fans.

This ^^^^^^^^^^ is why it's called "dope".

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