Chris Wallace: "I don’t view my role as truth-squading" during the debate


Fox News’ Chris Wallace has no intention of fact checking Trump’s lies during the debates

Sarah K. Burris
04 Sep 2016

If you hoped that debate moderators would have the scruples to hold the candidates in check during the upcoming forums, Fox News host Chris Wallace has already said he won’t be doing it.


Wallace said that he hopes the event will become more of a debate between the candidates and not a debate between the candidate and moderators armed with facts.

“Frankly… these two just plain don’t like each other,” Wallace said, unleashing his keen observations. “I suspect I’m not going to have any problem getting them to engage with each other, but I don’t view my role as truth-squading and I think that is a step too far. If people want to do it after the debate, fine, it’s not my role.”

IOW's the whole great big FOX fact-check squad in the backroom, behind of the debate stage will have nothing to do - FOX does have a fact-check squad...don't they?


He's saying he doesn't want this to be between him and the candidates. Hillary can be the truth checker.

Fox News’ Chris Wallace has no intention of fact checking Trump’s lies during the debates

Sarah K. Burris
04 Sep 2016

If you hoped that debate moderators would have the scruples to hold the candidates in check during the upcoming forums, Fox News host Chris Wallace has already said he won’t be doing it.


Wallace said that he hopes the event will become more of a debate between the candidates and not a debate between the candidate and moderators armed with facts.

“Frankly… these two just plain don’t like each other,” Wallace said, unleashing his keen observations. “I suspect I’m not going to have any problem getting them to engage with each other, but I don’t view my role as truth-squading and I think that is a step too far. If people want to do it after the debate, fine, it’s not my role.”

IOW's the whole great big FOX fact-check squad in the backroom, behind of the debate stage will have nothing to do - FOX does have a fact-check squad...don't they?


He's saying he doesn't want this to be between him and the candidates. Hillary can be the truth checker.
What he's saying is Hillary is going to lie.

Nobody will Factcheck her.

Trump will be Factchecked to point that nobody will know what the truth is anymore

Fox News’ Chris Wallace has no intention of fact checking Trump’s lies during the debates

Sarah K. Burris
04 Sep 2016

If you hoped that debate moderators would have the scruples to hold the candidates in check during the upcoming forums, Fox News host Chris Wallace has already said he won’t be doing it.


Wallace said that he hopes the event will become more of a debate between the candidates and not a debate between the candidate and moderators armed with facts.

“Frankly… these two just plain don’t like each other,” Wallace said, unleashing his keen observations. “I suspect I’m not going to have any problem getting them to engage with each other, but I don’t view my role as truth-squading and I think that is a step too far. If people want to do it after the debate, fine, it’s not my role.”

IOW's the whole great big FOX fact-check squad in the backroom, behind of the debate stage will have nothing to do - FOX does have a fact-check squad...don't they?


He's saying he doesn't want this to be between him and the candidates. Hillary can be the truth checker.
What he's saying is Hillary is going to lie.

Nobody will Factcheck her.

Trump will be Factchecked to point that nobody will know what the truth is anymore

Or Hillary will lie sensibly and Trump will just go off the charts?

Fox News’ Chris Wallace has no intention of fact checking Trump’s lies during the debates

Sarah K. Burris
04 Sep 2016

If you hoped that debate moderators would have the scruples to hold the candidates in check during the upcoming forums, Fox News host Chris Wallace has already said he won’t be doing it.


Wallace said that he hopes the event will become more of a debate between the candidates and not a debate between the candidate and moderators armed with facts.

“Frankly… these two just plain don’t like each other,” Wallace said, unleashing his keen observations. “I suspect I’m not going to have any problem getting them to engage with each other, but I don’t view my role as truth-squading and I think that is a step too far. If people want to do it after the debate, fine, it’s not my role.”

IOW's the whole great big FOX fact-check squad in the backroom, behind of the debate stage will have nothing to do - FOX does have a fact-check squad...don't they?


He's saying he doesn't want this to be between him and the candidates. Hillary can be the truth checker.
What he's saying is Hillary is going to lie.

Nobody will Factcheck her.

Trump will be Factchecked to point that nobody will know what the truth is anymore

Or Hillary will lie sensibly and Trump will just go off the charts?
They will both do what politicians do. The moderators job is to facilitate discussion not become part of it.

Fox News’ Chris Wallace has no intention of fact checking Trump’s lies during the debates

Sarah K. Burris
04 Sep 2016

If you hoped that debate moderators would have the scruples to hold the candidates in check during the upcoming forums, Fox News host Chris Wallace has already said he won’t be doing it.


Wallace said that he hopes the event will become more of a debate between the candidates and not a debate between the candidate and moderators armed with facts.

“Frankly… these two just plain don’t like each other,” Wallace said, unleashing his keen observations. “I suspect I’m not going to have any problem getting them to engage with each other, but I don’t view my role as truth-squading and I think that is a step too far. If people want to do it after the debate, fine, it’s not my role.”

IOW's the whole great big FOX fact-check squad in the backroom, behind of the debate stage will have nothing to do - FOX does have a fact-check squad...don't they?


He's saying he doesn't want this to be between him and the candidates. Hillary can be the truth checker.
What he's saying is Hillary is going to lie.

Nobody will Factcheck her.

Trump will be Factchecked to point that nobody will know what the truth is anymore

Or Hillary will lie sensibly and Trump will just go off the charts?
Yeah, you mean lie about Benghazi, lie about TOP SECRET communications, lie about standing up for the poor and then bringing in millions of "refugees" to take their jobs and steal their benefits?
Lying about everything pretty much. She lies about the big things and the little things. Lies about letting soldiers (Somalia) and diplomats (Benghazi) die because of her negligence.

That kind of sensible lying?

Lie about Libya?
Lie about the Russian reset?
Lie about emails?
Lie about Obamacare?
Lie about her health?
Lie about the Clinton Foundation?

Fox News’ Chris Wallace has no intention of fact checking Trump’s lies during the debates

Sarah K. Burris
04 Sep 2016

If you hoped that debate moderators would have the scruples to hold the candidates in check during the upcoming forums, Fox News host Chris Wallace has already said he won’t be doing it.


Wallace said that he hopes the event will become more of a debate between the candidates and not a debate between the candidate and moderators armed with facts.

“Frankly… these two just plain don’t like each other,” Wallace said, unleashing his keen observations. “I suspect I’m not going to have any problem getting them to engage with each other, but I don’t view my role as truth-squading and I think that is a step too far. If people want to do it after the debate, fine, it’s not my role.”

IOW's the whole great big FOX fact-check squad in the backroom, behind of the debate stage will have nothing to do - FOX does have a fact-check squad...don't they?


He's saying he doesn't want this to be between him and the candidates. Hillary can be the truth checker.
What he's saying is Hillary is going to lie.

Nobody will Factcheck her.

Trump will be Factchecked to point that nobody will know what the truth is anymore

Or Hillary will lie sensibly and Trump will just go off the charts?
Yeah, you mean lie about Benghazi, lie about TOP SECRET communications, lie about standing up for the poor and then bringing in millions of "refugees" to take their jobs and steal their benefits?
Lying about everything pretty much. She lies about the big things and the little things. Lies about letting soldiers (Somalia) and diplomats (Benghazi) die because of her negligence.

That kind of sensible lying?

Lie about Libya?
Lie about the Russian reset?
Lie about emails?
Lie about Obamacare?
Lie about her health?
Lie about the Clinton Foundation?

So you've found out what a politician is then?

Fox News’ Chris Wallace has no intention of fact checking Trump’s lies during the debates

Sarah K. Burris
04 Sep 2016

If you hoped that debate moderators would have the scruples to hold the candidates in check during the upcoming forums, Fox News host Chris Wallace has already said he won’t be doing it.


Wallace said that he hopes the event will become more of a debate between the candidates and not a debate between the candidate and moderators armed with facts.

“Frankly… these two just plain don’t like each other,” Wallace said, unleashing his keen observations. “I suspect I’m not going to have any problem getting them to engage with each other, but I don’t view my role as truth-squading and I think that is a step too far. If people want to do it after the debate, fine, it’s not my role.”

IOW's the whole great big FOX fact-check squad in the backroom, behind of the debate stage will have nothing to do - FOX does have a fact-check squad...don't they?


He's saying he doesn't want this to be between him and the candidates. Hillary can be the truth checker.
What he's saying is Hillary is going to lie.

Nobody will Factcheck her.

Trump will be Factchecked to point that nobody will know what the truth is anymore

Or Hillary will lie sensibly and Trump will just go off the charts?
Yeah, you mean lie about Benghazi, lie about TOP SECRET communications, lie about standing up for the poor and then bringing in millions of "refugees" to take their jobs and steal their benefits?
Lying about everything pretty much. She lies about the big things and the little things. Lies about letting soldiers (Somalia) and diplomats (Benghazi) die because of her negligence.

That kind of sensible lying?

Lie about Libya?
Lie about the Russian reset?
Lie about emails?
Lie about Obamacare?
Lie about her health?
Lie about the Clinton Foundation?

So you've found out what a politician is then?
Yep....and Trump isn't one.

Politicians gets rich off of government. I prefer someone who got rich off of hard work.
I took it as Wallace saying he believes his job is to moderate, ask questions, and let BOTH candidates say whatever they want...rather than pull a 'biased Candy Crowley' inpersonation.

You want fact checking? Look to Politifact.

Let the lies get half way around the world before the truth can get his pants on in the name of fairness.

I've never heard someone be against the trueth.
If Trump lies about Clinton or anything else it's Clintons job to call him out on it same if Clinton lies about Trump or anything he has to be the one to call her on it. The debates are between Trump and Clinton not Trump, Clinton, and a moderator.
Let the lies get half way around the world before the truth can get his pants on in the name of fairness.

Sorry, but the moderator's job is to MODERATE the debate, not be the self-appointed Fact-Checker. Candy Crowley tried to do that, injected herself into the debate between Obama and Romney...and turned out to be WRONG!

That's why we have Fact-Check sites...and why voters need to be more intelligent, do debate prep of their own, make more of an effort to be more informed.
He's saying he doesn't want this to be between him and the candidates. Hillary can be the truth checker.
What he's saying is Hillary is going to lie.

Nobody will Factcheck her.

Trump will be Factchecked to point that nobody will know what the truth is anymore

Or Hillary will lie sensibly and Trump will just go off the charts?
Yeah, you mean lie about Benghazi, lie about TOP SECRET communications, lie about standing up for the poor and then bringing in millions of "refugees" to take their jobs and steal their benefits?
Lying about everything pretty much. She lies about the big things and the little things. Lies about letting soldiers (Somalia) and diplomats (Benghazi) die because of her negligence.

That kind of sensible lying?

Lie about Libya?
Lie about the Russian reset?
Lie about emails?
Lie about Obamacare?
Lie about her health?
Lie about the Clinton Foundation?

So you've found out what a politician is then?
Yep....and Trump isn't one.

Politicians gets rich off of government. I prefer someone who got rich off of hard work.

Trump is one, clearly. He's learned to play the game.

He's twisted and turned so many times no one knows what the hell he is.

He goes to Mexico and tells the President one thing, then comes back and tells the Republicans the exact opposite, as if no one was listening.

He's pro-abortion one minute and anti-abortion the next.

He's pro-China one minute and anti-China the next.

Come on, if you think Trump isn't telling everyone what they want to hear and isn't lying out of his ass, then you're just deceiving yourself.
Well, I hope we cleared the confusion up between the meaning of words: moderator and reporter.

Obviously you weren't paying attention during your Junior High School civics class. Many (including most Founding Fathers) believe the Fourth Estate is requisite to democracy.


Journalism has long been regarded as an important force in government, so vital to the functioning of a democracy that it has been portrayed as an integral component of democracy itself. In 1841, Thomas Carlyle wrote, “Burke said there were Three Estates in Parliament; but, in the Reporters’ Gallery yonder, there sat a Fourth Estate more important far than they all” (On Heroes and Hero Worship). Four years earlier, Carlyle had used the phrase in his French Revolution: “A Fourth Estate, of Able Editors, springs up, increases and multiplies; irrepressible, incalculable.” Carlyle saw the press as instrumental to the birth and growth of democracy, spreading facts and opinions and sparking revolution against tyranny.

The fact of the matter is that democracy requires informed citizens. No governing body can be expected to operate well without knowledge of the issues on which it is to rule, and rule by the people entails that the people should be informed. In a representative democracy, the role of the press is twofold: it both informs citizens and sets up a feedback loop between the government and voters. The press makes the actions of the government known to the public, and voters who disapprove of current trends in policy can take corrective action in the next election. Without the press, the feedback loop is broken and the government is no longer accountable to the people. The press is therefore of the utmost importance in a representative democracy.


51.8 Dealing With the Press

"I would wish you to distribute [some pamphlets], not to sound men who have no occasion for them, but to such as have been misled, are candid and will be open to the conviction of truth, and are of influence among their neighbors. It is the sick who need medicine, and not the well." --Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Stuart, 1799. ME 10:104

"The man who fears no truths has nothing to fear from lies." --Thomas Jefferson to George Logan, 1816.

It seems Thomas Jefferson would be asking today's Republican party, why they fear the truth...
Well, I hope we cleared the confusion up between the meaning of words: moderator and reporter.

Obviously you weren't paying attention during your Junior High School civics class. Many (including most Founding Fathers) believe the Fourth Estate is requisite to democracy.


Journalism has long been regarded as an important force in government, so vital to the functioning of a democracy that it has been portrayed as an integral component of democracy itself. In 1841, Thomas Carlyle wrote, “Burke said there were Three Estates in Parliament; but, in the Reporters’ Gallery yonder, there sat a Fourth Estate more important far than they all” (On Heroes and Hero Worship). Four years earlier, Carlyle had used the phrase in his French Revolution: “A Fourth Estate, of Able Editors, springs up, increases and multiplies; irrepressible, incalculable.” Carlyle saw the press as instrumental to the birth and growth of democracy, spreading facts and opinions and sparking revolution against tyranny.

The fact of the matter is that democracy requires informed citizens. No governing body can be expected to operate well without knowledge of the issues on which it is to rule, and rule by the people entails that the people should be informed. In a representative democracy, the role of the press is twofold: it both informs citizens and sets up a feedback loop between the government and voters. The press makes the actions of the government known to the public, and voters who disapprove of current trends in policy can take corrective action in the next election. Without the press, the feedback loop is broken and the government is no longer accountable to the people. The press is therefore of the utmost importance in a representative democracy.


51.8 Dealing With the Press

"I would wish you to distribute [some pamphlets], not to sound men who have no occasion for them, but to such as have been misled, are candid and will be open to the conviction of truth, and are of influence among their neighbors. It is the sick who need medicine, and not the well." --Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Stuart, 1799. ME 10:104

"The man who fears no truths has nothing to fear from lies." --Thomas Jefferson to George Logan, 1816.

It seems Thomas Jefferson would be asking today's Republican party, why they fear the truth...

What does the above post have to do with moderating a debate? Here is a simple definition from the net:

"A discussion moderator or debate moderator is a person whose role is to act as a neutral participant in a debate or discussion, holds participants to time limits and trying to keep them from straying off the topic of the questions being raised in the debate. Sometimes moderators may ask questions intended to allow the debate participants to fully develop their argument in order to ensure the debate moves at pace."
Discussion moderator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you think moderators are supposed to be INVOLVED in the debate content, you are simply a moron.
Mike Wallace was an honorable journalist. His son Chris, not so much.
Are you stupid in the head?
There has never has been an un-biased anchor/moderator from a major network...
Dip shit
Mike Wallace was an honorable journalist. His son Chris, not so much.
Are you stupid in the head?
There has never has been an un-biased anchor/moderator from a major network...
Dip shit

Except Rush and Hannity.......Right?
No, everyone is biased.
The ones that are the most bias are the ones who say they are not... like the ones on ABC, NBC and CBS before Fox was around.
Let the lies get half way around the world before the truth can get his pants on in the name of fairness.

Sorry, but the moderator's job is to MODERATE the debate, not be the self-appointed Fact-Checker. Candy Crowley tried to do that, injected herself into the debate between Obama and Romney...and turned out to be WRONG!

That's why we have Fact-Check sites...and why voters need to be more intelligent, do debate prep of their own, make more of an effort to be more informed.

Not a fact checker but this means anyone can say anything and the old Journalist has declared this a fact free debate. Want the truth America? Don't look to the press...find it out somewhere later.

It's Benghazi all over again. Big mic, false "facts" and find out later in a report somewhere what happened....months later.

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