China’s Plan for Defeating America Militarily- Total War


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
A few years ago China changed its military leadership to men who have one strategy - Total War.

What is Total War?

War with no rules. Objective is to kill as many American civilians as possible using nuclear and biological weapons in order to crush the will of America and force rapid capitulation. When the war is initiated the plan is to have half of all Americans dead in the first week.

How? We get container ships from China in all of our ports. Nukes and bio-weapons aboard could easily do the job. We’ve seen what just a minor flu bug has done to America. Imagine an engineered bug designed to spread and kill.

Sleeper Teams are already in America ready to go. There’s been several practice events in the West Coast, where power relay stations have been shot up with AK-47’s. Security cameras saw nothing - the shooters knew exactly where to stand to avoid the cameras.

You can´t be serious.
I am. And so is the Pentagon.
Are you really that naive?
Even the definition is nonsense. A total war is when all of a country´s resources are reserved for the military. Second, what would be China´s motivation? Yeah, Pentagon, they of course project their world domination desire on others.

I clicked on the link, and guess what? It's dated June 2008.

It is now 2020, and I'm pretty sure they have updated their info since then, and also that it has changed significantly.

This report was written when Jr. was still in office.
You can´t be serious.
I am. And so is the Pentagon.
Are you really that naive?

You are such a joke!

Why would China try to defeat their best customer in the world? self-defeating purpose?
Yeah that’s it. ChiComs are interested in Capitalism. That 2.2 million active duty and 3.5 million reserves Chinese military is for promoting world peace and combating world terrorism!

I clicked on the link, and guess what? It's dated June 2008.

It is now 2020, and I'm pretty sure they have updated their info since then, and also that it has changed significantly.

This report was written when Jr. was still in office.
And guess what. They’re building a military surpassing ours.

China has only 5 carriers, and of those 5, only 2 are in service. Here in the USA, we have 11. How is that surpassing our military?
I clicked on the link, and guess what? It's dated June 2008.

It is now 2020, and I'm pretty sure they have updated their info since then, and also that it has changed significantly.

This report was written when Jr. was still in office.
And guess what. They’re building a military surpassing ours.
Dude...they have a loooong way to go. We invest a ridiculous amount in our military.
You can´t be serious.
I am. And so is the Pentagon.
Are you really that naive?

You are such a joke!

Why would China try to defeat their best customer in the world? self-defeating purpose?
Yeah that’s it. ChiComs are interested in Capitalism. That 2.2 million active duty and 3.5 million reserves Chinese military is for promoting world peace and combating world terrorism!


When was the last time the Chinese actually used that military?

Their military is to control their own people, not others.
A few years ago China changed its military leadership to men who have one strategy - Total War.

What is Total War?

War with no rules. Objective is to kill as many American civilians as possible using nuclear and biological weapons in order to crush the will of America and force rapid capitulation. When the war is initiated the plan is to have half of all Americans dead in the first week.

How? We get container ships from China in all of our ports. Nukes and bio-weapons aboard could easily do the job. We’ve seen what just a minor flu bug has done to America. Imagine an engineered bug designed to spread and kill.

Sleeper Teams are already in America ready to go. There’s been several practice events in the West Coast, where power relay stations have been shot up with AK-47’s. Security cameras saw nothing - the shooters knew exactly where to stand to avoid the cameras.

Gee, another brain dead, idiotic Cult45 thread that will go nowhere. :spinner:
from page 2...

The views expressed in this graduate research project are those of the author and do not
reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of
Defense, or the U.S. Government

While I have little doubt war may be on the horizon as it usually is following a financial crisis of sorts.........AND China is itching for it, along with several other countries...…….sorry but I can't and won't support this idea
You can´t be serious.
I am. And so is the Pentagon.
Are you really that naive?

You are such a joke!

Why would China try to defeat their best customer in the world? self-defeating purpose?
Yeah that’s it. ChiComs are interested in Capitalism. That 2.2 million active duty and 3.5 million reserves Chinese military is for promoting world peace and combating world terrorism!

That means less soldiers per capita in China than in the US. I really wonder why you think everybody is going to attack you.
China or any other nation is incapable of invading us.
We can attack anywhere in the world.

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