China needs to be put in their place on trade.

We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.
Opinion | Why Trump Is Raising Tariffs on China
About time we quit being a microwave society. Short term pain for long term gain. China has been acting like a bunch of cheats for ever, we have to stand up to them. We need to do it in a smart way though. We need to get our allies to punish them as well and not let china just replace us with our allies as trading partners. It use to be a conservative view to look in the long term instead of the short term. Now if we would impliment these views on national debt and taking care of infrastucture I would start to believe that real conservatism is coming back.

The problem is that Trump has declared a trade war on all our allies as well...

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We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.
Opinion | Why Trump Is Raising Tariffs on China
Ban everything from China.

How about we just ban you instead?

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I just came off a month long ban yesterday. Let me build up a bit more ill will first. :biggrin:

In the meanwhile, let's ban everything from China and teach those rice gobblers a lesson.

What a strange attempt at insult. People all over the world eat rice.
We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.
Opinion | Why Trump Is Raising Tariffs on China

Good place to start is for the US to move a shitload of their best warships into the Red China Sea. Let Xi suck on that for a while.
What is that going to do but have warships hanging around doing nothing in the china sea?

Yea, it may help chronic erectile dysfunctional folks like yourself get off -- but it really doesn't address the trade deficit or anything else trade related.

Do you think launching a military strike against China will help win the trade war or do you just settle for acting like you are going to strike?

You really are a stupid jackass, aren't you, Cliff? What do you think warships normally do, park in drydock? Wage war somewhere? They are ALWAYS hanging around in the sea SOMEWHERE fool. Their presence would not only send a strong message, they would prevent China from asserting dominance over the most important trade waterway in the world.
We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.
Opinion | Why Trump Is Raising Tariffs on China

I thought Mr. Trump was putting China in their place concerning trade.

"Trade wars are good and easy to win" - Donald Trump

Seems like the markets don't care much fro Mr. Trump's little games.
We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.
Opinion | Why Trump Is Raising Tariffs on China

LOL...and making middle-low income Americans pay even more taxes on the low cost products they depend on to make ends meet is just the way?...
Except that despite tariffs, we are enjoying strong low inflation growth. That is, despite a strong increase in tariff and duty revenue to the Federal Treasury, we aren't experiencing unusual inflation, in fact, we remain well below the Fed's 2% target. If tariffs are inflationary, where is the inflation?
...causing their products - that depend on cheaper Chinese components - to go up in price, lose competitiveness and thus result in US layoffs...
Except that we aren't suffering from either inflation or high unemployment.
And the fact that the Chinese trade surplus was down 80% in the 5 years before Trump took office is a bad thing to you?
Please explain. Our trade balance with China in 2011 was -$295,249.7M
5 years later it was -$346,996.5M

That's not a decrease of 80%, that's an increase of over 17%.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

Tariffs imposed by the Trump administration on imported washing machines raised prices on imported washing machines, which was expected — but it also raised prices on domestically produced washing machines, as manufacturers including Whirlpool and GE Appliances matched the price increases of their foreign competitors.

Most surprisingly, the tariffs on foreign washing machines also appear to have prompted foreign and domestic manufacturers to increase prices for dryers, according to a new study.

Study: Washing machine import tariffs cost consumers $1.5B per year on washers (and dryers) - Insider Louisville
Last edited:
We have a trade deficit with China because we can't sell our shit over there. One of the reasons preventing us from selling our shit over there are their tariffs. Our initializing a Tariff on Chinese goods is only a trading tool to get them to stop tariffing us.

We have a trade deficit with China because we are far more prosperous country and our citizens want to buy their shit. And now our government is making that more expensive for our citizens...a tariff is nothing more than a tax, and the consumer always pays the tax.

There is nothing inherent wrong with a trade deficit, that is why the trade deficit gets larger the better the economy is doing.

Let’s get this straight: Trade deficits aren’t bad

America's Misunderstood Trade Deficit
First off it's stupid we are giving money away when we are borrowing it, but that's another argument.
Second off I have no problem paying $5,000 for a big screen tv or doing without if it means everyone can afford groceries.
Third off, it's unsustainable to maintain the deficit. We need the Tariff to save Americans from having to live like Chinese.

A trade deficit is not bad. Mexico has a trade surplus. Do you want to live like they do? A trade deficit in this case is a sign that Americans have money to spend. Our economy is built on consumption.

I am not willing to pay $5,000 for a big screen tv and there is no reason we should.
First off it's stupid we are giving money away when we are borrowing it, but that's another argument.
Second off I have no problem paying $5,000 for a big screen tv or doing without if it means everyone can afford groceries.
Third off, it's unsustainable to maintain the deficit. We need the Tariff to save Americans from having to live like Chinese.

First off, the national debt and the trade deficit are not connected. The former is the Fed Govt spending too much money and the latter is we the private citizens of the country choosing to buy things from China.

Second, good for you, feel free to do so. Just do not fuck with my freedom to not do so.

Third, why is not sustainable? I have a trade deficit with my local grocery because they can acquire food cheaper and more efficiently than I can. I give them money they give me goods, the exact thing that causes the trade deficit with China. The trade deficit with China is there because a couple hundred million US citizens choose to buy their products...why is that not sustainable?

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You can't borrow for an indefinite amount of time. Sooner or later you have to pay it back.

What the hell are you talking about?

The trade deficit has nothing to do with borrowing, it has to do with us buying good from China. And by us I mean the private citizens and not the government.

I just bought a new graphics card for my computer, it was made in China, I paid cash for it. I added to the trade deficit and there was no borrowing involved.

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The deficit is a form of borrowing.

It is not. A trade deficit has nothing to do with borrowing. You are as ignorant as Trump is,.
We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.
Opinion | Why Trump Is Raising Tariffs on China

LOL...and making middle-low income Americans pay even more taxes on the low cost products they depend on to make ends meet is just the way?...
Except that despite tariffs, we are enjoying strong low inflation growth. That is, despite a strong increase in tariff and duty revenue to the Federal Treasury, we aren't experiencing unusual inflation, in fact, we remain well below the Fed's 2% target. If tariffs are inflationary, where is the inflation?
...causing their products - that depend on cheaper Chinese components - to go up in price, lose competitiveness and thus result in US layoffs...
Except that we aren't suffering from either inflation or high unemployment.
And the fact that the Chinese trade surplus was down 80% in the 5 years before Trump took office is a bad thing to you?
Please explain. Our trade balance with China in 2011 was -$295,249.7M
5 years later it was -$346,996.5M

That's not a decrease of 80%, that's an increase of over 17%.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

Tariffs imposed by the Trump administration on imported washing machines raised prices on imported washing machines, which was expected — but it also raised prices on domestically produced washing machines, as manufacturers including Whirlpool and GE Appliances matched the price increases of their foreign competitors.

Most surprisingly, the tariffs on foreign washing machines also appear to have prompted foreign and domestic manufacturers to increase prices for dryers, according to a new study.

Study: Washing machine import tariffs cost consumers $1.5B per year on washers (and dryers) - Insider Louisville
Well, then this is the time to do it, because on balance, inflation is really under control right now, way below even the Fed target of 2%. Now the US Treasury is seeing a very nice stream of income from foreign suppliers that have been trying to undercut our domestic producers, and I'm sure if they could, they would pass it on to US Consumers, but, look at the inflation numbers below, they clearly have not been able to pass these costs onto the US Consumer, because the US Consumer is not struggling with price inflation, at all.


It's strange how the Left flips out if US corporations get a tax break and then flip out even harder if Chinese Suppliers have to pay some US taxes in order to have access to US consumers.

China has been taking advantage of us for years, and they have the Left, many Leftwing Think Tanks, Leftwing Universities and Leftwing politicians handsomely paid off, so the Left reliably pushes the Chinese line, every day, on every topic.

Good thing Trump stands up to the Chinese and for the US producer.
LOL...and making middle-low income Americans pay even more taxes on the low cost products they depend on to make ends meet is just the way?...
Except that despite tariffs, we are enjoying strong low inflation growth. That is, despite a strong increase in tariff and duty revenue to the Federal Treasury, we aren't experiencing unusual inflation, in fact, we remain well below the Fed's 2% target. If tariffs are inflationary, where is the inflation?
...causing their products - that depend on cheaper Chinese components - to go up in price, lose competitiveness and thus result in US layoffs...
Except that we aren't suffering from either inflation or high unemployment.
And the fact that the Chinese trade surplus was down 80% in the 5 years before Trump took office is a bad thing to you?
Please explain. Our trade balance with China in 2011 was -$295,249.7M
5 years later it was -$346,996.5M

That's not a decrease of 80%, that's an increase of over 17%.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

3) I (and the video) said China's trade surplus - World trade surplus. Not just with America's.
If America cannot keep it's production costs under control compared to the rest of the world...that is not China's fault.
So if we are unwilling to pay slave wages like China does it isn't China's fault. Is that really your argument?

No...those are your words.

My solution is drop all tariffs to China, drop the corporate tax rate to zero and let free enterprise/American 'know how' decide who is king.

And - along the way - save American consumers and businesses TONS of money on cheap Chinese imports.

I believe in free enterprise and minimal government involvement in business.
Without dropping China's tariffs on our goods at the same time that would be the equivalent of putting a gun to our heads.
Exactly. The claim that we can drop our tariffs and duties as an example the world will follow has just gotten us ripped off for the last several decades. I think the bastards who push this line of crap that others then parrot, have been richly paid off by the folks that walked off with our manufacturing base.
We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.
Opinion | Why Trump Is Raising Tariffs on China

LOL...and making middle-low income Americans pay even more taxes on the low cost products they depend on to make ends meet is just the way?...
Except that despite tariffs, we are enjoying strong low inflation growth. That is, despite a strong increase in tariff and duty revenue to the Federal Treasury, we aren't experiencing unusual inflation, in fact, we remain well below the Fed's 2% target. If tariffs are inflationary, where is the inflation?
...causing their products - that depend on cheaper Chinese components - to go up in price, lose competitiveness and thus result in US layoffs...
Except that we aren't suffering from either inflation or high unemployment.
And the fact that the Chinese trade surplus was down 80% in the 5 years before Trump took office is a bad thing to you?
Please explain. Our trade balance with China in 2011 was -$295,249.7M
5 years later it was -$346,996.5M

That's not a decrease of 80%, that's an increase of over 17%.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

3) I (and the video) said China's trade surplus - World trade surplus. Not just with America's.
If America cannot keep it's production costs under control compared to the rest of the world...that is not China's fault.
So if we are unwilling to pay slave wages like China does it isn't China's fault. Is that really your argument?
And we are willing to enable the Chinese to foul the global environment in exchange for cheap goods?
We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.
Opinion | Why Trump Is Raising Tariffs on China

LOL...and making middle-low income Americans pay even more taxes on the low cost products they depend on to make ends meet is just the way?...
Except that despite tariffs, we are enjoying strong low inflation growth. That is, despite a strong increase in tariff and duty revenue to the Federal Treasury, we aren't experiencing unusual inflation, in fact, we remain well below the Fed's 2% target. If tariffs are inflationary, where is the inflation?
...causing their products - that depend on cheaper Chinese components - to go up in price, lose competitiveness and thus result in US layoffs...
Except that we aren't suffering from either inflation or high unemployment.
And the fact that the Chinese trade surplus was down 80% in the 5 years before Trump took office is a bad thing to you?
Please explain. Our trade balance with China in 2011 was -$295,249.7M
5 years later it was -$346,996.5M

That's not a decrease of 80%, that's an increase of over 17%.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

Tariffs imposed by the Trump administration on imported washing machines raised prices on imported washing machines, which was expected — but it also raised prices on domestically produced washing machines, as manufacturers including Whirlpool and GE Appliances matched the price increases of their foreign competitors.

Most surprisingly, the tariffs on foreign washing machines also appear to have prompted foreign and domestic manufacturers to increase prices for dryers, according to a new study.

Study: Washing machine import tariffs cost consumers $1.5B per year on washers (and dryers) - Insider Louisville
Well, then this is the time to do it, because on balance, inflation is really under control right now, way below even the Fed target of 2%. Now the US Treasury is seeing a very nice stream of income from foreign suppliers that have been trying to undercut our domestic producers, and I'm sure if they could, they would pass it on to US Consumers, but, look at the inflation numbers below, they clearly have not been able to pass these costs onto the US Consumer, because the US Consumer is not struggling with price inflation, at all.


It's strange how the Left flips out if US corporations get a tax break and then flip out even harder if Chinese Suppliers have to pay some US taxes in order to have access to US consumers.

China has been taking advantage of us for years, and they have the Left, many Leftwing Think Tanks, Leftwing Universities and Leftwing politicians handsomely paid off, so the Left reliably pushes the Chinese line, every day, on every topic.

Good thing Trump stands up to the Chinese and for the US producer.

Here is the problem. The Chinese don't pay. It is the American consumers who pay in higher prices.

"Tariffs imposed by the Trump administration on imported washing machines raised prices on imported washing machines, which was expected — but it also raised prices on domestically produced washing machines, as manufacturers including Whirlpool and GE Appliances matched the price increases of their foreign competitors.

Most surprisingly, the tariffs on foreign washing machines also appear to have prompted foreign and domestic manufacturers to increase prices for dryers, according to a new study.

The study, by the University of Chicago and the Federal Reserve Board, found that the tariffs raised the median price of washers by $86, or 11.5%, and the price of dryers by $92, or 11.4 percent."

Study: Washing machine import tariffs cost consumers $1.5B per year on washers (and dryers) - Insider Louisville
Except that despite tariffs, we are enjoying strong low inflation growth. That is, despite a strong increase in tariff and duty revenue to the Federal Treasury, we aren't experiencing unusual inflation, in fact, we remain well below the Fed's 2% target. If tariffs are inflationary, where is the inflation?
Except that we aren't suffering from either inflation or high unemployment.
Please explain. Our trade balance with China in 2011 was -$295,249.7M
5 years later it was -$346,996.5M

That's not a decrease of 80%, that's an increase of over 17%.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

3) I (and the video) said China's trade surplus - World trade surplus. Not just with America's.
If America cannot keep it's production costs under control compared to the rest of the world...that is not China's fault.
So if we are unwilling to pay slave wages like China does it isn't China's fault. Is that really your argument?

No...those are your words.

My solution is drop all tariffs to China, drop the corporate tax rate to zero and let free enterprise/American 'know how' decide who is king.

And - along the way - save American consumers and businesses TONS of money on cheap Chinese imports.

I believe in free enterprise and minimal government involvement in business.
Without dropping China's tariffs on our goods at the same time that would be the equivalent of putting a gun to our heads.
Exactly. The claim that we can drop our tariffs and duties as an example the world will follow has just gotten us ripped off for the last several decades. I think the bastards who push this line of crap that others then parrot, have been richly paid off by the folks that walked off with our manufacturing base.

The biggest reason for manufacturing job loss has been efficiency and technology. Carrier laid off a large number of people due to t5his factor. None of the jobs were sent overseas.
We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.
Opinion | Why Trump Is Raising Tariffs on China

LOL...and making middle-low income Americans pay even more taxes on the low cost products they depend on to make ends meet is just the way?...
Except that despite tariffs, we are enjoying strong low inflation growth. That is, despite a strong increase in tariff and duty revenue to the Federal Treasury, we aren't experiencing unusual inflation, in fact, we remain well below the Fed's 2% target. If tariffs are inflationary, where is the inflation?
...causing their products - that depend on cheaper Chinese components - to go up in price, lose competitiveness and thus result in US layoffs...
Except that we aren't suffering from either inflation or high unemployment.
And the fact that the Chinese trade surplus was down 80% in the 5 years before Trump took office is a bad thing to you?
Please explain. Our trade balance with China in 2011 was -$295,249.7M
5 years later it was -$346,996.5M

That's not a decrease of 80%, that's an increase of over 17%.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

1) Trump's GDP in his first two years was 2.55%. Which is barely adequate.
Trump's first full 8 quarters averaged 2.91% while Obama's last 8 full quarters only averaged 1.94%. We've enjoyed an immediate 50% boost in real GDP growth with Trump at the helm.
... the Fed's very low interest rates...
Trump's had a massive series of effective fed hikes, that increased the cost of servicing the debt, the great majority of which was accumulated before he became President.


and Trump's HUGE deficits.
Actually Trump's run up less debt than Obama over equal shares of their presidency immediately proximate to one another.
Trump's been President for 838 days and the Federal debt has increased by $2,080,025,694,502.10
Over Obama's final 838 days the debt increased by $2,088,793,841,493.10. So Trump's a bit better on nominal terms, nearly 5% better in inflation adjusted terms, and clearly superior in terms of debt as a percentage of GDP.
... If America cannot keep it's production costs under control compared to the rest of the world...that is not China's fault...
China fills the air with pollution the water with chemicals and the oceans with plastic, and we enable it by buying their trade surplus. Our domestic manufacturing is MUCH cleaner than China's. We are better off supporting our neighbor's jobs than buying all this crap from China, the world's Grossest Polluter.
...The point is that China's trade surplus with the world is shrinking FAST...
The "World" isn't Trump's challenge, the US trade deficit with China is. We are willing to do as much business with China as they are willing to do with us. Right now they do 4.5 TIMES as much business with us as we do with them, they can figure out ways to do more business with us, or they can pay some US taxes in exchange for accessing our Consumer base, the greatest the world has ever seen.
...The tariffs are not needed. And they almost NEVER work anyway. They will just hurt America - both long and short term.
That's funny, there were TWELVE THOUSAND tariffs and duties being imposed by the US government before Trump ever showed up. Yet as soon as Trump went to work on improving our trade balance, the anti-Trumpers put on their unconvincing virgin act.
...Don't believe me? Just look at how the equity markets have reacted.
A couple of days of buying opportunity, and today the S&P is positive so far.
We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.
Opinion | Why Trump Is Raising Tariffs on China

LOL...and making middle-low income Americans pay even more taxes on the low cost products they depend on to make ends meet is just the way?...
Except that despite tariffs, we are enjoying strong low inflation growth. That is, despite a strong increase in tariff and duty revenue to the Federal Treasury, we aren't experiencing unusual inflation, in fact, we remain well below the Fed's 2% target. If tariffs are inflationary, where is the inflation?
...causing their products - that depend on cheaper Chinese components - to go up in price, lose competitiveness and thus result in US layoffs...
Except that we aren't suffering from either inflation or high unemployment.
And the fact that the Chinese trade surplus was down 80% in the 5 years before Trump took office is a bad thing to you?
Please explain. Our trade balance with China in 2011 was -$295,249.7M
5 years later it was -$346,996.5M

That's not a decrease of 80%, that's an increase of over 17%.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

Tariffs imposed by the Trump administration on imported washing machines raised prices on imported washing machines, which was expected — but it also raised prices on domestically produced washing machines, as manufacturers including Whirlpool and GE Appliances matched the price increases of their foreign competitors.

Most surprisingly, the tariffs on foreign washing machines also appear to have prompted foreign and domestic manufacturers to increase prices for dryers, according to a new study.

Study: Washing machine import tariffs cost consumers $1.5B per year on washers (and dryers) - Insider Louisville
Well, then this is the time to do it, because on balance, inflation is really under control right now, way below even the Fed target of 2%. Now the US Treasury is seeing a very nice stream of income from foreign suppliers that have been trying to undercut our domestic producers, and I'm sure if they could, they would pass it on to US Consumers, but, look at the inflation numbers below, they clearly have not been able to pass these costs onto the US Consumer, because the US Consumer is not struggling with price inflation, at all.


It's strange how the Left flips out if US corporations get a tax break and then flip out even harder if Chinese Suppliers have to pay some US taxes in order to have access to US consumers.

China has been taking advantage of us for years, and they have the Left, many Leftwing Think Tanks, Leftwing Universities and Leftwing politicians handsomely paid off, so the Left reliably pushes the Chinese line, every day, on every topic.

Good thing Trump stands up to the Chinese and for the US producer.

Here is the problem. The Chinese don't pay. It is the American consumers who pay in higher prices...
But we aren't paying higher prices.


Yet, tariff and duty income into the Federal Treasury is skyrocketing


That spike on the right is Trump's work, he's opened up a revenue paid for by foreign suppliers. If US consumers were actually paying these Customs we would see price inflation, and yet we don't, and yet all that money is still flowing into the US treasury. I know this is not what you expected, but the facts are in.
3) I (and the video) said China's trade surplus - World trade surplus. Not just with America's.
If America cannot keep it's production costs under control compared to the rest of the world...that is not China's fault.
So if we are unwilling to pay slave wages like China does it isn't China's fault. Is that really your argument?

No...those are your words.

My solution is drop all tariffs to China, drop the corporate tax rate to zero and let free enterprise/American 'know how' decide who is king.

And - along the way - save American consumers and businesses TONS of money on cheap Chinese imports.

I believe in free enterprise and minimal government involvement in business.
Without dropping China's tariffs on our goods at the same time that would be the equivalent of putting a gun to our heads.
Exactly. The claim that we can drop our tariffs and duties as an example the world will follow has just gotten us ripped off for the last several decades. I think the bastards who push this line of crap that others then parrot, have been richly paid off by the folks that walked off with our manufacturing base.

The biggest reason for manufacturing job loss has been efficiency and technology. Carrier laid off a large number of people due to t5his factor. None of the jobs were sent overseas.
It's certainly improved for US manufacturing employees under Trump:

China needs our money more than we need theirs.

They can call in the US debt they hold and tank our economy.
And we can say no. We can refuse to pay that debt.
They can't "call" US debt. When they buy US Treasury notes, they give us the money and we give them a piece of paper. If they hold that paper to maturity, we give them back their money, plus the interest agreed on at the time of purchase.
We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.
Opinion | Why Trump Is Raising Tariffs on China
Isn't working.
Looked at job creation?
Obama created more than the con. His last 2 years v's the cons 1st 2.
Never know that from knees news
My cal daughter says they have lost 10000 jobs because of the cons tariffs
So if we are unwilling to pay slave wages like China does it isn't China's fault. Is that really your argument?

No...those are your words.

My solution is drop all tariffs to China, drop the corporate tax rate to zero and let free enterprise/American 'know how' decide who is king.

And - along the way - save American consumers and businesses TONS of money on cheap Chinese imports.

I believe in free enterprise and minimal government involvement in business.
Without dropping China's tariffs on our goods at the same time that would be the equivalent of putting a gun to our heads.
Exactly. The claim that we can drop our tariffs and duties as an example the world will follow has just gotten us ripped off for the last several decades. I think the bastards who push this line of crap that others then parrot, have been richly paid off by the folks that walked off with our manufacturing base.

The biggest reason for manufacturing job loss has been efficiency and technology. Carrier laid off a large number of people due to t5his factor. None of the jobs were sent overseas.
It's certainly improved for US manufacturing employees under Trump:

You mean a few thousand in a pop of 350000000?
There's a similar graph for coal.
Looked at the overall creation?
Obama last 2 years > the cons first 2?
Knees news didn't publish that?
Record trade deficits, deficit.
What do we expect from a shill who lost more $ than any other in the nyti study ?
Gonna be interesting to see if Trump is going to raise the tariffs to 25 percent. The deadline for the Chinese to make an agreement acceptable to Trump is tomorrow.

Either (a) he raises them and screws over the economy, or (b) he folds and extends the deadline, making China think that he's weak.

Either way, it's gonna be interesting. What do you guys think, is he gonna cave, or is he gonna increase the tariffs?

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