China-Covid Cases on the Decline in U.S. as Trump leaves office


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013

The decline, which is now in full swing nation-wide---coming out of the Christmas Season---should be fully noted TONIGHT---on Trump's last night as President.

Because it will continue.

Yet, as we have all learned this last four years, the New York Media will give the credit for the decline to Joe Biden.

But, the documented fact is, the decline started in the last couple of weeks of the term of Don Trump. And the vaccines that will end it were developed, in record time, under Don Trump.

Remember that when the Media says Uncle Joe brought Covid under control, as they surely will--being mere propaganda agents for the Democratic Party.

Thank you for all you did Don Trump.

Of course. The election infection is no longer needed to stall the economy and scare voters away from the polls. Viola! Instant cure as was predicted when the fear mongering became obvious early on..

The decline, which is now in full swing nation-wide---coming out of the Christmas Season---should be fully noted TONIGHT---on Trump's last night as President.

Because it will continue.

Yet, as we have all learned this last four years, the New York Media will give the credit for the decline to Joe Biden.

But, the documented fact is, the decline started in the last couple of weeks of the term of Don Trump. And the vaccines that will end it were developed, in record time, under Don Trump.

Remember that when the Media says Uncle Joe brought Covid under control, as they surely will--being mere propaganda agents for the Democratic Party.

Thank you for all you did Don Trump.

It is not at all RARE that people see the natural course of an illness or an epidemic as MAGICALLY related to some event that they happen
to like, or a person that they happen to like or dislike.
It ain't nuthin' new. Donald did well
on the decline???
It was 270K just a couple of months ago. It is at all-time high :confused:
All the work to contain the virus (early travel bans) and developing the vaccine in record time was thanks to President Trump pushing it so much.

No doubt he saved millions of lives.

Dems of course opposed the travel bans to China and Europe, and they also claimed the vaccine couldn’t be made by the end of the year, or that it would be dangerous. Under Dem leadership we probably would of had 3 million dead at this point, with no vaccine in sight.
on the decline???
It was 270K just a couple of months ago. It is at all-time high :confused:

Down 100,000 from that as of tonight...while Trump is still president.

No big deal...until the American People start getting lied to by the New York Media with great praise to Biden for controlling the virus, when he didn't do shit. The decline, beginning under Trump's administration, which will accelerate from here on, because of the vaccine developed under Trump's Warp Speed....well, the credit will go to Biden.

You know its coming ; I know it; and its bullshit. Its a sad state of affairs when half the country wants to be bullshitted because of blind partisanship.

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