Children Can Pray in Public School! Yippee!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY be introduced into pre-K education in the Big Apple???


1. "New York City Eases Pre-K Rules to Allow Prayer Breaks

2. ...some children attending taxpayer-funded prekindergarten programs in New York City may have school on Christmas and Thanksgiving. And their school day may be interrupted by a period for religious prayers.

3. .... a compromise by Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration that is intended to increase participation by Orthodox Jewish and other private schools in his signature initiative.

4. prekindergarten programs are run by private organizations, including religious schools, that are compensated by the city. But many Orthodox schools have stayed away....

5. The new guidelines, first reported this week by Hamodia, a Jewish newspaper, do not cut the total amount of time per week required for secular instruction. But schools may now spread the hours over six days,....

6. ...the city had drawn a line at permitting prayer during the school day.

7. ...programs will be allowed to have one “short break” during the secular school day for “nonprogram activities,”...

8. The break, city officials said, is geared toward allowing children to pray after lunch,...

9. ....Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union.
“The prayer break is an attempted end run around the prohibition against religious education and prayer in city-funded pre-K programs,” she said. Taken together, she added, the regulations “add up to a religious school funded with taxpayer money.”

10. Rabbi David Zwiebel, executive director of Agudath Israel, an ultra-Orthodox umbrella organization, supported the changes and predicted they would lead to at least a modest increase in participation."

Could be a breach in the myth that the Constitution doesn't countenance religion in the public arena.

About time. be introduced into pre-K education in the Big Apple???


1. "New York City Eases Pre-K Rules to Allow Prayer Breaks

2. ...some children attending taxpayer-funded prekindergarten programs in New York City may have school on Christmas and Thanksgiving. And their school day may be interrupted by a period for religious prayers.

3. .... a compromise by Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration that is intended to increase participation by Orthodox Jewish and other private schools in his signature initiative.

4. prekindergarten programs are run by private organizations, including religious schools, that are compensated by the city. But many Orthodox schools have stayed away....

5. The new guidelines, first reported this week by Hamodia, a Jewish newspaper, do not cut the total amount of time per week required for secular instruction. But schools may now spread the hours over six days,....

6. ...the city had drawn a line at permitting prayer during the school day.

7. ...programs will be allowed to have one “short break” during the secular school day for “nonprogram activities,”...

8. The break, city officials said, is geared toward allowing children to pray after lunch,...

9. ....Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union.
“The prayer break is an attempted end run around the prohibition against religious education and prayer in city-funded pre-K programs,” she said. Taken together, she added, the regulations “add up to a religious school funded with taxpayer money.”

10. Rabbi David Zwiebel, executive director of Agudath Israel, an ultra-Orthodox umbrella organization, supported the changes and predicted they would lead to at least a modest increase in participation."

Could be a breach in the myth that the Constitution doesn't countenance religion in the public arena.

About time.

anything to make the Jews happy, school on programs in New York City may have school on Christmas and Thanksgiving, what a crock. be introduced into pre-K education in the Big Apple???


1. "New York City Eases Pre-K Rules to Allow Prayer Breaks

2. ...some children attending taxpayer-funded prekindergarten programs in New York City may have school on Christmas and Thanksgiving. And their school day may be interrupted by a period for religious prayers.

3. .... a compromise by Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration that is intended to increase participation by Orthodox Jewish and other private schools in his signature initiative.

4. prekindergarten programs are run by private organizations, including religious schools, that are compensated by the city. But many Orthodox schools have stayed away....

5. The new guidelines, first reported this week by Hamodia, a Jewish newspaper, do not cut the total amount of time per week required for secular instruction. But schools may now spread the hours over six days,....

6. ...the city had drawn a line at permitting prayer during the school day.

7. ...programs will be allowed to have one “short break” during the secular school day for “nonprogram activities,”...

8. The break, city officials said, is geared toward allowing children to pray after lunch,...

9. ....Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union.
“The prayer break is an attempted end run around the prohibition against religious education and prayer in city-funded pre-K programs,” she said. Taken together, she added, the regulations “add up to a religious school funded with taxpayer money.”

10. Rabbi David Zwiebel, executive director of Agudath Israel, an ultra-Orthodox umbrella organization, supported the changes and predicted they would lead to at least a modest increase in participation."

Could be a breach in the myth that the Constitution doesn't countenance religion in the public arena.

About time.

anything to make the Jews happy, school on programs in New York City may have school on Christmas and Thanksgiving, what a crock.
Its all good until some kid is practicing the "wrong" religion. Then we'll see how far the yippees go then
Private pre schools paid for by tax payers money? programs in New York City may have school on Christmas and Thanksgiving.

This is good?? be introduced into pre-K education in the Big Apple???


1. "New York City Eases Pre-K Rules to Allow Prayer Breaks

2. ...some children attending taxpayer-funded prekindergarten programs in New York City may have school on Christmas and Thanksgiving. And their school day may be interrupted by a period for religious prayers.

3. .... a compromise by Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration that is intended to increase participation by Orthodox Jewish and other private schools in his signature initiative.

4. prekindergarten programs are run by private organizations, including religious schools, that are compensated by the city. But many Orthodox schools have stayed away....

5. The new guidelines, first reported this week by Hamodia, a Jewish newspaper, do not cut the total amount of time per week required for secular instruction. But schools may now spread the hours over six days,....

6. ...the city had drawn a line at permitting prayer during the school day.

7. ...programs will be allowed to have one “short break” during the secular school day for “nonprogram activities,”...

8. The break, city officials said, is geared toward allowing children to pray after lunch,...

9. ....Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union.
“The prayer break is an attempted end run around the prohibition against religious education and prayer in city-funded pre-K programs,” she said. Taken together, she added, the regulations “add up to a religious school funded with taxpayer money.”

10. Rabbi David Zwiebel, executive director of Agudath Israel, an ultra-Orthodox umbrella organization, supported the changes and predicted they would lead to at least a modest increase in participation."

Could be a breach in the myth that the Constitution doesn't countenance religion in the public arena.

About time.

anything to make the Jews happy, school on programs in New York City may have school on Christmas and Thanksgiving, what a crock.

How'd like this:

Could be a breach in the myth that the Constitution doesn't countenance religion in the public arena.
Its all good until some kid is practicing the "wrong" religion. Then we'll see how far the yippees go then

Could be a breach in the myth that the Constitution doesn't countenance religion in the public arena.

I wonder if you realize that the 'no religion in the public arena' garbage was slipped into case law by the KKKer that Roosevelt made his first Supreme Court pick.

Based on the themes of your posts.....ironic, huh?
Private pre schools paid for by tax payers money? programs in New York City may have school on Christmas and Thanksgiving.

This is good??

what is wrong with it? Jews are not the only people who do not celebrate
Christmas. Hindus don't. Muslims don't-------besides ---PRE-K ---is a bit like
nursery school-----it is a kind of child care. Lots of mothers have to work on
Christmas and thanksgiving. I cannot imagine why anyone would object to
pre-k schools functioning on holidays. Hospitals function, too------and lots of
people have to work in them. I paid part of my college tuition working on Christmas. Jehovah witnesses SORTA don't celebrate Christmas----I think.
Lots of islamo Nazi pigs who grew up fake "catholic" seem to think EVERYONE came out of their dung heap
Its all good until some kid is practicing the "wrong" religion. Then we'll see how far the yippees go then

Could be a breach in the myth that the Constitution doesn't countenance religion in the public arena.

I wonder if you realize that the 'no religion in the public arena' garbage was slipped into case law by the KKKer that Roosevelt made his first Supreme Court pick.

Based on the themes of your posts.....ironic, huh?

Error US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Why do liberals tend to think changing the subject is a valid discussion tactic?
On the surface it sounds good. I'm not sure "allowing a set time for prayer" will turn out for the best.
Prayer can easily be done though out the day quietly.
Seems like something people will end up making even more rules for.
Private pre schools paid for by tax payers money? programs in New York City may have school on Christmas and Thanksgiving.

This is good??
As soon as someone breaks out a prayer rug or practices wiccan we'll see where all the yippees go..
It's a diverse city. Some of the students may want to pray five times a day.
Private pre schools paid for by tax payers money? programs in New York City may have school on Christmas and Thanksgiving.

This is good??

Making certain that American children are taught the values of our Founders is good.

values like:

"The first stage of this education being the schools of the hundreds, wherein the great mass of the people will receive their instruction, the principal foundations of future order will be laid here. Instead, therefore, of putting the Bible and Testament into the hands of the children at an age when their judgments are not sufficiently matured for religious inquiries, their memories may here be stored with the most useful facts"
-- Thomas Jefferson; from 'Notes on Virginia' Query XIV

"there should not be a district of one Mile square without a school in it, not founded by a Charitable individual but maintained at the expence of the People themselv they must be taught to reverence themselvs instead of adoreing their servants their Generals Admirals Bishops and Statesmen"
-- John Adams; from letter to John Jebb (Sept. 10, 1785)

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