Child MAGA Hat-Stealing Democrat Snowflake Duo Indicted On Charges Including Second-Degree Robbery & Felony Hate Crimes


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Olivia Winslow, left, and Camryn Amy, both 21, face charges in connection with a Thursday incident in Wilmington, Del., authorities say. (Wilmington Police )

Meet Olivia Winslow, left, and Camryn Amy, both 21, the TDS-suffering criminal snowflakes
who stole a MAGA hat from a CHILD - a 7yo boy...which they now regret doing VERY much!

The 2 HARD-CORE Trump-hating criminals are now facing HARD TIME...

Olivia Winslow and Camryn Amy, both 21, were indicted by a grand jury on charges of:
Second-degree robbery
Second-degree conspiracy
Endangering the welfare of a child
Third-degree assault
Attempted third-degree assault
Offensive touching &

Felony hate crimes

Three of the charges are felonies, and the two women could spend a total of 15 years in prison

"Harming another person – let alone a child – because of the expression of their views betrays the principles on which our country was founded."

I personally hope the judge throws the book at them, uses these 2 criminal snowflakes as examples to other violent TS-suffering Dems / snowflakes that they can peacefully protest all they want, but they can NOT touch anyone, steal or damage or destroy anyone else's property. I hope they get the full 15 years each in jail.

...of course, they could legitimately claim 'INSANITY' as a defense, since for 4 years Democrats and snowflakes have proven 'TDS' is a serious MENTAL DISORDER.


Good. The hate crimes door needs to start swinging both ways, else this seemingly tacitly accepted violence against anyone that disagrees with your politics will continue.

POS attaching a 7 year old kid. They should do some time to think about it real good. They won't get 15 years, but 90 days minimum would likely take the steam out of their proclivity to attack people that don't agree with them, which is just ridiculous, and tack on a few hundred hours of community service so this makes a lasting impression.
Olivia Winslow, left, and Camryn Amy, both 21, face charges in connection with a Thursday incident in Wilmington, Del., authorities say. (Wilmington Police )

Meet Olivia Winslow, left, and Camryn Amy, both 21, the TDS-suffering criminal snowflakes
who stole a MAGA hat from a CHILD - a 7yo boy...which they now regret doing VERY much!

The 2 HARD-CORE Trump-hating criminals are now facing HARD TIME...

Olivia Winslow and Camryn Amy, both 21, were indicted by a grand jury on charges of:
Second-degree robbery
Second-degree conspiracy
Endangering the welfare of a child
Third-degree assault
Attempted third-degree assault
Offensive touching &

Felony hate crimes

Three of the charges are felonies, and the two women could spend a total of 15 years in prison

"Harming another person – let alone a child – because of the expression of their views betrays the principles on which our country was founded."

I personally hope the judge throws the book at them, uses these 2 criminal snowflakes as examples to other violent TS-suffering Dems / snowflakes that they can peacefully protest all they want, but they can NOT touch anyone, steal or damage or destroy anyone else's property. I hope they get the full 15 years each in jail.

...of course, they could legitimately claim 'INSANITY' as a defense, since for 4 years Democrats and snowflakes have proven 'TDS' is a serious MENTAL DISORDER.


They had no right to steal some kids hat. It was both a hate crime and theft as far as I could see. Pick on someone your own size dirty rats.
They need severe punishment so the left will see what happens when they harass children. The toppling of statues ceased immediately when the President signed an order of 10 years in prison. Make an example of these two hateful losers.
Good. The hate crimes door needs to start swinging both ways, else this seemingly tacitly accepted violence against anyone that disagrees with your politics will continue.

POS attaching a 7 year old kid. They should do some time to think about it real good. They won't get 15 years, but 90 days minimum would likely take the steam out of their proclivity to attack people that don't agree with them, which is just ridiculous, and tack on a few hundred hours of community service so this makes a lasting impression.
They should be forced to make Trump hats.
Good. The hate crimes door needs to start swinging both ways, else this seemingly tacitly accepted violence against anyone that disagrees with your politics will continue.

POS attaching a 7 year old kid. They should do some time to think about it real good. They won't get 15 years, but 90 days minimum would likely take the steam out of their proclivity to attack people that don't agree with them, which is just ridiculous, and tack on a few hundred hours of community service so this makes a lasting impression.
They should be forced to make Trump hats.

I was thinking something similar. Honestly, though, they need to be prosecuted and made an example of, as others have said.

This practice of violently attacking someone that disagrees with your political views, vandalizing their property, etc., needs to stop right now and the only way to do that is to start prosecuting and handing down meaningful punishments for it.

March all you want. Vote for whoever you want. This seeming belief that someone that disagrees with you is subject to assault is becoming somehow accepted and cannot be allowed.
I was thinking something similar. Honestly, though, they need to be prosecuted and made an example of, as others have said.

This practice of violently attacking someone that disagrees with your political views, vandalizing their property, etc., needs to stop right now and the only way to do that is to start prosecuting and handing down meaningful punishments for it.

March all you want. Vote for whoever you want. This seeming belief that someone that disagrees with you is subject to assault is becoming somehow accepted and cannot be allowed.

But it has been allowed all over the country.

Place your bets......
A liberal judge will throw this case out or at least reduce it to a misdemeanor.

These two are radical Leftist heroes and must be supported.
I was thinking something similar. Honestly, though, they need to be prosecuted and made an example of, as others have said.

This practice of violently attacking someone that disagrees with your political views, vandalizing their property, etc., needs to stop right now and the only way to do that is to start prosecuting and handing down meaningful punishments for it.

March all you want. Vote for whoever you want. This seeming belief that someone that disagrees with you is subject to assault is becoming somehow accepted and cannot be allowed.

But it has been allowed all over the country.

Place your bets......
A liberal judge will throw this case out or at least reduce it to a misdemeanor.

These two are radical Leftist heroes and must be supported.

Yes, it has. It is baffling how long it has gone on without severe consequence. And that blind eye lead directly to this, an assault on a kid.

Would I be surprised to see it dismissed or reduced? Hell no. I expect it as well. "They're good kids, we don't want to ruin their lives over a moment's indiscretion, blah, blah, blah."

They attacked a kid over a hat. They should be jailed and a message sent that political freedoms will actually be protected. Will it happen? I doubt it.
I don't see stealing a hat as a "felony hate crime". I don't think any reasonable person would. That it should carry the same characterization as, say, a Jewish kid getting the shit kicked out of him by some neo-nazi fucks is silly to me.

It's a hat.

Endangering the welfare of a child? Again, it's a hat. They took it, and they had no right to, but I don't see how taking his hat endangers him.

Offensive touching? I believe the spirit of this, when originally envisioned, had to do with inappropriate touching of a sexual nature. I don't believe there's any evidence of any such thing here.

Third degree assault? I believe there's a required element of intent, and I don't think either of these women actually wanted to hurt this kid.

Now, none of this should be construed as me believing they should walk. I don't. I think they should be punished, and I certainly wouldn't mind seeing them spend 90 days in the joint. But these charges, in my opinion, represent a classic example of over-charging an offense. If these charges are pursued as written, I think the two skanks walk.

And that would be wrong...
Olivia Winslow, left, and Camryn Amy, both 21, face charges in connection with a Thursday incident in Wilmington, Del., authorities say. (Wilmington Police )

Meet Olivia Winslow, left, and Camryn Amy, both 21, the TDS-suffering criminal snowflakes
who stole a MAGA hat from a CHILD - a 7yo boy...which they now regret doing VERY much!

The 2 HARD-CORE Trump-hating criminals are now facing HARD TIME...

Olivia Winslow and Camryn Amy, both 21, were indicted by a grand jury on charges of:
Second-degree robbery
Second-degree conspiracy
Endangering the welfare of a child
Third-degree assault
Attempted third-degree assault
Offensive touching &

Felony hate crimes

Three of the charges are felonies, and the two women could spend a total of 15 years in prison

"Harming another person – let alone a child – because of the expression of their views betrays the principles on which our country was founded."

I personally hope the judge throws the book at them, uses these 2 criminal snowflakes as examples to other violent TS-suffering Dems / snowflakes that they can peacefully protest all they want, but they can NOT touch anyone, steal or damage or destroy anyone else's property. I hope they get the full 15 years each in jail.

...of course, they could legitimately claim 'INSANITY' as a defense, since for 4 years Democrats and snowflakes have proven 'TDS' is a serious MENTAL DISORDER.


I don't care what the circumstances are, stealing a ballcap off a kid's head with no actual harm done to the boy himself does not warrant a 15 year prison term, and no way will these girls ever actually do 15 years. The prosecutor just wants to scare the shit out of them. In any sane world, this is just petty theft.
democrats are evil

I agree!
Some kind of wicked madness s
I don't see stealing a hat as a "felony hate crime". I don't think any reasonable person would. That it should carry the same characterization as, say, a Jewish kid getting the shit kicked out of him by some neo-nazi fucks is silly to me.

It's a hat.

Endangering the welfare of a child? Again, it's a hat. They took it, and they had no right to, but I don't see how taking his hat endangers him.

Offensive touching? I believe the spirit of this, when originally envisioned, had to do with inappropriate touching of a sexual nature. I don't believe there's any evidence of any such thing here.

Third degree assault? I believe there's a required element of intent, and I don't think either of these women actually wanted to hurt this kid.

Now, none of this should be construed as me believing they should walk. I don't. I think they should be punished, and I certainly wouldn't mind seeing them spend 90 days in the joint. But these charges, in my opinion, represent a classic example of over-charging an offense. If these charges are pursued as written, I think the two skanks walk.

And that would be wrong...

HELLO liberal judge........

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