Chick-fil-A feeds stranded drivers

Threads like this are hilarious to me.

1. What does this have to do with the CEO's comments on gays?

Not to rehash the whole incident, but the guy was being interviewed and was asked by the reporter what his view on gay marriage was (which had no relevancy whatsoever to the reason he was being interviewed so you have to wonder why the question was even asked). He gave his honest personal opinion that marriage should stay between a man and a woman. It in no way reflected the position of the company he runs or how they do business, but the left went ape shit and tried to organize a boycott against the company, which actually backfired on them. So, it's a legitimate question as to where all these people are now when the company is out there doing more to help people during this crisis than any of their criticizers are.

Of course it's not a "legitimate question", because the two issues have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

I understand that you don't feel that the boycott of Chik-Fil-A was "fair", and you're still upset about it. We get it. But there's absolutely no connection between people boycotting Chik-Fil-A, and whether or not they chose to donate food to stranded motorists.

2. Why do you feel the need to cheerlead for a multi-national corporation?

Why do I feel the need to give accolades to a multi-national corporation which employs tens of thousands of people, helping them put food on the table, for opening up their doors and giving free food to people in need during a crisis, cutting into their profit margin?

Is that your question?

Pretty much, although you really answered it with the previous paragraph.

You feel the need to cheerlead for Chik-Fil-A because you're still butthurt that people tried to boycott them. You're not "giving them accolades", you're bitterly attacking people for events that happened a year ago.

Chik-fil-A isn't going to cut you a check for being their volunteer PR guy.

Chik-fil-A is a multinational corporation. Every single thing they do, as a corporation, is based on making them a profit - including donating free food to stranded people. It's PR.

Good for them. I'm sure that all the people who got free food had a lovely dinner. But pretending that Chik-fil-A is somehow doing this for moral, pure and good reasons is really silly.
Let's not forget this was the action of 1 individual owner and not Chic-Fil-A corporate. Big difference.
free food to people in need during a crisis
bwhahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahhahhahaahahaa crisis hahahahhahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahhahahhaahaaaahhaaahhhhahh...
Let's not forget this was the action of 1 individual owner and not Chic-Fil-A corporate. Big difference.

Actually, the Chik-Fil-A corporation owns all the restaurants. They have an interesting franchise business model - they retain technical ownership, and charge much less to buy a franchise.

You are correct, in the sense that this "kindness" came from the single store manager and not corporate, though.
Let's not forget this was the action of 1 individual owner and not Chic-Fil-A corporate. Big difference.

Actually, the Chik-Fil-A corporation owns all the restaurants. They have an interesting franchise business model - they retain technical ownership, and charge much less to buy a franchise.

You are correct, in the sense that this "kindness" came from the single store manager and not corporate, though.

Yes, I'm familiar with the ownership structure but in regards to the OP and the credit he is trying to attribute this good deed. It has nothing to do with the CEO of Chic-Fil-A and everthing to do with a single franchise owner.
there are many that are anti gay due to their religious convictions. I do not necessarily agree with them, but it is not fair to consider those arguments as being pseudo arguments.

Think about this....

Is it appropriate for someone...say a say to a catholic...."you believe in Jesus Christ? You actually believe a man rose up after he died and is the messiah? You believe in ghosts? What are you, insane?"

People do say that. All the time

Today one must agree with the liberals way of thinking or you will be trashed. They have zero tolerance for anything that makes them question their own feelings

In both cases, if people believe it is insane, that is still their beliefs and they have equal freedom as well as equal freedom of speech to express or debate.

But they do NOT have rights to ABUSE the legal, political, legislative or judicial system to IMPOSE these beliefs. And at the point that the verbal rebuttals become BULLYING AND HARASSMENT, that is also abuse.

There was a case where a teacher targeted and bullied a Buddhist student in class, embarrassing the boy in front of everyone, so that is no longer free speech but inappropriate abuse to harass this person with religiously and racially baised comments. Like telling the boy he needed to go to another school that had more Asians.

Having separate beliefs about gays or marriage is one thing, but going through the state and either BANNING one thing or FORCING another is religiously baised toward one side.
He never did immerse himself in it. That's the thing.

Chick-fil-A president deletes anti-gay marriage tweet - Jun. 27, 2013

In his defense, he backtracked afterward.

I support not being an ass hole to every person who has differing political views out there and are respectable people - but I will always have a pretty big reservation towards baseless bigotry though. I find it evil and cynical, the extent to which people try to justify it with pseudo arguments as well.

there are many that are anti gay due to their religious convictions. I do not necessarily agree with them, but it is not fair to consider those arguments as being pseudo arguments.

Think about this....

Is it appropriate for someone...say a say to a catholic...."you believe in Jesus Christ? You actually believe a man rose up after he died and is the messiah? You believe in ghosts? What are you, insane?"

What I would like to know is how a few inches of snow can cause all this havoc? Those people are capable. Slow down and plow through it. I hope that everyone is ok down there but its unreal that a few inches of snow can do such harm. Snow is simply a normal part of weather.
Let's not forget this was the action of 1 individual owner and not Chic-Fil-A corporate. Big difference.

Actually, the Chik-Fil-A corporation owns all the restaurants. They have an interesting franchise business model - they retain technical ownership, and charge much less to buy a franchise.

You are correct, in the sense that this "kindness" came from the single store manager and not corporate, though.

Yes, I'm familiar with the ownership structure but in regards to the OP and the credit he is trying to attribute this good deed. It has nothing to do with the CEO of Chic-Fil-A and everthing to do with a single franchise owner.

Then the answer is no.
The opposition will not go through the trouble of digging up a single instance to promote something positive about the opposition.

The opponents against Christianity WILL go through the trouble of finding cases of "one atheist" in order to sue to make a national statement in the media.

In fact, I think I will use that to show the difference with ACA.

When it was Roe v Wade and one person suing because the ban on abortion violated due process, any defense would force the state to intrude on a woman's private circumstances to prove there was something mitigating to answer to charges. There was no way to defend such a client without violating right to privacy against unreasonable intrusion. so REGARDLESS of how many more lives of women
and children would be saved by banning abortions, the imposition on free choice was more important to defend, where people are TRUSTED to make the right choices WITHOUT GOVT FORCING THIS BY LAW.

Well what about ACA. Where is the same freedom of choice to pay for health care WITHOUT THE GOVT FORCING INSURANCE BY LAW.
Now it puts an unreasonable unequal burden on citizens or states to prove, by fighting in courts or Congress or appealing through the process set up, that we have the right to exercise "freedom of choice" to pursue and pay for health care in other ways BESIDES federal insurance mandates.

we have to PROVE our constitutional rights and beliefs are violated, the burden is put on us when we committed no crime, and there was no due process before taking away our rights we had before to pay for health care ourselves, or build our own charity hospital system.

All that is now penalized by federal govt, because it doesn't count as buying insurance or get fined by paying a penalty through taxes.

If it counts as a tax, this is still taxation without representation, because of the people who didn't agree to federal govt having this authority without amending the Constitution and voting on that first, before setting up this hybrid bill and pushing it as mandatory.

So the case I'd like to compare is why the liberals will defend the ONE atheist who sues to remove a cross that is supposedly imposing a religion against the beliefs of ONE objector, who does not share that belief,
but will allow and support FINES/PENALTIES and political harassment/exclusion of representatives and citizens who defend our belief that the mandates are unconstitutional.

How is that NOT imposing on the beliefs of people who don't share the same faith?
When we are being FINED by govt for exercising our beliefs (while the atheists in these cross cases were not).
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Do you think human decency is a game of points? Do you really think that if some guy is a homophobic asshole that somehow he can earn a pass on that if he hands out some food?

Did someone say "human decency"


great you posted something stupid...

Truth hurts huh?
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So, I'm curious. Will the same people who slammed the CEO of Chick-Fil-A for giving his honest, personal opinion of gay marriage when asked, now praise him for the charity his company is engaging in? I'm guessing we won't hear much about it.

Chick-fil-A feeds stranded drivers - New York News

yeah no, look those people are morons who can't handle a cm of snow and ice. saw pictures, it was sad. 4 miles in 5 hours because you cant handle a little ice.

Have you ever lived in the southern U.S.?
So, I'm curious. Will the same people who slammed the CEO of Chick-Fil-A for giving his honest, personal opinion of gay marriage when asked, now praise him for the charity his company is engaging in? I'm guessing we won't hear much about it.

Chick-fil-A feeds stranded drivers - New York News

yeah no, look those people are morons who can't handle a cm of snow and ice. saw pictures, it was sad. 4 miles in 5 hours because you cant handle a little ice.

Have you ever lived in the southern U.S.?

nope, but seriously its sad. live in So. Cal and it was the same when it rained. ice and snow isnt hard to figure out how to handle.
After reading this, I think I'll have a spicy chicken sandwich for lunch tomorrow.

Threads like this are hilarious to me.

1. What does this have to do with the CEO's comments on gays?

2. Why do you feel the need to cheerlead for a multi-national corporation?

Chick-fil-A isn't a multinational company. It is only in the US.

And I don't think acknowledging the good a company does is cheerleading. Is praising charity by an individual cheerleading also? Is noting the bad a company may do, i.e. pollution, necessarily bashing?
Nor did they publicly thank Chick-Fil-A for giving out free food and drink to protestors targeting their restaurants.

The company did change its policy not to give out money to political groups lobbying against gays, but the staff still should have equal freedom of speech without being harassed for it.

Pro and anti gay are BOTH religious beliefs until it is scientifically proven if homosexuality is a choice or not, natural or unnatural, and if it can be changed or not.

So BOTH views should be treated equally under law, not imposing one over the other.

Are you retarded? If homosexuality is a choice, then heterosexuality is a choice.

Religion is a choice. One is not 'naturally' a Southern Baptist, or a Jew, or a Hindu.

What is wrong with you?

a better question is...

Why are you so angry?

Err...he's stuck in New York...? That would make me angry.
So, I'm curious. Will the same people who slammed the CEO of Chick-Fil-A for giving his honest, personal opinion of gay marriage when asked, now praise him for the charity his company is engaging in? I'm guessing we won't hear much about it.

Chick-fil-A feeds stranded drivers - New York News

I didn't hear about McD's and Burger king handing free food out so more power to chick fil A. I don't expect the MSM to cover it but it will be all over social media.:clap2:

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