Cheerio Boris old mate.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Boris Johnson quits amid Brexit crisis


This is like a remainers wet dream.

They are absolutely stabbing each other in the chest.
Boris Johnson quits amid Brexit crisis


This is like a remainers wet dream.

They are absolutely stabbing each other in the chest.

What a little bitch. The guy is such an opportunist. The guy didn't even know whether to vote for Brexit or not, and made the decision based on what he thought would be best for his career.

He's not a hard Brexit guy, he's just a political whore, and by quitting he thinks he can become PM, simple as. He wants May out and he wants to take over because he controls a faction of MPs.
Boris Johnson quits amid Brexit crisis


This is like a remainers wet dream.

They are absolutely stabbing each other in the chest.

What a little bitch. The guy is such an opportunist. The guy didn't even know whether to vote for Brexit or not, and made the decision based on what he thought would be best for his career.

He's not a hard Brexit guy, he's just a political whore, and by quitting he thinks he can become PM, simple as. He wants May out and he wants to take over because he controls a faction of MPs.
The tories have a habit of not picking the stalking horse so he may have shot his load too soon. Gove looking more credible by the day ?
Boris Johnson quits amid Brexit crisis


This is like a remainers wet dream.

They are absolutely stabbing each other in the chest.

What a little bitch. The guy is such an opportunist. The guy didn't even know whether to vote for Brexit or not, and made the decision based on what he thought would be best for his career.

He's not a hard Brexit guy, he's just a political whore, and by quitting he thinks he can become PM, simple as. He wants May out and he wants to take over because he controls a faction of MPs.
The tories have a habit of not picking the stalking horse so he may have shot his load too soon. Gove looking more credible by the day ?

Christ, a choice between Gove and Johnson is like a choice between dying slowly or dying slowly.
Boris Johnson quits amid Brexit crisis


This is like a remainers wet dream.

They are absolutely stabbing each other in the chest.

What a little bitch. The guy is such an opportunist. The guy didn't even know whether to vote for Brexit or not, and made the decision based on what he thought would be best for his career.

He's not a hard Brexit guy, he's just a political whore, and by quitting he thinks he can become PM, simple as. He wants May out and he wants to take over because he controls a faction of MPs.
The tories have a habit of not picking the stalking horse so he may have shot his load too soon. Gove looking more credible by the day ?

Christ, a choice between Gove and Johnson is like a choice between dying slowly or dying slowly.
The only other candidate might be that wanker Mogg. That would be hilarious.
Boris Johnson quits amid Brexit crisis


This is like a remainers wet dream.

They are absolutely stabbing each other in the chest.

What a little bitch. The guy is such an opportunist. The guy didn't even know whether to vote for Brexit or not, and made the decision based on what he thought would be best for his career.

He's not a hard Brexit guy, he's just a political whore, and by quitting he thinks he can become PM, simple as. He wants May out and he wants to take over because he controls a faction of MPs.
The tories have a habit of not picking the stalking horse so he may have shot his load too soon. Gove looking more credible by the day ?

Christ, a choice between Gove and Johnson is like a choice between dying slowly or dying slowly.
The only other candidate might be that wanker Mogg. That would be hilarious.

That would dying a very, very slow and exceedingly painful death.

The worst thing of all, the Tories have all these shit candidates, including May, and Labour can't beat them because they've got that wanker "I'll be PM this time next year" Corbyn. Oh, wait, that was like 14 months ago.
Gove looking more credible by the day ?
Jesus. Would they really elect him as leader? He's more opportunistic than Boris.
The tories wont pick the ring leader. Its seen as divisive. Thats why the have picked Major and May.. Not seen as troublemakers.
Johnson has pissed on his chips with the remainers in the party and they will unite around anyone but boris. Gove has behaved himself so might have a shot at it.
They really dont have many options.
Boris Johnson quits amid Brexit crisis


This is like a remainers wet dream.

They are absolutely stabbing each other in the chest.

What a little bitch. The guy is such an opportunist. The guy didn't even know whether to vote for Brexit or not, and made the decision based on what he thought would be best for his career.

He's not a hard Brexit guy, he's just a political whore, and by quitting he thinks he can become PM, simple as. He wants May out and he wants to take over because he controls a faction of MPs.
The tories have a habit of not picking the stalking horse so he may have shot his load too soon. Gove looking more credible by the day ?

Christ, a choice between Gove and Johnson is like a choice between dying slowly or dying slowly.
The only other candidate might be that wanker Mogg. That would be hilarious.

That would dying a very, very slow and exceedingly painful death.

The worst thing of all, the Tories have all these shit candidates, including May, and Labour can't beat them because they've got that wanker "I'll be PM this time next year" Corbyn. Oh, wait, that was like 14 months ago.
Thats the worry. What will labour campaign on ? The only honest solution would be to offer a second vote. I cant see any alternative at this stage.
Boris Johnson quits amid Brexit crisis

Will Teresa put the blame for that on Russia as always? Or on Trump? Seems like she only has two options to choose from.

They are all resigning because they have enough votes on that 1922 Backbench Committee to force a leadership election, all those who are resigning are pro-Brexit or campaigned for Brexit.

Hey Tilly Jacob Rees-Mogg to replace May you think? He's GREAT he is like something from P.G. Wodehouse, MEGA! Also I add that JRM is friends with Our Team, so that is why European Patriots would morally be supporting him....David Davis he is okay also and Liam Fox although I think Liam Fox is not a good candidate he cannot win, not enough support inside the Tory Party, so my betting would be on JRM or David Davis.

Hey Tilly Jacob Rees-Mogg to replace May you think? He's GREAT he is like something from P.G. Wodehouse, MEGA!
Gussie Finknottle? But does he study newts?

Not sure, but Jacob Rees-Mogg is literally like something from a P.G. Wodehouse novel and he's very entertaining, he has six kidlets also, he is Eccentric in the way English Eccentrics should be, not weirdo but intelligent and entertaining.
Hey Tilly Jacob Rees-Mogg to replace May you think? He's GREAT he is like something from P.G. Wodehouse, MEGA!
Gussie Finknottle? But does he study newts?

Not sure, but Jacob Rees-Mogg is literally like something from a P.G. Wodehouse novel and he's very entertaining, he has six kidlets also, he is Eccentric in the way English Eccentrics should be, not weirdo but intelligent and entertaining.


This below is better than the childless May, this would encourage more British to have more than two kidlets. I suppose if England win the World Cup they will all get drunk and have mass orgies so this time next year Britain could enter a massive Baby Boom.

Boris Johnson quits amid Brexit crisis

Will Teresa put the blame for that on Russia as always? Or on Trump? Seems like she only has two options to choose from.

They are all resigning because they have enough votes on that 1922 Backbench Committee to force a leadership election, all those who are resigning are pro-Brexit or campaigned for Brexit.

Hey Tilly Jacob Rees-Mogg to replace May you think? He's GREAT he is like something from P.G. Wodehouse, MEGA! Also I add that JRM is friends with Our Team, so that is why European Patriots would morally be supporting him....David Davis he is okay also and Liam Fox although I think Liam Fox is not a good candidate he cannot win, not enough support inside the Tory Party, so my betting would be on JRM or David Davis.

I think we should all pray for Jacob to get in. It would be amazing for the country.
Boris Johnson quits amid Brexit crisis

Will Teresa put the blame for that on Russia as always? Or on Trump? Seems like she only has two options to choose from.

In fact, I have quite a bit of respect for those who refuse to work with Teresa May.

They are saying that May had some meeting with the Labour MPs to ask them to assist her getting a vote through on whatever the Brexit thing she thought her Cabinet had agreed to with her on Friday, if that is the situation not sure how May can hope to remain in the confidence of the Tory Party, she is now very weak, she was already weak but now her best option would be to resign as Tory leader, stay on as interim Prime Minister until they have the leadership contest and then the winner go into No. 10, in hindsight they all are probably thinking they should have gone for Michael Gove when David Cameron stood down, it never helped that May was a Remainer put in charge of doing the Brexit negotiations that was always going to result in confusion and chaos.

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