Check out the demise of Fox and the rise of Newsmax

Fox has really fallen!


Newsmax went from an average of 100k viewers per night to OVER ONE MILLION.

Yeah, the lefts death grip on information is crumbling.

:rofl: Oh these rubes,

"Ratings" are not any kind of "grip on information", shortpants. They're a count of the number of eyeballs watching that can be sold to an advertiser. And that's the grand sum total of all they are. They have absolutely ZERO to do with any kind of content.

Friggin' fake wrestling gets "ratings". Friggin' onstage paternity tests get "ratings". Friggin' naked people left on an island to eat bugs gets "ratings". Do ANY of those hold any kind of "grip on information"?

No Bubbles, the grip on information is held by Corporate interests. And their goal is to sell you shit you don't need, and to get you to watch long enough they will put literally ANYTHING on the air, whether it's real information, fake information or hapless naked people walking around on an island as if they have nothing even though there's a full camera crew right in front of them. It's visual fast food for the Gulibles. And by the way fake information sells WAY better than real information.

Fer fux sake use your head.

Today's "FOX" is tomorrow's "Newsmax".

Called it!


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