Charter Schools ruled unconstitutional - what about public housing?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
State Supreme Court: Charter schools are unconstitutional

In the ruling, Chief Justice Barbara Madsen wrote that charter schools aren’t “common schools”
because they’re governed by appointed rather than elected boards.

OK so does that make public housing authorities unconstitutional
because these are run by appointed positions, not elected?

NOTE: the residents in public housing at the historic complex in my neighborhood, nationally registered as a WWII military landmark, tried to remedy problems with abuses and corruption in public housing by passing federal legislation on HUD reforms to create "democratically elected" tenant councils. however, the corrupt bureaucrats found ways to bypass this by interfering with the elections, inserting their own select tenants, and targeting and evicting tenants who used the laws and procedures to redress cases of corruption.

This issue has yet to be resolved; the corruption and abuses are still happening on the city level that is not checked by constitutional authorities, but takes advantage of the private municipality to collude with corporate interests to bypass and violate the equal rights, protections, defense and representation of individual citizens.

Therefore “money that is dedicated to common schools is unconstitutionally diverted to charter schools,” Madsen wrote.
Democrats hate charter schools because they don't want any kind of competition to their public school fiefdoms. They aren't interested in any kind of options that can actually improve education. All they care about is preserving the status quo and keeping the unions that donate to their campaigns happy. They could give two shits about the kids.
Democrats hate charter schools because they don't want any kind of competition to their public school fiefdoms. They aren't interested in any kind of options that can actually improve education. All they care about is preserving the status quo and keeping the unions that donate to their campaigns happy. They could give two shits about the kids.

You are clearly misinformed. Democrats fully support charter schools. In fact, you should probably read up on the hedge funds.
Democrats hate charter schools because they don't want any kind of competition to their public school fiefdoms. They aren't interested in any kind of options that can actually improve education. All they care about is preserving the status quo and keeping the unions that donate to their campaigns happy. They could give two shits about the kids.
Regardless what its original purpose is,
if people don't believe in funding a private institution
they don't believe in and can't check, with no representation,
why would you make someone fund that?

I wouldn't want to be forced to fund corporations I had no
say in or check on either, and that's what's wrong with this country.
We've lost direct accountability and visibility.

If you are going to have govt mandates, especially forced funding,
that is the whole Point of Representation and Constitutional
checks on govt.

No taxation without Representation.
Equal protection of the laws
Consent of the governed and no discrimination by creed
Due process before depriving citizens of liberties

What happened to the Golden Rule common sense and decency.
if we don't want other people pushing agenda through govt
and making us pay for their things we don't believe in,
why can't we respect the same rights and equal protections of others?

Are we really reduced to just forcing our way through govt
and expecting the other side to fight back if they want their interests
represented. And whoever wins gets their way?

How is that equal protection of the laws?
Sounds like equal opportunity to VIOLATE the beliefs of others
by bullying and bulldozing each other over!

I believe in mediation, conflict resolution, consensus
NOT civil wars, fought with bigger dollars to lobby through
parties and media. What the H

I guess this is why Occupy started yelling.
And why the Tea Party can't get more things through
because of all this infighting trying to play the bullying games.

(Thanks, emily, for loaning me your argument!)
"OK so does that make public housing authorities unconstitutional
because these are run by appointed positions, not elected?"

This fails as a false comparison fallacy, one issue having nothing to do with the other.
You can bet scores will go up with charter schools, Many charter schools will soon like a business whose goal is nothing more than to teach students to blacken in the correct bubbles on a test paper.
Democrats hate charter schools because they don't want any kind of competition to their public school fiefdoms. They aren't interested in any kind of options that can actually improve education. All they care about is preserving the status quo and keeping the unions that donate to their campaigns happy. They could give two shits about the kids.
Actually, the reasons teachers are against charter schools (and Vouchers) is that it results in the best students going to schools other than the public schools, leaving the public schools with the usual behavior problems and intellectually challenging youngsters. This brings down the overall stats on the public schools indicating they are failing schools rather than schools with additional burdens.
You can bet scores will go up with charter schools, Many charter schools will soon like a business whose goal is nothing more than to teach students to blacken in the correct bubbles on a test paper.
They are doing well on tests because the tests indicate how well the curriculum has been taught and absorbed by the students.

Say you had a class of potential firefighters. At the end of the training, the trainees will be tested on what every fireman should know to be an effective firefighter. The teachers are not teaching to the test, but rather, the test is testing the knowledge of the firemen and how well they learned the material necessary to be a fireman.
You can bet scores will go up with charter schools, Many charter schools will soon like a business whose goal is nothing more than to teach students to blacken in the correct bubbles on a test paper.
They are doing well on tests because the tests indicate how well the curriculum has been taught and absorbed by the students.

Say you had a class of potential firefighters. At the end of the training, the trainees will be tested on what every fireman should know to be an effective firefighter. The teachers are not teaching to the test, but rather, the test is testing the knowledge of the firemen and how well they learned the material necessary to be a fireman.
Put me in charge of the tests and I can create any outcome wanted.
State Supreme Court: Charter schools are unconstitutional

In the ruling, Chief Justice Barbara Madsen wrote that charter schools aren’t “common schools”
because they’re governed by appointed rather than elected boards.

OK so does that make public housing authorities unconstitutional
because these are run by appointed positions, not elected?

NOTE: the residents in public housing at the historic complex in my neighborhood, nationally registered as a WWII military landmark, tried to remedy problems with abuses and corruption in public housing by passing federal legislation on HUD reforms to create "democratically elected" tenant councils. however, the corrupt bureaucrats found ways to bypass this by interfering with the elections, inserting their own select tenants, and targeting and evicting tenants who used the laws and procedures to redress cases of corruption.

This issue has yet to be resolved; the corruption and abuses are still happening on the city level that is not checked by constitutional authorities, but takes advantage of the private municipality to collude with corporate interests to bypass and violate the equal rights, protections, defense and representation of individual citizens.

Therefore “money that is dedicated to common schools is unconstitutionally diverted to charter schools,” Madsen wrote.

In response to the question you posed, it would be worth looking into. Were public housing be found to be "unconstitutional" a whole sack full of public money could be redirected to other use. I would not hold my breath however as progressive America would have an absolute fit. It "takes a village" doncha know.
State Supreme Court: Charter schools are unconstitutional

In the ruling, Chief Justice Barbara Madsen wrote that charter schools aren’t “common schools”
because they’re governed by appointed rather than elected boards.

OK so does that make public housing authorities unconstitutional
because these are run by appointed positions, not elected?

NOTE: the residents in public housing at the historic complex in my neighborhood, nationally registered as a WWII military landmark, tried to remedy problems with abuses and corruption in public housing by passing federal legislation on HUD reforms to create "democratically elected" tenant councils. however, the corrupt bureaucrats found ways to bypass this by interfering with the elections, inserting their own select tenants, and targeting and evicting tenants who used the laws and procedures to redress cases of corruption.

This issue has yet to be resolved; the corruption and abuses are still happening on the city level that is not checked by constitutional authorities, but takes advantage of the private municipality to collude with corporate interests to bypass and violate the equal rights, protections, defense and representation of individual citizens.

Therefore “money that is dedicated to common schools is unconstitutionally diverted to charter schools,” Madsen wrote.

To be clear, this was a ruling by the supreme court of the state of washington. The ruling found that charter schools violate the constitution of the state of washington. This has nothing to do with the united states constitution.

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