CDCs “confusing” messaging on vaccines.

Trout you are fucked in the head ! You lie even more than Trump and that is quite an accomplishment. There is nothing in the VAERS database to say anything about masmortality from the vaxx. NOTHING. Why do you think that you can post this shit and get away with it ?. Stop lying. You have blood on your hands

What is really bizarre is that you have consitently contradiced everything that the CDC has said, and now you are citing them as a source- and lying about what they say about deaths .

If the data that you claim supports what you are saying existed in VAERS, it seems to me that you would have provided a link. You are a mess!!

Calm down, sue.
You've lost all credibility. Filing a false report to the CDC is a crime.
Where do you dig up this bullshit? Is the person submitting the report under oath? I used to have some respect for your opinions, but you have gone full retard, and you never go full retard!

Here is your link to information you continuously ignore or dismiss.

"VAERS is a passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences to CDC and FDA. VAERS is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused a health problem, but is especially useful for detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse event reporting that might indicate a possible safety problem with a vaccine."
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Filing a false report to the CDC is a crime.
Even if it was a crime (it’s not) filing a report with VAERS does not indicate that the vaccine was causative.

Didn’t you tell me that you knew people who died of infections months after getting the vaccine?
You've lost all credibility. Filing a false report to the CDC is a crime.
Holy shit! What?? You have really lost it now. My credibility.? Where the fuck is the data that shows that "thousands are dying from the vax as you contend ? There is none. YOU have no credibility. Get the fuck out of here
Even if it was a crime (it’s not) filing a report with VAERS does not indicate that the vaccine was causative.

Didn’t you tell me that you knew people who died of infections months after getting the vaccine?

Yes, four people. I don't know if they filed or not.

Knowingly filing a false VAERS report is a violation of Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1001) punishable by fine and imprisonment.
Where do you dig up this bullshit? Is the person submitting the report under oath? I used to have some respect for your opinions, but you have gone full retard, and you never go full retard!

Here is your link to information you continuously ignore or dismiss.

"VAERS is a passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences to CDC and FDA. VAERS is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused a health problem, but is especially useful for detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse event reporting that might indicate a possible safety problem with a vaccine."
I dont even know why I waste time with you guys.

Knowingly filing a false VAERS report is a violation of Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1001) punishable by fine and imprisonment
I dont even know why I waste time with you guys.

Knowingly filing a false VAERS report is a violation of Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1001) punishable by fine and imprisonment
Hey shit for brains! They don't have to lie to say it was caused by the vaccine when it was not. They could be just another ignorant hater, just like you!
Ivermectin was mentioned in posts #371 & 375. The link to Fau Chi’s work with HIV-1 is here:

Turkey: Ivermectin / HIV-1
’....Initially, it was reported that IVM acts as an inhibitor between HIV-1 integrase protein and the importin alph/beta responsible for the transport of this protein to the nucleus.’
Asparagine for increased potency mentioned above in the “fentanyl mutation” of SARS-Cov-2 at position 417 is in the news again, this time for the Lambda variant:

30 Jul 2021 Scientists Suspect Lambda SAR–CoV-2 Variant Most Dangerous
’....increased virulence....RSYLTPGD246-253N....Lambda variant is capable of escaping the immune responses induced by vaccination.’
Sunday’s post #375 mentions the deletion 246-252. In the bovine deletion, position 252 is a cysteine, followed by position 253 which is an asparagine (N). With the Lambda variant, the virus thinks that it’s in a cow.
Have any cows in India been tested?

SAGE (UK) 30 Jul 2021 Long Term Evolution of SARS-CoV-2
’....A longer term version of shift whereby SARS-CoV-2 undergoes a reverse zoonotic event into an animal reservoir(s). This virus is then on a separate evolutionary trajectory because the virus in animals is subject to different selective processes than in humans. The decedents then re-emerge into humans at a later time when vaccines that have been updated to keep pace with drift in humans sufficiently mismatched so as to not ber able to provide immunologic cross-protection.....Likelihood: Realistic Possibility. Impact: Medium.’

C-19 did not come from manipulation in a lab, there was always already another population of the virus in nature. What is its origin in nature? The Chinese communists must know by now.
CDC is ever changing and confusing by design to make it harder to detect the lies.
Here are some vaccine parameters to ponder. Will a reverse zoonotic event be possible to eradicate?

The SAGE text is here:
30 Jul 2021 Foreign Policy
‘....Sure enough, the United States is again awash in virus, with the incidence of new cases having soared 131% in the 3rd week of July. To be clear, the vaccines available work well — especially Pfizer and Moderna....but it is likely that waning vaccine efficacy, coupled with a stubborn one-fifth of the adult population refusing any immunization, has opened the door for the dangerous mutant delta variant to wreak havoc among the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.’

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