CDC said 6207 deaths from Covid vax 6/30/21 in US


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
The link

Amazing how this is totally censored by the media, including fox.

That number is likely lower than the real death total, given the pro vax Zionist left... And media bias.

Gee, doc, my brother got vaxed and then he died.

Where did he die?

In his recliner.

Doubt the vax did that. He likely died from blood flow issues.

Ok, doc, if you say so....

So we have CDC saying 94% of Covid deaths are not from Covid.

We have "fully vaxed" democrats testing positive.

And we have the media and the pols all ignoring/censoring the truth of Covid vax deaths.

Why should we get the vax?

1. It does not immunize you if you believe the test
2. It has murdered over 6k Americans and counting.

Great, if Geraldo says so....
The link

Amazing how this is totally censored by the media, including fox.

That number is likely lower than the real death total, given the pro vax Zionist left... And media bias.

Gee, doc, my brother got vaxed and then he died.

Where did he die?

In his recliner.

Doubt the vax did that. He likely died from blood flow issues.

Ok, doc, if you say so....

So we have CDC saying 94% of Covid deaths are not from Covid.

We have "fully vaxed" democrats testing positive.

And we have the media and the pols all ignoring/censoring the truth of Covid vax deaths.

Why should we get the vax?

1. It does not immunize you if you believe the test
2. It has murdered over 6k Americans and counting.

Great, if Geraldo says so....
From the CDC link:

FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem.
From the CDC link:

FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem.
Where were yas when they were reporting heart attacks as covid deaths
The link

Amazing how this is totally censored by the media, including fox.

That number is likely lower than the real death total, given the pro vax Zionist left... And media bias.

Gee, doc, my brother got vaxed and then he died.

Where did he die?

In his recliner.

Doubt the vax did that. He likely died from blood flow issues.

Ok, doc, if you say so....

So we have CDC saying 94% of Covid deaths are not from Covid.

We have "fully vaxed" democrats testing positive.

And we have the media and the pols all ignoring/censoring the truth of Covid vax deaths.

Why should we get the vax?

1. It does not immunize you if you believe the test
2. It has murdered over 6k Americans and counting.

Great, if Geraldo says so....

Well not according to this "expert":


You guys are idiots...really. Just idiots. Why this board allows you guys to just post lie after lie, day after day, is a riddle.
From the CDC link:

FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem.

Aka "death" is not a "health problem"
Damn those Trump vaccines!

You fucks played trump like a fiddle with Covid. He still has no clue.

$10 trillion loss to America to fudge an election with fraud ballots - democrat and Zionist "patriotism" for all to see....

Try it again with the spring flu aka the "delta variant" - you lie about death and the cause. You fooled America once. Not twice...
Well not according to this "expert":

View attachment 515761

You guys are idiots...really. Just idiots. Why this board allows you guys to just post lie after lie, day after day, is a riddle.

Kinda like the "experts" who claim 600F burning jet fuel caused 2200F molten steel in the south tower....

Zionist "experts" are experts at lying....
You fucks played trump like a fiddle with Covid. He still has no clue.

$10 trillion loss to America to fudge an election with fraud ballots - democrat and Zionist "patriotism" for all to see....

Try it again with the spring flu aka the "delta variant" - you lie about death and the cause. You fooled America once. Not twice...

So many of them are still fooled and are still SO afraid, it's unreal to me. Yes, it's a virus. Yes, for some it's really serious.

But just the level of sheer terror in some. It's a real problem
Kinda like the "experts" who claim 600F burning jet fuel caused 2200F molten steel in the south tower....

Zionist "experts" are experts at lying....

Kinda like the "experts" who swear no planes hit the towers despite tons of debris from aircraft.

It takes a special kind of idiot to believe the bullshit you produce. You and SweetSue92 are just that special.

I couldn't imagine what type of offspring you'd would probably be a potato.
Kinda like the "experts" who swear no planes hit the towers despite tons of debris from aircraft.

It takes a special kind of idiot to believe the bullshit you produce. You and SweetSue92 are just that special.

I couldn't imagine what type of offspring you'd would probably be a potato.

I am not in any way a 9/11 "truther" or whatever. What happened is what happened.

The vaccines suck and are failing.

Deal with it or don't, I don't really care. But you seem strangely obsessed with me and I think it's because I am presenting you with facts you don't like. As in just thus far, 151 fully vaccinated people in Illinois have DIED of Covid.
More from the source:

That death toll reflects 1.78% of the 4,450 confirmed breakthrough cases and 0.0019% of the 4,195,844 people fully vaccinated as of July 10.

Put another way...the effectiveness of the vaccine is well over 99% in preventing death; pretty much what the vaccine companies said it would be.
I am not in any way a 9/11 "truther" or whatever. What happened is what happened.

The vaccines suck and are failing.

Deal with it or don't, I don't really care. But you seem strangely obsessed with me and I think it's because I am presenting you with facts you don't like. As in just thus far, 151 fully vaccinated people in Illinois have DIED of Covid.
Then you must be a zionist according to EMH . Just so you know, he's the type of shit bucket you're aligning yourself with....if I were you I'd take a hard look at who else thinks the vaccines don't work and wonder why I'm standing with them.

I know why you're standing with them.

You're an idiot. As dumb as a box of rocks. You don't read your own source--the one that says the vaccine is well over 99% effective in preventing deaths from covid 19.
So many of them are still fooled and are still SO afraid, it's unreal to me. Yes, it's a virus. Yes, for some it's really serious.

But just the level of sheer terror in some. It's a real problem

You still do not have it. Covid left the US last May. They simply called the normal fall flu "Covid" to justify absentee ballots.

Fall flu diagnosed at 3% of normal, because 97% were lied to and told they had Covid.

Flu kills 50-70k per year. Covid killed 30k Americans last year and has not existed since last May.

Dealt variant = spring flu

It has been a total fraud the whole time, which is why those pushing it are caught over and over not masking or distancing.

They know.

What was in the shot we saw traitor Joe get?

Likely WATER.

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