CDC: Accidental car deaths 2013...35,369. Accidental gun deaths 2013...505.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I love posting highlights how foolish the gun grabbers are....

too many average Americans who don't follow the issue think gun accidents are at an all time high...when in fact they are going down, not up........

CDC Report 35 369 Vehicle Accident Deaths 505 Gun Accident Deaths - Breitbart

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) final report on death statistics for 2013 shows there were 35,369 deaths from motor vehicle accidents versus 505 deaths from the accidental discharge of firearms.

That is not a typo—35,369 versus 505. Americans are 70 times more likely to die in a vehicle accident than by the accidental discharge of a firearm.

Yet Michael Bloomberg, Moms Demand Action, and Everytown for Gun Safety have not uttered a peep about Ford, Dodge, or Toyota control. They are utterly consumed with a new gun control push framed around accidental firearm deaths.

Again—35,369 deaths from motor vehicle accidents versus 505 accidental deaths from firearms. Just reading that ratio creates a sinking feeling in your stomach that perhaps the pursuit of gun control is totally unfounded.

So...once you look at murders by hands and feet....more than by long guns in general and way more than AR-15s in see that the anti-gun nuts are not interested in people who are killed...they are interested in their fear of guns.....and that is what motivates them, not the death of innocents...their time could be better spent preventing car accidents, but because they have a phobia about guns...they want to deny all Americans their birth right......the right to self defense.....
And Americans are 7,000 times more likely to drive, so your figures are out the window. Run along, silly boy.

Doesn't matter how much more they drive.....pile up the,369 guns 505....

You gun grabbers never say....criminals are more likely to murder innocent people so focus on say grab all guns...make it more difficult for normal law abiding people to own guns even though they aren't the ones killing people.....

it isn't about criminals, it isn't about gun guys have an irrational fear of guns....this post demonstrates that....

your energy would be put to better use stopping accidental auto would save more lives...but no.....

You just want to get rid of guns...
You are being irrational yet once again.

No one is coming to take your guns. Believe me, if it were me coming as LEO, I would have you r guns, and you would be in jail or worse.

You are nothing but a yeller.
2015...... The first time our country will see more gun deaths than auto deaths

Thank the NRA
2015...... The first time our country will see more gun deaths than auto deaths

Thank the NRA

That is a lie....the only way to get that number higher is the anti gunners include suicide into the number...even though Japan, where no one owns guns....and South Korea.....have 2 times the suicide rate as the United States....

so deaths....35,369 accidental gun deaths....505

no way you gun grabbers can get around that number......

gun murders (mostly by gang members and drug dealers) 2013... 8,454 self defense with a gun on average each year 1.6 million times.....
And of course, the first posts by gun grabbers are either naive, or outright lies.......good job.....
When are you people going to get it? Comparing cars and guns is a logical fallacy. It is a false analogy. You absolutely do not convince anyone who may be anti-gun with this argument because it has no strength. Guns and cars are not analogous in any way.

There is no relevant similarity between guns and cars any more than there would be a relevant similarity between anything in the world that causes injury or death. Nearly everything in life is potentially deadly: life itself leads to death.

Cars have a valid, real, and useful purpose in life.

Guns are meant to destroy or kill.

There is nothing analogous about them.
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505 accidental gun deaths
32,000 on purpose

Thank the NRA

That is a lie.....they include suicides....the only way they can get a big they are lying....

car deaths 35,369 accidental gun deaths 505

Dead is other nation on earth would tolerate 32000 gun deaths

Thank your second amendment
505 accidental gun deaths
32,000 on purpose

Thank the NRA

no, 8,454 on purpose....suicides do not count since so many other countries with complete gun bans have more suicides than we do....they don't count....

many other nations tolerate a higher suicide over 40,000 dead...far more than us.... deaths...35,369 accidental gun deaths 505

Since guns are Right, and not a priveldge, any attempt at those things are equal to poll taxes and literacy tests for voting....and therefore are unconstitutional......

None of those things would impact your second amendment rights......what are you afraid of?

They all impact law abiding citizens and do nothing to stop gun crime....criminals will not submit to any of those items, and requiring them for the exercise of a Right is unConstitutional........same as poll taxes and literacy tests for voting......

That is a lie.....they include suicides....the only way they can get a big they are lying....

car deaths 35,369 accidental gun deaths 505

Dead is other nation on earth would tolerate 32000 gun deaths

Thank your second amendment
505 accidental gun deaths
32,000 on purpose

Thank the NRA

no, 8,454 on purpose....suicides do not count since so many other countries with complete gun bans have more suicides than we do....they don't count....

many other nations tolerate a higher suicide over 40,000 dead...far more than us.... deaths...35,369 accidental gun deaths 505

Anyone who has ever lost a love one to suicide know that they count

32,000 times a gun has been use "on purpose" to kill someone
The asshole OP brags about only 505 "accidents"

We are the only nation on earth that would tolerate such carnage

Since guns are Right, and not a priveldge, any attempt at those things are equal to poll taxes and literacy tests for voting....and therefore are unconstitutional......

None of those things would impact your second amendment rights......what are you afraid of?

They all impact law abiding citizens and do nothing to stop gun crime....criminals will not submit to any of those items, and requiring them for the exercise of a Right is unConstitutional........same as poll taxes and literacy tests for voting......
Sure they do

If you sell your gun to a criminal without a license to have a gun, you go to jail

Make you think twice about who you sell to doesn't it?

That is a lie.....they include suicides....the only way they can get a big they are lying....

car deaths 35,369 accidental gun deaths 505

Dead is other nation on earth would tolerate 32000 gun deaths

Thank your second amendment
505 accidental gun deaths
32,000 on purpose

Thank the NRA

no, 8,454 on purpose....suicides do not count since so many other countries with complete gun bans have more suicides than we do....they don't count....

many other nations tolerate a higher suicide over 40,000 dead...far more than us.... deaths...35,369 accidental gun deaths 505

Anyone who has ever lost a love one to suicide know that they count

32,000 times a gun has been use "on purpose" to kill someone
The asshole OP brags about only 505 "accidents"

We are the only nation on earth that would tolerate such carnage

Sorry....suicides are due to mental illness, not Japan and South Korea show if someone wants to kill themselves they will...guns are not the issue.......

and again... car accidents 35,369 gun accidents 505

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