CBS NEWS poll: 85% of viewers approved of Biden’s speech


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

This is fucking real. :banana: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
Seems accurate to me.
Personally I was bummed because the speech and counter speech and talking heads went past my local fox channel's early news ... forcing me to watch some of it, because both the Braves and Dodgers games were long decided (BOTH WON!! but them Padres look good) And I wanted to be in bed before 10:30

Fox sounded like Trump was never President and Biden was being uber partisan for even proposing New Dealish proposals. (Hint. Biden really is a Truman Fair Deal guy, but he's known to compromise)

CBS sounded like the dems have 60 votes in the Senate and AOC didn't just cost them 20 seats in the House.
I have no doubt that is accurate. . . I mean. . . who the hell bothered to watch it?
Presumably all those Youtube downvoters or were they just lying? It could very well be that the same people went to every channel carrying the speech and down voted without watching, just to skew the results. It was probably a relatively small group funded by RW Fake News outlets. If they can make up stories about Kamala Harris' book and beef bans, this would be a no-brainer. Which is a good thing for them, because most of them don't have brains.
CBS more than likely had less viewers his speech than the Academy Awards.

This is fucking real. :banana: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
Seems accurate to me.
Only the stay at home, wheres my welfare check dregs watched it.

Why wouldnt one want to know what plans the Dems have for the nation?

I dont understand this mind set at all.

If you are not going to follow what is going on, do not fucking complain when you get fucked.

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