Big Blue Machin
This is a very good thing. The Bush adminstration needs to take steps to reduce the deficit NOW, not in a year or two. But the bad part is that he will cut all the money out of social sercuity and medicare. I'm for budget cutting, but everyone needs to suffer the pain of budget cuts, not just the social services. The military budget is 1 trillion (or 400 billion, I can't remember which one). You can take 5% out of that, and not affect anything.
This is a very good thing. The Bush adminstration needs to take steps to reduce the deficit NOW, not in a year or two. But the bad part is that he will cut all the money out of social sercuity and medicare. I'm for budget cutting, but everyone needs to suffer the pain of budget cuts, not just the social services. The military budget is 1 trillion (or 400 billion, I can't remember which one). You can take 5% out of that, and not affect anything.